DAYBREAK's Comments

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Hello, I would very much like to make you an offer: o I can offer you art if you wish: o

it can be: Icon / Bust / Halfbody / Full Body / Chibi / Custom depending on what you want :D I added some fairly recent art so here is the link to my art gallery if you also have any questions don't hesitate not to pause them I could answer you with pleasure :)

My Art Gallery:

Hi!! I can offer 2 fullbodies and 2 halfbodies :D
art examples here!! 

I can do three flat fulls and a shaded bust? [Any style within my art examples is available for me to do! Most are organized as subgalleries] [My tat is from 2-7 days!]

CREATURE.. im in love.... i can offer like any art that values to $15 idek just as much art in th value <]