
Bought from Tev via Twitter for $40 on 12.11.2022


Gael is the name he uses for his vampiric self after he got transformed.


Theo is the middle child of Gertha and Harris and often overlooked, ignored or not taken seriousely. While he had alot of skills in biochemistry, biologie and mathematics, having his interests in supporting the knowledge. He loves to read books, enjoys games and has a soft voice which he uses now and then for his friends voice acting channel.
While he was a smart guy, he was also very shy on big crowds, standing in the spotlight or admitting his feelings. Making him a very known  "Nerd"
Still having to help out his mother in the bakery, often times delivery or even helping out in the back.
This was more the only time he had with his mom as she was very busy and had alot to handle with the other siblings.
His mother praises him on the bakery as he is quite talented.

His older brother Dawson is a lawbreaker and more than once got into trouble (part of a gang) and drives a motorbike. He is quite different to Mateo as he tends to smoke, swear and doesn´t take ** from anyone as he says what he thinks. (later in story get´s bitten and turned to a werewolf, but still the same good guy towards his brother and sis)
Age: 25

The older Brother Owen over him is a business guy and like his father, more work than caring. It was on the money part to get to that sweet success. An arrogant type and 2 years older.

The older sister Charlene (Charlie nicknamed), (twin of his older brother) is more of a freelance and doens´t like to work. She is very creative and can tease but in all cares for her lil brother. Despite the parents arguing, she is the only one who knows how she is. Is in a huge fight with the parents though and neither can stand when she is around. So mostly not at home, and if then either drunk or quielty up. She is very skilled with kids, can fix and repair  (mechanical skills) and is art creative (loves to draw)
She has a close friend called Margo (best friend and hangs aroound with)

The twins are age 22 (Owen and Charlie)

Mateo is the middle kid with age 20

His younger sister Mollie is a typical "Spoiled brat" and knows how to play her cards. Taking all the attention when she feels like it. Even for a young age, quite bossy around and loves to tattletail and see others get scolded. Wanting more attention and more than others, making things hard.
Age: 12

Youngest brother Anthony is a handful as all attention is needed on him. At age 3 the "me" and "mine" phase can be present alot. Usually babysat by the caretaker, Mateo or at times the siblings. Whenever possible
The older sister is usually very handy with kids as she has a good feeling of it. (best)

Mateo´s dad is a workaholic and usually spends time in the labs, making new substances, trying to find cures and has a strong opinion when it comes to the supernatural (as he himself has experienced it himself even if not admitting it). He does praise his son when Mateo comes over to bring food the father often forgot at home and supports a bit with formula and helping.

It´s more on the family side that Mateo wants to prove himself and the others, that he isn´t a shy guy  and backs away.
Physically weak, mostly get´s beaten in school or "corrected" when saying the truth he witnessed.
Even if he is afraid, he knows there is always someone in need and he will stand up and take any blow if it means the other is safe.
He doens´t show shame in his passion, he does blush and get shy alot. Feelings are not easy for him as having love in general means opening yourself up to the other. And that´s a part he fears that some hate how he is. More than often discovering this and seeing it around, he doesn´t give up.

Having later "friends" who use his knowledge on things and talent for their own purpose. he knows... he is not dumb but he fears if he tells them off, that he is alone again and noone would appreciate the real him.

it took a while for him as he got alot of backlash. Up until his birthday came up.

Meeting Theo
It was in one of the known bars and small restaurants combined that had Theo look up and seeing there was a human guy celebrating his birthday but.. with weird friends around. The gal he wanted to ask out, dumped him on the spot and his so called "friends" used him to get free drinks and didn´t bother on presents. Seeing this poor human, so shy but with alot of passion in eyes he could see, making a decision. At first it was just to cheer him up, spending drinks for him, talking and getting into an interesting chat. Up into the late night, the guy had no idea what was going on, waking up in bed of a strange room.
Nothing had happened even though Theo wanted to.. he wanted to give him a good time.. later biting for some blood and just leave but.. The half naked guy who walked in as he had a shower saw the confused look and the  bashful expression, finding it rather cute.
A soft talk that nothing  had happened and that he will make sure to make his day special since  last night wasn´t how he thought it would go.
Unusual for Theo, but he found this human.. interesting.
Spending  a day with him, buying him things came naturally..he enjoyed seeing  this sad guy from last night smile wide and be relieved..
It was there Theo wanted to visit him more often. 

What he didn´t plan, came naturally and later growing closer to this human. To a point he was so distracted and thinking of him that he didn´t drink blood in over a week..Making the one day he stayed over in the apartment to a very interesting szenario, where this lil human saw his real self. Handling it pretty well, making a promise and a talk later on.

With Mateo knowing his secret, even more supporting him. As Theo supported him in return. A strong bond growing and also the topic later on with dating and messing around.
While Theo had his lil needs, seeing as Mateo was a lil jealous of him sleeping around (without  knowing why at start) bringing a scenery and the two to kiss. Flustered, Mateo had no idea the same gender was ok. Making Theo see the  side of this innocent guy. It took a while and he was patient, showing all what there was. For the 19 year old this was new level of  interesting things.

Leading to Mateo and him sleep together for  the first time after Mateo had his first experiences with a female half a  year later.
It was as Mateo was 20, his birthday  celebrating around a new circle of new people and the one he cared for..  Confessing his feelings to Theo who was surprised, getting an armband  as a gift. The vampire at first was smiling but it changed as he knew this couldn´t happen. Denying himself the feelings as he left the room.
Later  returning to a devastated Mateo wanting to jump, in process Theo caught  him in flight and giving a speach and why he first went off. Afraid to  lose him, afriad his loved one will age and die without him. Confessing  in full his love and concern.
The two talked it out and remained in the room for the night to process it all.

As a promise came from Theo, that if he is willing to spend the rest of his life with him, that he would give it a try.
So they came together and things got better than ever.
Among the very protectice vampire defending his mate from other vampires or ones who wanted the cutie Mateo.

It was a time that passed by for both. The connection got tighter, their  love more and having small up and downs resolved thanks to talking.  Mateo learning the ways of his boyfriends as he had more confidence over  time. While still bashfully shy at times, Theo loved his mate.

4 years passed and theo looked at his lovely mate. For 24, Mateo was something  he loved even more. But.. knowing time would pass by. Giving Theo on his  25th birthday a gift and asking if he wanted to marry him. Not only  that but if he was willing to become his vampire mate for life.. Meaning  he would turn him.
Having the love and trust, Mateo wanted this more than ever if it meant to be with his beloved.
Getting a "Vampire wedding" as Mateo was turned and bitten, making him one of them.

It was a night to remember for sure. 

After the change and new Mateo (his hair now white as it had the soft spark)  started to create a pill for vampires and products they could take in  case they needed (and no humans around)
A type of "Smoothie" or can  of "soda" making the underground label "charming night" ((among many)  Theo supported with his money and company.
Making them to the amazing  duo they are today. Supporting humans and vampires all the while  hagving nothing but true love and a lil chaos.

To him:
-Used to have different haircolor before he got transformed
-still feels very guilty when biting someone for blood, even if it helps his body (a reason he later makes the pills and products)
-soft spoken and a sweet guy as he doesnt want to fight
-earring on the side stops from burning in the sun or get feral when hungry. A special crafted item that is crucial for him as this protects him and others (from his vampiric state)
-has a birthmark on his cheek, under the eye that is formed like a heart.
-loves to bake small treats (cookies, muffins and cupcakes)
