


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

One Sentence Description

Life is a happy, fun person, who most people love to be around, but he will not hesitate to murder anyone who threatens those he cares about.

Greatest Weakness

Too trusting

Worst Habit

blowing small caverns in the wall when angry.


He wears black pants, a purple hoodie, and a navy blue shirt

Greatest fear

His greatest fear is that he will lose someone else.



One of the two beings created by Alilam and Tevane, Life is the god responsible for Creating all new life in the world. 

The beings that fall under his jurisdiction are the living, and awakened souls. 

Despite his General laziness and relaxed attitude, Life is actually much stronger than his brother. He is usually the one that will go after a threat, leaving Doom to keep things in order.

The first memory Life has is of waking up for the first time. He was sitting in a small meadow, leaning against a tree. next to him was Doom. It was one of the only moments they felt peaceful together. 

Recently, Life help a young spirit (Nefeli), who had woken up early, reach the king's castle. He was immediately confronted by Doom, who insisted they take care of the soul. Life refused, resulting in him getting killed by his brother.

HE floated in the void for a while, before coming back in the body and mind of a 7 year old. While he does have flashes of memory, for the most part he does not currently remember his previous life. He grew an immediate attachment to Nefeli, and seems to consider her an older sister.

Life is very kind, but if ANYTHING happens to someone he cares about, the culprit has 5 seconds to live. 3 for him to find him, 1 for him to teleport, and 1 for him to kill  them.

He is good at controlling his actions, unless someone he knows is hurt. he will then after lose control, pounding them with attack after attack until they have been wiped from the universe.