


1 year, 6 months ago
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Little lore about this baby.. (I have a lot in store for her!)

Firstly, She lives in exomoon Pandora, (From avatar basically) She is NOT a Na'vi, BUT she is slightly based on them. She's 6'2, She's fluffy, and she's more of an animal, yet she is smart enough to learn the languages of the Na'vi. 

Her clan consists of just her family, she doesn't contact them, mostly since she likes to explore on her own, and learn more about the animals, along with the "sky people". Her mother warns her of the danger of going out on her own since her whole tribe died out beside her family. 

Not a lot of people know her existence, she's very animal-like, and she can walk on all fours (if needed) she likes walking more like the na'vi since she enjoys how they look, and how they dress. She hasn't gone fully exploring too far from home, she is still young, she's 18, and she's supposed to be bonded to another. She doesn't have any luck finding another person she enjoys, she's mostly alone on all her adventures, and she eventually wants to find a way into getting into the Na'vi clan. (Mostly since they are intrigued by them, wanting to learn more and more.) 

Her appearance consists of a lot of piercings, she's kind of a light skin-looking color, along with brown fur, and she has a lot of patterns in her fur. She has very fluffy, and huge curly hair, with big fluffy ears. Her tail mostly looks more like a cat moving when she does most things. She has very orange mixed with brownish eyes and little dot eyebrows. Her paws are very small and fluffy, yet she has very, very sharp nails, mostly to keep her balance and climb trees to look over and watch her prey as well.

I will be adding to this story, more than I get the art of her and her home.