
1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Nolan

Species: Human

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Weight: Roughly 157lbs

Personality: Charismatic, Resourceful, Playful, Messy, Impatient, Occasionally Arrogant

Likes: Leatherworking, Ground/Rock types, Feeling efficient, Larger Pokémon, Being recognized for achievements

Dislikes: Being perceived as weak, Not having a Pokémon, Rejection 

Relationship Status: Single

Party: Humus (Mudsbray, Male)

Bio: At a young age, Nolan had always desperately tried to find a Pokémon he could call his own. However, Nolan didn't want any ordinary Pokémon, he wanted a partner, someone he could form an unbreakable bond with. Nolan had the chance to catch several Pokémon over the course of his childhood, however he'd always let them go; repeatedly telling himself "This one isn't the one, next time..." however that "next time" had never seemed to come. At the ripe age of 19, Nolan still has yet to get a Pokémon, will his day come soon?