Cassiel (Forsaken Angel)



1 year, 7 months ago



Vessel - Augmented [R]

Eye Type - Sealed [S]

Ear Type - Single Down [C]

Baubles - None [C]

Horn Type - Connected [R]

Horn Subtype - Natural [C]

Tail - Short [C]

Tail Subtype - Bald [C]

Power Gem - None [C]

Name: Cassiel

Age: ???

Gender: He/them

Occupation: Caretaker of abandoned temple turned cemetery

Bio: Once the head of a modest temple, Cassiel had everything-A faithful congregation, a lovely adorned place to live, a sense of purpose. Time did what time does, his people moved for a newly developing city, a grander temple, leaving him and his temple to time and the elements. All was forgotten, hiding himself away in the now ruins of his old temple, unable to bring himself to leave his old home behind. 

In time, humans slowly started turning his lands into their burial grounds, slowly decorating his lands with various headstones and markers, with softly burning candles, even they stopped coming in time. He never dared make his presence known, lingering back and watching afar, only coming out to give company and solace to those souls left in his ground.

Now Cassiel is alone again, with only his graveyard for company and ruins to call his home. He longs to return to his own kind, to have companionship and community, but how could he leave the home he’s known so long?