


1 year, 7 months ago


“A Fox-hearted fiend I am, hm?”




“Fox Heart”


Atha, Ath




44 Moons


Buttercup Hills






Nimble, Keen, Fast Reflexes


Perfectionist, Multi-tasker, Overly Competitive


A cream and pink-ish colored doe with raspberry colored stripes and a thick fur around her neck.


4.6 Whiskers


+ Valiant
+ Charismatic
+ Diligent
= Grounded
= Flirtatious

= Humble
_ Vain
_ Resentful
_ Domineering


Eventide (NPC)




Etheth’Nildro _ Mother
Ethile’Hyaothil - Sister
Bralant’Bralnao - Brother




None…yet /hj


Atha was born to a small family, consisting of her mother and two siblings. Though, mother was a bit odd… they were all told; Mother loves them as long as they are useful, mother will protect as long as they are pretty. Though Atha was the “jewel” of the family. And mother might just love her more. “My Little Flower. You are Homba’Atha” those words plagued the kit’s mind. This was when her name had been earned, learning to bounce back to her mother when she called her over.


Once she was of age, Atha became a Muddypaw. And much to her mother’s disdain, an Owsla muddypaw. “Oh my sweet Flower, why do you want such a job? Fighting will litter your pretty fur!” Atha always ignored the words of her mother. And eventually started to train under Eventide, the doe was fair and fairly laid back. Yet serious when needed. She never went easy on Atha, making sure she could actually defend herself.


Once Eventide decided she was ready. She allowed Atha to become an Owsla. Despite being dedicated to her job, Atha always found time to laze around and have a rest from time to time. Though she was valiant and serious when required. And eventually, she was granted a Muddypaw. Despite his namesake, Chicken was no chicken. Quite the opposite actually, Chicken was rowdy and impatient. His mother having spoiled him to the brim. Though, he genuinely seemed to enjoy training and was willing to drag Atha to train him. Though she’d find amusement in falling asleep on top of him instead.

Discord Username


Rp Example:

May didn't fail to notice Bearberry's delight. It was all in the body language after all, she thought it was sort of... amusing in a way. Oh this friendship was going to do amazing if everything went well. She gave Bearberry a grin at his bold statement, letting out a small laugh before replying "Oh ho ho! It's on!" "I'm very sure that my paws and teeth can draw blood! I may be small but I'm sure not fragile that's for sure!" She exclaimed, her tone was prickly. As if she was trying to irritate him with her statements "I'M NOT WEAK! NEVER WILL BE!" She snapped out viciously, this. This was rather entertaining now! Dismay shook herself, her mix-matched was littered with dirt from the times she was on the ground. "Uh-uh! You are very loud, I bet all the warrens felt the vibration of your voice!" She said, cackling. bad hearing? she tilted her head as she looked up at the buck's ears. "Well that wasn't obvious at all" She thought. Soon shaking it free from her mind. She blinked twice as he tapped on her face, giving him a slightly annoyed grin. She could hear Bearberry calling her name while she was fighting to not get a concussion. No way in hell was she visiting the healer's! "Shit! Shit! Shit!" She thought to herself, her mind raced with pain as the ring was still shooting through her skull. "Get up you fool! You have to get up!" Her mind snapped at her, imagine if this was a war and she was in this position. She would most certainly be taken by death herself, but there was no way she was about to let some stupid pain get in her way! Never! Soon strength and adrenaline coursed through her veins. She could only imagine the pain her opponent felt as she hurled herself into his chest. Quite literally knocking the wind out of him. She internally panicked as he let out a wheeze, another twinge of guilt slammed into her as she drew blood from him, from what she could make it out was a small scratch.

She immediately backed up with a worried look "Shit-" she said as she watched him cough and wheeze. She shook her head vigorously as if to clear her mind, when she looked back she saw him lunge at her. She instinctively raised her paw and landed a small swipe at his back leg. (4 hit) Watching him hit the stone floor, she ran up to him Oh motherf- Dismay bit her lip as she nudged him, backing up in surprise as he started to wheeze and breathe heavily "Oh Lepus-" She said with a nervous and worried look in her eyes. She sighed with relied as he started to talk again, she looked at him as he pitifully tried to defend his honor. "You're..." She started, stopping to let out a cough as exhaustion began to take over, as well as the feeling of pain. "You're a...good fighter." she managed to say, her heart slamming against her chest. She wondered if it was loud enough for everyone to hear at this point.

Plot Death

Yes uvu

Cause of Death

Killed in a skirmish