
1 year, 7 months ago


she/her, taken, Lesbian

Ian is a woman in her 20's. She met Mo when they were children in elementary school after defending her from bullies. Ian is about 5'0" and likes to wear cute dresses and skirts. It's rare to see her without a cute plush or character bag. As a kid she was often forced to wear hand-me-downs from her older brothers because she was very rough-and-tumble. Her mom did not like trying to get out stains and repairing rips in cute little dresses and stockings, and Ian did not know how to play gently. She is a very hard worker and is currently in school to become a veterinarian. She works part-time at a book store, which allows her time to study or do homework.

She and Mo began dating in high school and now live together in a small apartment. She has a plan for their future together and can't wait until they own a little house together, full of love, acceptance, and laughter. Right now their biggest fights are about Mo not keeping a job and worrying about how they're going to pay the bills. They always find a way to work it out, though!