


6 years, 2 months ago


Fraser | Male | Canaan Dog Mix

[Gifted February 2018]

Although Fraser usually comes across as calm and level-headed, he has a rough and gritty  a tendency to jump into the thick of things without thinking first. He's very brash with a "do first and ask questions later" type of attitude. While he is a bit reckless when it comes to his own life, he is intent on protecting others, especially those he is close to. He's a man of his word, never breaking a promise once he's made it. He's also skeptical of superstitions, not really believing things sometimes unless it's right in his face.


Originally born in America, Fraser abandoned his broken family and was sent to an orphanage in Cairo, Egypt. Once he was released, he began making deals and going on small adventures across the world. He developed a love for travelling and trading, and even dabbled in a few schemes that may have bordered on criminal activity. 

Eventually, he found himself in the Egyptian army, though he was only there for a short time as he was deemed too brash and impulsive. He later spent time in a Cairo prison for an incident at a bar, where he met a female Shepherd dog named Ankh. She saved him from being executed for the promise of treasure. After that, the two went on numerous adventures, exploring all corners of Egypt. While Ankh remains in a royal position, Fraser prefers a grittier way of living searching for treasures, trading valuables, and even doing the occasional odd job just for the thrill of it!