Candra 'Orhna'



6 years, 6 months ago


-Born female, prefers to be more "androgynous" . All and any pronouns are acceptable.  Prefers, none, gets a kick of their pronoun addressing used interchangeably. 

- A person of the arts, a writer and artist of an "extreme level"

-She puts her literal blood and tears into her work, her ink is literally her black blood. She cries tears as she fills her inkwells. Its all for ART.

-Art > before anything. She will do anything for a reference. They're friends with Bowie ( a photographer and unofficial botanist) for some of their references. 

-He's not one for semantics, but is easily moved when it comes to things for art.

-Very serious about their work, takes criticism with volatile uncertainty. 

- "Orhna" is their penname/alias, none of her fans (do those exist????) know who he is. Only close friends and maybe their family...maybe

-Like mentioned before they will do anything for references, commit murder? Okay. Go buy drugs and resell them to double check prices, okay? Fight the underground crime syndicates temporarily? Of course. Who wouldn't?

-Also if your blood isn't the typical red, be careful you might not want to let them know, you might get drained for paint or something if its unique enough.

Breeding Slots:

1. Loki's/dopperugengaa's Angramanyu 

2. Closed

3. Fawx's

Cooldown ends May 24th

[Name :

Candra or Chandra, pronunciation is the same as "Khandra"

In Indonesian  Candra is a reincarnation of the love goddess whose name means "to glisten like the moon"

Chandra in Hindi it just means moon and is also the name of their moon god.  So the spelling for Candra I chose to be as a double for moon moon]