🔮Raven & sapphire☃️



6 years, 3 months ago



Names: Raven & sapphire

Gender: both female

Species: Raven- (shadow dragon) sapphire- (snow dragon)

Raven: A small young dragon who cannot yet fly, Taken in by sapphire when she was just a baby. She sees sapphire as an older sister and does her best to make her happy. Despite her small size, she seems to be the more courageous of the two, and not afraid to stand her ground against things twice her size.

Quiet and curious, she always wants to learn more about the world around her but has also grown much more cautious from the constant dangers they encounter. Raven is also very untrusting of anyone except sapphire and can be very protective over her if anything so much as dares to threaten them. When she is angry or stressed she uses dark magic and becomes so powerful that she loses control of herself and will attack anything on sight. Both dragons get their power and nutrients from crystals, the purple ones are Raven's favorite. She also hates/is terrified of jellyfish for whatever reason.

Sapphire: A sleek white dragon from the alps and a gentle giant. Sapphire acts as an older sister to raven, she found her all alone when she was just a baby after a terrible tragedy struck their homes and decided to look after her. Sapphire has a kind heart and calm aura but is incredibly shy, and even though she rarely shows it, also has terrible anxiety. About the future, and about potential threats. She puts most of her focus on finding safe places to live, food, and keeping raven safe. When raven gets upset and loses control of herself she tries everything she can to calm her down even if she gets hurt in the process. Raven of course feels terrible about it afterwards but sapphire reassures her that it's not her fault. Both dragons get their power and nutrients from crystals, sapphire particularly favors the blue ones.
