


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Amira Amodyte
Name Pronunciation: Ah-mee-ruh Ah-moh-dye-t
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Birthday: November 10th
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: None
Family: Unknown
Current Rank: Pack Watcher/Fighter
Species: Poison
Element: Poison
Marked/Symbolized/Mutated: Yes/No/No

Amira is a hardworking and tough individual, she acts as if she's always working even when she isn't. She is vigilant and protective, always looking out for the pack. She is kind-hearted and fun to be around once one gets around her tough exterior.

Amira was the pack leader's eldest daughter or "princess" of a Poison wolf pack originally before she left to travel, not wanting to lead a pack. She later joined the Cosmos Pack, led by Luneara and Konlancy, which had a few members of other species mixed in, and became one of their top fighters. She trains every day to be better and does everything she can to show thanks to her leader for accepting her into the pack. Not much else is known about her since she doesn't like talking about her birth pack or family. Even though she's tough to get through to, a Mud wolf packmate named Darun has befriended her. She has a small crush on him, but she hasn't admitted it to anyone, and for right now, she doesn't plan on it.