$15's Comments

how much were you looking to get for him?? ;A; i can offer points, cash, art and trades..

@decipher wheeze s sorry about the late reply! Ah, I'm kinda looking for points, preferably around 1000 points if you add up the totals ;v; But feel free to offer whatever you'd like, and I will definitely consider!!

@Decipher hey! Would you still be interested in offering for him? ;;

mhm! very much so actually ^^

unfortunately i had quite a few of my points stolen from me so i am unable to offer those, but I can still give art, characters, customs, or possibly cash after my paycheck.

ty for letting me know c:

Ahh omg that's terrible!!!!! Oh man, sorry about that :'( could you note me over dA ( http://caqes.deviantart.com ) with your offer? I'll definitely consider!! :^)

sent u note c: