
1 year, 7 months ago


ROSE (she/her) 10 years old in !! timeline, has a eight years gap with her sibling, Lou. Class : 1-B Circle(s) : ES Lessons, Gardenia Height : 165cm Personality : Rose is pretty introverted. She is soft-spoken and is kind of naive as well. She’s been sheltered all her life, either by her parents or by Lou, in different ways. Thanks to Lou she has developed a strong interest in music and being on stage and is pretty obsessed with trying to follow in her big sibling’s footsteps and try to catch up to them. She always wears a smile on her face and is kind to everyone, friends and strangers. She doesn’t have many close friends beside her childhood best friend, Yún Yì, who she’s more open with. Other than her, Rose never vents to anyone and keeps everything to herself, which deeply saddens Lou. More about her : Seeing how Lou had escaped their very tightly planned education, Rose’s parents pushed all of her sibling’s expectations onto her. Because of that, Rose didn’t have much friends growing up because of how little free time she ended up having. Whenever they were able to do so, Lou would take Rose away to show her things that were forbidden at home… Together, they went to concerts, amusement parks and Lou would even sneak her into the ES dorms, to spend some time with their friends in Cirque. The more they grew up, the more courageous Lou became when it came to confronting their parents, and tried to create a healthier environment for Rose. Sadly, that would usually backfire, and Rose’s parents would put the blame on her and make her work harder for the time she had wasted playing around with Lou. Lou was unaware of how hard their parents actually were towards Rose, until one day Rose finally told Lou the truth after holding onto too much. After the siblings cried in each other’s arms, Lou went to their parents to confront them about the situation and threatened them to take Rose away for good, making them lose both of their children. After that, Rose’s parents were much less harsh towards her. Rose would often go see Cirque’s performances, and Lou shined the brightest in her eyes. Looking up to them so much, Rose started studying music, promising herself she will one day catch up to her sibling. Before enrolling in Yumenosaki, Rose was invited to start a small idol group with some friends of hers. Despite being over the moon, Rose soon realized that her friends and her had very different goals, and that her teammates only considered music as a hobby, something to do on weekends and not really pursue as a career. Because of their lack of effort, Rose was very disappointed in how little attention their group received, and decided to try again, elsewhere. Once Lou left the dorms and started living on their own after Cirque disbanded, they waited to get a stable income and took Rose in, to live with together, finally giving her a chance to escape their parents grip entirely. When they started living together, Lou was 25 and Rose got 16 years old and successfully enrolled Yumenosaki along with her childhood best friend, Yún Yì.