Basic Info

Clone Captain CT-3534 "Firebrand"




Name (Nickname): Firebrand

Number: CT-3534

Rank: Captain

Age: 12 (in actual years), but is biologically 24 due to accelerated aging that is present in all Jango Fett clones.

Gender: Male

Home planet: Kamino

-Physical Details-

 183 cm


Hair:  Black, partly shaven

Eyes:  Brown


  •  Always makes himself a cup of caf first thing in the morning (he can’t function without it!)
  •  Has strong opinions and comes up with daring strategies (luckily his General values this. His Commander, not so much.)
  •  Cleans his blaster at least twice a standard day/rotation/whatever goes for a day in Star Wars

Gestures/Mannerisms: Confident, smiles very often, he also knows he’s good looking and has that typical scoundrel smirk.

  Same as other clones (Dee Bradley Baker)

Scars:  Burn scar on his right cheek and jaw, cut over his nose. 

He got the burn scar on his first mission, back when he was just a shiny.  An angry Geonosian picked up a flamethrower from a dead flame trooper and set fire to the tunnel Firebrand and his squad were operating in. Despite not having insulated armour like the flame troopers, Firebrand managed to get his brothers out safely. He has worn the burn scar with  pride ever since. 

Firebrand doesn’t know how he got the cut over his nose because he has next to no memory of his youth due to having gone through reconditioning a couple of times. His closest  brothers say Firebrand got it when he got into a fight with a droid in the mess hall when he was just a boy. Apparently, Firebrand disagreed with the size of the rations he and the other kids in his squad got and  decided to say something about it, which he really shouldn’t have done because in addition to the scar he got he was sent off to be reconditioned (a.k.a. had his mind wiped) for the third time in his short life. He doesn’t remember why, but he’s distrusted droids ever since.


After Firebrand’s first mission on Geonosis where he quite literally underwent his first trial by fire, he decided to start painting his armour with a flame pattern (his Phase 1 and ARC-Trooper armours had flame patterns too, though he’s currently wearing Phase 2 with some ARC-Trooper gear as well).


Loves/Favourites:  Caf, his brothers and Jenna Borralis (his Jedi General). He loves to act as a mentor to his brothers and bring out the best in them. He’s also a huge flirt and loves it when he gets attention from the ladies.

Having to keep his relationship with Jenna a secret because he knows damn well it complicates the chain of command (and he feels guilty about it), when there’s no time to get his caf in the morning (he gets hella  grumpy), not just battle droids but droids in general due to the  incident in the mess hall (but he overcomes that hatred later on in his  life when he finds himself in a situation where he’s forced to work together with a friendly droid)

Ain’t much time for hobbies when you’re a clone trooper, but he spends a lot  of time painting and maintaining his armour. He also makes an excellent brew of caf in his spare time (if he wasn’t bred for war he would probably have ended up as a barista at your local Starwarsbucks)

Natural leader, Exceptionally deadly with a single hand blaster, Very creative when it comes to battle strategies, can make an excellent brew of caf.

Character Strengths: Charming, confident, protective, strong sense of justice, creative in his battle  strategies and really supportive of the brothers under his command. 

And the coinciding weaknesses:  Sometimes a little -too- confident (cocky), can be really opinionated and hard to convince at times, holds grudges for a loooong time/has difficulty  forgiving (he overcomes this later on). He was rebellious as a kid, but  the Kaminoans saw that as a flaw and suppressed that part of his personality through reconditioning. He is also a total flirt and can sometimes be a little manipulative, abusing his natural charm to get his  way.


  • Can’t function without caf 
  • Force-sensitive, but doesn’t know it (he finds out later on in his life)
  •  Favours a single blaster because while he can dual-wield and thinks it looks  cool, he also thinks it’s terribly impractical because you can’t aim down the sights properly when doing so. That, and he’s had his lucky  blaster Ms. Boltie ever since he was a shiny and so far, she hasn’t let him down (though that may not really have anything to do with luck, but  more with the fact that he’s Force-sensitive)
  • Has a big mouth
  • But also a big heart
  • Always concerned with the safety of his brothers and his Jedi General
  • Has no recollection of most of his childhood due to reconditioning
  • Did  -NOT- have his inhibitor chip removed because he never even knew it existed, but avoided Order 66 through pure, blind luck by not picking up his communicator and being in the wrong place at the right time: He never even heard the order. (Not having his chip removed will come back  to bite him later on though).

Most valued possessions: 

His blaster (Ms. Boltie) and the necklace his lover Jenna gave him right before she died.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

Chill AF, until he disagrees with someone. Then he’s not so chill anymore.  (Pro-tip: Don’t get on his bad side. He won’t forgive or forget.)
What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she display?

Firebrand  is a sweet guy who generally listens to orders, but he’s not scared to go against the grain if it helps save lives. He knows he’s charismatic and good-looking and will try to charm people into getting what he wants. He also tries very hard to hide his relationship with his General (emphasis on “tries”, it didn’t take very long for his closest brothers  to figure out what’s up but their loyalty to their Captain keeps them from snitching).

Does he/she have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

  • Absolutely  -NEEDS- caffeine. He gets angry, whiney and unhinged without it. (He  never got to try any until he got his own command and some privileges  because coffee/caf is considered a civilian luxury, but once he’d tried  some he became addicted)
  • Loves to lead his men, but ironically likes to be the bottom/submissive one in relationships
  • Gets restless without a cause to fight for
  •  Sometimes talks to his blaster as if it were a person (he affectionately nicknamed it “Ms. Boltie”)

What is his/her sexual preference/experience/values?

Got some, but not as much as he would like to due to his artificially short life and constantly being deployed into battle. He’s into women and  eventually fell in love with Jenna. They have been in a secret relationship ever since.


Setting:  A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away… But also during the Clone Wars and subsequent (Early) Empire era.

Educational background/other learning experiences: 

Same education as all other clone troopers, though he’s had ARC training too because of his rank.

Intelligence Level: 
Smartass. But definitely not Tech-level smart.

Family:  Dude’s a Jango Fett clone. He literally has millions of brothers, so I’m not  gonna list them all, but he’s closest with Ize, Crowbar, Blaze and  Torch. They’re his best friends/closest brothers and have been with him  ever since they were hatched from their vats.

Friends: See above, though I would add Jenna Borralis, his Jedi General and secret lover to the list as well. 


As a kid, Firebrand was a handful to the Kaminoans. He was rebellious and always protested when he felt like someone was being treated unfairly. Due to his charismatic nature, his brothers followed him into this kind of behaviour, which was a problem. Strangely, the Kaminoans found no genetic defects in him so rather than terminating him outright, Firebrand was forced to undergo mental reconditioning (a.k.a. had his brain wiped) three times before he settled into a more agreeable and far less troublesome demeanour. The Kaminoans majorly suppressed the rebellious side of Firebrand’s personality up to a point where he followed orders without question or hesitation like all of the other clones, and kept the parts where he was capable of thinking outside the box and capable of inspiring his brothers to follow his lead. The Kaminoans viewed it as a huge success and as proof that their brain reconditioning experiments worked exceptionally well. They watched his  development closely, then fast-tracked him into becoming a Clone Captain  when it became clear that he would make it through all of his training  with flying colours and without further incident.

Due  to the mind wipes, Firebrand has no memory of his youth before his  third bout of reconditioning, but he does know that Ize and Crowbar have been with him all his life. He regrets not remembering anything of his childhood except for his training, but he tries not to dwell on it too  much.

He became incredibly fond of his Jedi General Jenna Borralis, first blaming the attraction on having been programmed to do whatever a Jedi superior wanted, but later realising that there was more to it: Jenna sensed there was something different about the clone (he’s Force-sensitive) and decided to keep him close. He kept flirting with her and made her laugh and she eventually fell for him too. Knowing it would get them both into trouble, they both went along with it and tried to hide their relationship from both Firebrand’s  brothers and the Jedi Order, but they were doing a pretty terrible job of it because it didn’t take very long until rumours started circulating in the barracks: Some clones said they saw their Captain and the General kissing right before going into cryostasis, others said they often saw the Captain going up to their General’s office even when there  was nothing to report. Luckily, nobody had any proof for these claims  so there have been no repercussions, but if the war had gone on any longer than it did, there definitely would have been. 

Right before Order 66 was issued, Jenna called Firebrand up to her chamber on Coruscant to tell him that he was Force-sensitive. She gave him a gift, a simple necklace of a small crystal tied to a piece of leather string, and told him to wear it under his armour and always keep it close to his heart. They made love afterwards and they were still lying in bed when Firebrand’s communicator went off. He wanted to get dressed to take the call, but Jenna pushed him away from the device, looking troubled  and saying she felt a terrible disturbance in the Force. He first smiled at her confusedly, thinking she didn’t want him to pick up the  communicator because she wanted to have another go at it, then felt a  sharp pain in his head and his chest when he felt the disturbance too. He never heard the order outright, but knew something was wrong, felt he was supposed to be doing something terrible, when his brothers Ize and Crowbar stormed into the room, their blasters aimed at Jenna. Before  Firebrand even realised what was going on, his best friend Ize pulled the trigger and murdered his Captain’s lover in cold blood. Then, Ize aimed his blaster at the Captain, asking if he was willing to to comply  with the “order” because “good soldiers followed orders” (but he didn’t  mention the number 66, wrongly assuming Firebrand knew which order he  meant). Firebrand, still in shock, nodded and said of course he’d comply and that he would be with them shortly if they could at least let him have the dignity to put on his clothes. Ize kept aiming down his sights, but Crowbar put his hand on his shoulder and got him to stand down. Firebrand put on his bodysuit and armour under their watchful eye, then  for the first time ever without even knowing what he was doing or how he  was doing it, his blaster flew into his hand and he quickly set it to stun before gunning down his brothers with it.

He  grabbed Jenna’s necklace off the nightstand and saw no other way out but to jump through the window. He fell down hundreds of metres until he landed on a flying dump truck, miraculously unharmed, but he still had no time to process what had just happened, so he grabbed an old blanket from the trash and wrapped it around himself as a cloak and waited in the back of the truck until it got to the garbage depot. There he got off and stole a dingy old ship to get away until he crashed it into a freezing ocean on an ice planet where he flash-froze and was found again in 4 BBY, when the Rebellion against the Empire was well underway. 

The person who found him turned out to be a female Tholothian Jedi who had survived the Purge and had been living in hiding ever since. She told Firebrand she was just a youngling when Darth Vader and his 501st clone troopers came to slaughter everyone at the Jedi Temple, and that they had chased her all the way up to one of the towers. She jumped down and escaped them by pretending to be dead. Naturally, she distrusted  Firebrand at first, but she felt that the Force was strong with him and decided to teach him about the Jedi way, which wasn’t much because she  had never completed her training, but she felt that it was the right  thing to do.

At first, Firebrand wasn’t very interested in becoming a Jedi at all because he was too busy coping  with the trauma of Order 66 and the shock of the Republic and most of his brothers being long gone in addition to him being a man out of time. He felt some of his clone brothers were still alive and set out on a  quest to find them, only to be thwarted by a mysterious Sith Lord  hell-bent on killing the few brothers he had left…


And  this is where the character sheet leaves off and the rest of Firestorm  Squad's story begins. I may or may not turn this into a fanfic, or  perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but for now this will have to do.