Basic Info

ARC Trooper Lieutenant ARC-3535 "Crowbar"




Name (Nickname): Crowbar

Number: ARC-3535

Rank: Lieutenant

Age (by the end of the Clone Wars): 13 (in actual years), but is biologically 26 due to accelerated aging that is present in all Jango Fett clones.

Gender: Male

Home planet: Kamino

-Physical Details-

 183 cm

  Tan (Presumably)

Hair: Black (Probably)

Eyes: Brown (Most likely)


  • Doesn’t take off his helmet unless he absolutely needs to.
  • Quietly observes other people
  • Avoids conversation with strangers unless they somehow manage to intrigue him.
  • While he is capable of leading his platoon into battle, he is not a social butterfly and will mostly keep to himself.

 Gestures/MannerismsCrowbar  believes action speaks louder than words and will only pipe up when he feels like he actually has something to add to the conversation. (For  example, if one of his squadmates ever got stuck under a big piece of  debris he would just lift the object to free them rather than first ask  if they are okay).

Voice:  Same as other clones (Dee Bradley Baker)

Scars:  Unknown to most people (nobody but his closest brothers know how many scars he actually has, if any).


  • His name is Crowbar because he is good at opening doors (by force).
  • Crowbar is an ARC Trooper and also the demolitions expert of the team.
  • He  always carries spare thermal detonators and believes one can never have  too many grenades (hence his custom bandolier with thermal detonators).
  • Crowbar is terrible at art and had Firebrand help him paint his armour.
  • There  are a lot of rumours going on in the 115th as to what he actually looks  like under the helmet, with speculation wildly varying from him looking  like just an ordinary clone to somebody with a hugely deformed face. Some clones even went as far as suggesting that Crowbar might not  actually be another clone at all, but a droid of some sorts. Only his  batchmates/closest brothers know what he actually looks like.
  • People consider Crowbar strange and intimidating but he is actually just a big softie on the inside.


Loves/Favourites:  Likes  to observe people and loves to think about the larger, philosophical  questions in life (why are we here, what is our purpose, that sort of  thing). Most of his fellow clone troopers are weirded out by this because to them their purpose is more clear-cut: To fight and die for the Republic. Crowbar likes to think differently, but in the end he is just as obedient as the rest of his brothers and follows orders just the same. He also really likes ice cream.

Small talk, being touched by people he doesn’t know or like, the fact that he's going through an existential crisis, when he runs out of  explosives.

Hobbies:  Crowbar has always been really diligent about his training and still exercises a lot to stay fit in his spare time. He also likes to spend a lot of his time deep in thought, contemplating life, the universe and everything.

Very knowledgeable about explosives, super smart, would have most likely become a great philosopher if he wasn't meant to be a clone trooper.

Character Strengths: Physically strong, Intelligent, Observant, Deep thinker

 And the coinciding weaknesses: (Unintentionally) Intimidating, Accidentally weirds people out, Socially Awkward, Bad at making friends/forming relationships


  • Enigmatic/hard to read
  • Hardly ever takes off his helmet (he will even go to sleep/into cryostasis while wearing it)
  • Doesn’t talk a lot, but when he does, he is usually right. This weirds most of his brothers out even more than the helmet thing.
  • The  reason why Crowbar doesn’t take off his helmet is not because of some Mandalorian belief, but because he’s just shy. To Crowbar, the helmet  acts as a safety barrier between himself and the outside world.
  • As opposed to most of his brothers, Crowbar doesn’t care about gaining glory in battle at all

 Most valued possession: Definitely his helmet.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

Super  quiet. Most people won’t even notice he’s there unless he sneaks up  behind them to say something and scares the living daylights out of them  by doing so.

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she
/they display?

His helmet. Crowbar doesn't do faces, public or otherwise. I would say that what you see is what you get, but...

Does he/she/they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

Literally  everything about Crowbar is considered strange by a lot of people. But  probably the weirdest thing about him is that the helmet stays on, at  all times. And by that I really do mean at -ALL- times (yes, even in  bed).  He will drink through a small hole in his helmet’s  air filter that can fit a straw and will try to hide himself to find a  quiet place to eat where he can't be disturbed or seen by others.

What is his/her/their sexual preference/experience/values?

The  115th has a very compassionate General who believes that her troops  will fight better if their morale is high. To that end, General Jenna  Borralis grants her clone troopers shore leave from time to time where  they can unwind and experience a little bit of what civilian life has to  offer. Crowbar gladly uses this opportunity to make sure he gets laid  every now and then while he's on shore leave, but his relationships tend  to be short-lived: After the initial intrigue has worn off people will  usually dump him because he refuses to show his face, even to his  lovers. He doesn't care what gender or species his partners are and he's  got major commitment issues. Most of the time, he ends up getting  dumped anyway so nowadays he's just in it for the sex. But maybe, just  maybe, he will someday find a person he would be willing to take off his  helmet for and learn to love again...


Setting:  A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away… But also during the Clone Wars and subsequent Empire era.

Educational background/other learning experiences: Same education as all other clone troopers. Received ARC Trooper training after being promoted later on in his life.

Intelligence Level:  Super smart, approaches Tech’s level of intelligence but is more intrigued by philosophical questions and problems rather than logical and  mathematical ones.

Family:  Dude’s a Jango Fett clone. He literally has millions of brothers, so I’m not gonna list them all, but he’s closest with Blaze and Torch (characters by licorish-art who are from the same batch as him), Ize (medic from the same batch) and Firebrand (Captain, also from the same batch). They’re his best friends/closest brothers and have been with him ever since they were created.

Friends:  See above. Firebrand is probably his closest “friend”, but he loves the rest of his batchmates too. Brothers for life, yo~



As  a child, Crowbar was relatively shy, but happy (for as far as a little  clone boy can be). He grew up together with Ize, Firebrand, Torch and  Blaze and often kept to himself while his brothers were more extraverted  than him. Crowbar was the timid one out of the batch and without a  helmet to hide behind, he often hid behind Firebrand who was a lot more  outspoken and who he saw as his big brother (Firebrand was hatched from  his tube only mere seconds before Crowbar was, but it was enough for  Crowbar to latch onto him and consider him the older sibling). Apart  from the occasional trouble he and his brothers got into, Crowbar took  his training very seriously and always went the extra mile, causing him  to bulk up even more than his brothers did because he didn’t want to be  terminated or spend the rest of his short life hiding behind his  brothers’ shoulders.

During the Clone Wars:

Crowbar  started behaving a little more strangely after his first mission on  Geonosis (the same mission where Firebrand got his burn scar). After the  trauma of almost being burned alive, Crowbar started questioning his  life and what it was all good for: What was the point of it all if he  and his brothers were only made to fight and die for the Republic?  Crowbar became depressed and ashamed of who he was and started hiding  again, this time behind his helmet. Firebrand and the others eventually  managed to cheer him up and help him get rid of his depression, but  Crowbar would never be the same again after that: His existential crisis  remained, looming over him for the rest of his life, causing him to  keep hiding behind the helmet and distance himself from others even  more. Despite this, Crowbar proved himself in battle when he  single-handedly blew up two Seperatist tanks that were pinning his squad  down and received a promotion to ARC Trooper for that.

Order 66:

When  Order 66 eventually came, Crowbar took the call from Palpatine in  Firebrand’s stead because the Captain (and also acting Commander) was…  Otherwise occupied. Crowbar and Ize knew that Firebrand had gone up to  General Jenna Borralis’ chambers on Coruscant with a lame excuse earlier  that day, and that he wouldn’t be wearing his helmet or picking up his  communicator while he was in there. Knowing about their brother’s secret  relationship with their Jedi General, Crowbar and Ize both rightly  assumed they must still have been lying in bed together at this point.  They both grabbed their blasters and headed up to Jenna’s chambers.

Normally,  neither of them would have cared that Firebrand had a secret  relationship with the General: They were brothers until the end and as  long as it didn’t affect their unit’s effectiveness, Crowbar couldn't  have cared less what Firebrand and Jenna got up to in their spare time.  Regardless, good soldiers follow orders, so Crowbar kicked in the door  before Ize shot their Captain’s lover, killing her in cold blood.

After that,  Ize aimed his blaster at the Captain, asking if he was willing to to  comply with the “order” because “good soldiers follow orders” (but he  didn’t mention the number 66, wrongly assuming Firebrand knew which  order he meant). Firebrand, still in shock, nodded and said of course  he’d comply and that he would be with them shortly if they could at  least let him have some dignity. Ize kept aiming down his sights, but  Crowbar put his hand on his shoulder and got him to stand down.  Firebrand put on his bodysuit and armour under his best friends'  watchful eyes, then for the first time ever without even knowing what he  was doing or how he was doing it, Firebrand's blaster flew into his  hand and he quickly thumbed it to stun before using it to gun down his  brothers. He then grabbed Jenna’s necklace off the nightstand and jumped out through the window to the streets below.

After  Captain Firebrand’s escape, Blaze and Torch helped their brothers Ize  and Crowbar in trying to track him down, but they did not succeed in  their efforts. They wrongly assumed the Captain had fallen to his death  and eventually stopped the search.

In the following weeks, the  Firestorm brothers slowly became aware of what they had done. Rumours  started floating around in the former 115th Legion about an inhibitor  chip in the clones' brains that made them do terrible things they had no  control over. A few weeks after Order 66, the whole squad decided  they’d had enough: They were done following orders blindly and started  making plans to desert from the Imperial Army. The only one who didn’t  go through with it in the end was Crowbar: Being the “little brother” of  the group, he had always looked to Firebrand for leadership and decided  to stay with the Empire simply because he didn't know what to do  without him being there to fill the "big brother"- role of the group.  Nevertheless, he also stayed loyal to the rest of his brothers in his  own way and never told his superiors about them.

Empire/Rebellion Era

Not  knowing what else to do with his life, Crowbar stayed loyal to the  Empire and ended up becoming a Stormtrooper. In the absence of  Firebrand, he was promoted to Captain and eventually even became a  Commander while he spent the rest of his days being bored out of his  mind while training other Stormtroopers at a quiet, little outpost.  Crowbar knew that Ize had deserted and that his other brothers were all  either dead or busy dealing with their own life struggles. Without his  batchmates to cheer him up, Crowbar grew more and more bitter and  depressed as he grew older. What he didn’t know, was that he was  destined to run into both Captain Firebrand and Ize again later on in  his life…


And  this is where Crowbar's character sheet leaves off and the rest of  Firestorm Squad's story begins. I may or may not turn this into a  fanfic, or perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but  for now this will have to do.