Anchovy (Andy)



1 year, 7 months ago


Pronouns: He/Him
Type & Class: 
03 Daxoid

  Days n Daze - Goodbye Lulu 

Depending on how well you know him, you either know him as Anchovy (his nickname most others refer to him as) or as Andy/Andrew (his real name, reserved for family and friends). Personality-wise he can be pretty crass and rowdy... except for when he's reclining with a cool drink. Manners, what are those? He loves nature and is an expert at fishing - he used to hunt until his vegetarian boyfriend Sal convinced him not to. 

He's ambiverted - mostly a loner, but when he's feeling extroverted, he reaches out to one of his other boyfriends/girlfriends (he's in a polycule! X, X, X, X, X, X). Job-wise he is freight hauler. Ever since the bubble that encased his robot kind was removed and they were allowed to interact with the outside world, the demand among "creatures-of-the-earth" for exported goods grew and thus the demand for his services grew tenfold! While he enjoyed being showered in extra cash, the extra demand was taking a physical toll on his hardware and the road was growing lonelier. Despite this, he wasn't necessarily seeking out a roadtrip partner - it was Abbey (his girlfriend), desperate to divorce herself from the claustrophobic city life she was born into, who clawed her way into the passenger's (and often driver's) seat. It wasn't long before Aloadae started tagging along with them! Andy wouldn't have it any other way, though. 

LIKES: Rootbeer, Mountain Dew (whatever my world's equivalent is lmfao) and weird sodas in glass bottles, taking Oakley's boat out onto the lake (having his own is way too much maintenance), playing his guitar and banjo, eating breakfast (any time of the day) and junk food, smoking (like the cowboys in those old movies), shooting the shit with his BFs, GFs and friends, impressing others with his knowledge of fish and bugs that nobody else knows about, buying useless knickknacks, dangerous illegal fireworks, moonshine (making it and drinking it)

DISLIKES: Maurice, Raymond, when people try to take advantage of Sal and Oakley, feeling socially suffocated, being in the city (he puts up with it to visit Alfie and Dai), wearing shoes, the ocean

Under the spoiler!   

Anchovy (as he's known by most) used to be a longshoreman for an owner that treated him poorly. After a heated moment that forced him to use self-defense, he was not sure if his previous owner was dead or not. He fled from the port town he had known his whole life and ran into the woods, scared of the repercussions of his actions. It was only a mere few hours later before the ownership status on his ID was dropped and Anchovy presumed him perished. He felt no satisfaction whatsoever from that. 

His first moment of self re-discovery happened when he woke up for the first time cradled by the woods... it dawned on him that he could truly live an autonomous life (if he was careful). The nature around him comforted him. Typically runaway/separated 03s ("serving class" bots) in World's Edge like him would find solace in shelters, but he was too proud to do that. In his mind, living in the woods was a solid plan - he could fuel himself by fishing & hunting and do whatever he wanted! He learned some new survival instincts all on his own. It was going fine until he started needing hardware repairs... badly. He was already in poor shape and further strain was wearing him down.

It took a while for the prideful and scared sides of him to finally succumb and shake hands with his logical side... it was time to seek a real shelter. He stumbled onward until he encountered a town with a shelter, a precious rare diamond. It was there he met Sal, a frequent volunteer who brought an extra special touch to the shelter though the garden he kept in the back and the individual attention he gave to those recovering! 

Sal, with much patience, worked hard to push through Anchovy's tough exterior into his soft nougat center. The two of them helped each other grow - Sal helped turn Anchovy (or, as he's known by those closest to him, Andy) away from being a misanthropic asshole who didn't trust nor care for anybody. In turn, Andy helped Sal grow a thicker skin once he identified that he was constantly being taken advantage of by those who knew Sal was a huge people pleaser and had a hard time saying no. 

Once Andy had recovered some & was ready to make a living for himself, Sal helped connect him to Bartholomew... the ruler of World's Edge and his owner a long time ago. Bart was happy to give him the opportunity to be his freight hauler but had to do a background check. "So, this is it..." Andy thought, honestly ready to face whatever consequence would result from the event that granted him his freedom. It shocked him when that blip on his log showed as violence but no reference to death... was his previous owner still alive? It seemed that yes, indeed he was, he pressed no charges, and he wanted nothing to do with Andy anymore. At best, he had just become a tax burden and a replacement was long overdue. He was truly free (but being watched carefully).

The freight hauling opportunity turned out to be amazing & became a core part of his identity! Although he maintained having no real home, he would sometimes stay at a guest house on Bart's property. Bart and his entourage were positive role models and helped build his strength back up even more. However, he more commonly stayed over at Sal's home, as the two of them liked each other... very much. One day, while making a stop in Tataris, he encountered two small 03s and the creature-of-the-earth that was secretly accompanying them... little did he know that the shenanigans he was about to be pulled into would lead to many lasting relationships and even the permanent freeing of his kind!