Basic Info

Clone Corporal CT-3536 "Ize"




Name (Nickname): Ize

Number: CT-3536

Rank: Corporal

Age (by the end of the Clone Wars): 13 (in actual years), but is biologically 26 due to accelerated aging that is present in all Jango Fett clones.

Gender: Male

Home planet: Kamino

-Physical Details-

 183 cm


Hair: Black (Partly shaven)

Eyes: Brown



  • Always packs his medical equipment in a particular order
  • Follows his brothers around (especially Firebrand) to make sure they don’t do anything stupid.
  • Will often spend what little free time he has in the med bay studying medicine and anatomy of various species.
  • Ize regularly scolds Firebrand for drinking too much caf (because too much coffee/caffeine can be bad for you).

Gestures/Mannerisms:  Has good timing with his sarcastic remarks, will sometimes cross his arms  and complain about being so done with whatever antics his brothers get up to (but he actually complains because he cares).

Voice:  Same as other clones (Dee Bradley Baker)

Scars: Has  many emotional ones, but no visible physical ones. He does have an old  shot wound on his right leg that he got during his training, but it  healed well so I’m not sure if that even counts.


  • Like  Firebrand, Ize is Force-sensitive, but unlike his Captain, Ize already  knows and decided not to care or talk about it until a certain encounter with a rogue Sith later on in his life (none of his batchmates know  about it either).
  • His name is literally the word “Ice”, but spelled with a Z because his brothers thought it was funny and edgy (most of the squad have fire-related names apart from Ize and Crowbar)
  • The Aurebesh on his armour says "Ribs don't grow back" (and  yes that’s a sneaky TF2 Medic reference I put in there). While Ize is a  good medic, there are some things he just can’t fix so he wrote the  text on his leg armour to remind himself of that.


Loves/Favourites:  Ice-cream (Nectrose Freeze is his favourite), learning about the biology of other  species, feels accomplished every time he manages to save a life.

Hates: Irresponsible behaviour, when people don’t take his medical advice, people he cares  about getting hurt when he’s unable to help or do anything about it  (feeling powerless)

Hobbies:  Likes to read up on various species’ physiology in his spare time

Is a good field medic, good at hearing people out and offering advice, knows how to improvise

Character Strengths: Good listener, Caring, Determined, Responsible (but often takes his responsibility a little too seriously)

And the coinciding weaknesses: Cares too much (enough to turn him to the Dark Side), Bitter, Self-destructive (he gains the latter two flaws after Order 66)


  • Force sensitive (but does not care about it)
  • Has mastered the art of sarcasm
  • Will go nuts for Nectrose Freeze (Ice-cream)
  • Takes great pride in his skill as a doctor/medic

Most valued possession: Whatever medical equipment is available to him.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

Pretty chill until he turns to the Dark Side. Then he becomes bitter, angry and angsty.

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she
/they display?

Ize prides himself on being “The Responsible One™” and tries to keep his brothers out of trouble. He also has a tendency to scold people when they don’t follow up his medical advice.

Does he/she/they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

Not really. Unless you count him being so obsessed with doing Good so much that he actually turns Bad later on.

What is his/her/their sexual preference/experience/values?

Ize  honestly couldn’t care less about romance or sex, simply because he has never been taught to care. He knows about Firebrand’s "secret" steady relationship with their General and about Crowbar’s little adventures,  but he sees sex purely as a means of reproduction and has never been  curious himself. So I guess it would be safe to assume that Ize is asexual right now, but he might change his mind later on.



Setting:  A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away… But also during the Clone Wars and subsequent Empire era.

Educational background/other learning experiences: Same education as all other clone troopers, but with added medical training. He also self-educates himself on the physiologies of other species throughout his life. 

Intelligence Level: 
Smart (the guy is a medic and knows a thing or two about medicine), but sadly, not smart enough to avoid falling for the temptations of the Dark  Side.

Family:  Dude’s a Jango  Fett clone. He literally has millions of brothers, so I’m not gonna list them all, but he’s closest with Blaze and Torch (characters by licorish-art who are from the same batch as him), Crowbar (ARC Trooper and demolitions expert from the same batch) and Firebrand (Captain who is also from the same batch). They’re his best friends/closest brothers and have been with him ever since they were created.

Friends: Ize makes friends fairly easily. Until Order 66 came along, he considered all of his batchmates his best friends.

After  his desertion in the Empire era, Ize came into contact with a really  shady person: A delusional, unofficial and self-proclaimed Sith Lord  called Darth Herus. I’m not sure if Ize would call him his “friend”, but  Herus becomes his Master either way.





Ize  grew up together with Firebrand, Blaze, Torch and Crowbar and always was the one who made sure (or at least, tried to make sure) that the  others stayed out of trouble. Every time Firebrand did something stupid  enough to have to go through reconditioning, Ize was always there to  help him remember who he was and what he had done. Ize’s connection to  his brothers was strong and while Firebrand was technically the oldest because he was the first of the batch to have been hatched from his tank, Ize was the one who acted the most mature out of the bunch and  always fussed over his brothers. He also came to realise he had a connection to the Force, but decided to keep really quiet about it and  stowed that part of his personality away out of fear of being singled out and terminated by the Kaminoans.

During the Clone Wars

During  the war, Ize acted as a field medic and also as a therapist to his  brothers. He found out that he was a good listener and was always there to hear them out and offer advice to his squadmates. As a medic, Ize  treated many ugly wounds on the battlefield, often while risking his own life, but for a short time he was happy doing it (one could even go as  far to say that the Clone Wars era was actually the happiest time of his  life).

Order 66

When Order 66 eventually came, Ize was there when Crowbar  took the call from Palpatine in Firebrand’s stead because the Captain  (and also acting Commander) was… Otherwise occupied. Crowbar and Ize  knew that Firebrand had gone up to General Jenna Borralis’ chambers on Coruscant with a lame excuse earlier that day, and that he wouldn’t be wearing his helmet or picking up his communicator while he was in there.  Knowing about their brother’s secret relationship with their Jedi  General, Crowbar and Ize both rightly assumed they must still have been lying in bed together at this point. They both grabbed their blasters  and headed up to Jenna’s chambers.

Normally, neither of them would have cared that Firebrand had a secret relationship with the General, but regardless, good soldiers follow orders, so Crowbar kicked in the door before Ize shot their Captain’s lover, killing her in cold blood.

After that, Ize aimed his blaster at the Captain, asking if he was willing to  to comply with the “order” because “good soldiers follow orders” (but he didn’t mention the number 66, wrongly assuming Firebrand knew which  order he meant). Firebrand, still in shock, nodded and said of course he’d comply and that he would be with them shortly if they could at  least let him have some dignity. Ize kept aiming down his sights, but Crowbar put his hand on his shoulder and got him to stand down.  Firebrand put on his bodysuit and armour under his best friends' watchful eyes, then for the first time ever without even knowing what he was doing or how he was doing it, Firebrand's blaster flew into his  hand and he quickly thumbed it to stun before using it to gun down his  brothers. He then grabbed Jenna’s necklace off the nightstand and jumped out through the window to the streets below.

After Captain Firebrand’s escape, Blaze and Torch helped their brothers Ize  and Crowbar in trying to track him down, but they did not succeed in their efforts. They wrongly assumed the Captain had fallen to his death and eventually stopped the search.

In the following weeks, the Firestorm brothers slowly became aware of what they had done. Rumours started floating around in the former 115th Legion about an inhibitor chip in the clones' brains that made them do terrible things they had no control over. A few weeks after Order 66, the whole squad decided they’d had enough: They were done following orders blindly and started making plans to desert from the Imperial Army. The only one who didn’t go through with it in the end was Crowbar: Being the “little brother” of  the group, he had always looked to Firebrand for leadership and decided to stay with the Empire simply because he didn't know what to do without him being there to fill the "big brother"- role of the group.  Nevertheless, he also stayed loyal to the rest of his brothers in his own way and never told his superiors about them.

Empire/Rebellion Era 

Having murdered his General during Order 66, Ize became disgusted with who he was and decided he was done following orders. He had his chip removed together with Blaze and Torch, then ran away to a poor farming village on a backwater planet where he started working at a small clinic. The  villagers didn’t trust Ize at first, but he gained their trust by using  his medical expertise to help them. Ize stayed there for a couple of  years to treat the villagers while he heard all kinds of stories from them.

Apparently, the village had been destroyed during a clash between the Republic and Separatists at the  height of the Clone Wars. There had been a siege during which clones that had been stationed at the village had used up every resource they had. Now that the war was over, the clones were gone, but the villagers had almost nothing left and needed to rebuild everything from the ground up again.

Witnessing the consequences of the war he had participated in first-hand, Ize became even more disgusted with who he was: He slowly came to believe that by healing his  clone brothers throughout the war he had actually spent most of his life doing the Galaxy a disservice, and started contemplating suicide. The only thing that kept him going was that he felt he had a certain responsibility towards the village and its inhabitants and he swore that he would do everything within his power to make sure they would never  have to suffer so much again, no matter the cost.

Eventually, a stranger came to the village: A Kaminoan named Lasa Wu who had been outcast from Kaminoan society. As Ize was painfully aware, Lasa’s people were responsible for creating the clones. Lasa however, played to Ize's  emotions and lied to to the medic that he disagreed with his people’s  practice of cloning other species for profit, and that he saw clone troopers like Ize as genetic abominations that needed to be purged.

As it turned out, Lasa was actually a delusional, self-proclaimed (and  technically unofficial) Sith Lord who called himself Darth Herus. He did  not believe in the Rule of Two, and his foolish, ulterior motive was to seek being a rival to Darth Sidious, eventually planning on taking his  position and his Empire for himself. To this end, he needed an apprentice and he had come to the village because he had heard rumours  about an aging clone medic who was working as a doctor among the villagers.

An aging clone medic who happened to be Force-sensitive, and who could either be turned to the Dark Side, or killed like the others before him.

Darth Herus attacked Ize, but Ize managed to dodge the Sith’s brutal attacks and pleaded that he would accept his fate if Herus could please just leave the village alone. Ize went on to explain that he too had come to the conclusion that the clones were a mistake and told the Sith that he would do absolutely anything to make things right. Herus found himself  greatly amused by the irony that a clone, of all people, believed that his own kind had no right to exist. Herus put his red lightsaber away and offered Ize an opportunity: To join him in his quest to eradicate every single clone who was still alive and become his apprentice under the new name of Darth Abominus...


And  this is where Ize's character sheet leaves off and the rest of this  Star Wars AU begins. I may or may not turn this into a fanfic, or  perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but for now  this will have to do.