Basic Info

Clone Sergeant CS-3537 "Torch"



This character was co-created by licorish-art on DeviantArt and myself! As such, this OC is shared between us.


Name (Nickname): Torch

Number: CS-3537

Rank: Sergeant

Age (by the end of the Clone Wars): 13 (in actual years), but is biologically 26 due to accelerated aging that is present in all Jango Fett clones.

Gender: Male

Home planet: Kamino

-Physical Details-

 183 cm


Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown


  • Can often be seen carrying a DC-15A blaster rifle (and loves to show off his skill as a sniper) 
  • Goes bar crawling with Firebrand every single time he’s on shore leave
  • Tends to drink too much 
  • Flirts  with every girl he sees, but sadly most of his attempts fall flat  (especially when Firebrand is around because while the Captain doesn’t even try because he’s already in a relationship, girls always seem to gravitate towards him because he’s the “naturally charming” one)

 Gestures/Mannerisms: Very easy to read, wide open gestures and body language. He talks fast, thinks fast and is generally a speedy boi.

Voice:  Dee Bradley Baker (same as all other clones)

Scars:  Has a scar on his back from a blaster bolt that grazed his shoulder. He loves to embellish the story of how he got it and uses it as a flirting tactic in his (mostly failed) attempts to pick up girls.


  • Has a fluffy mohawk
  • Is a try-hard
  • Makes friends easily
  • Can  be surprisingly patient and stealthy when he needs to be, but needs to blow off steam by hanging out with other people afterwards to prevent himself from going mad (he’s an extrovert, socialising helps him  recharge)


Loves/Favourites: Being the centre of attention, showing off, entertaining other people, flirting

 Being hungover after drinking too much, when Firebrand unintentionally steals his thunder with the ladies, long pauses and awkward silences in conversations, being ignored

Stand-up comedy (he makes jokes all the time). He also exercises a lot, not only because he's required to, but also because he thinks it makes him more attractive to the ladies.

Is ironically super talented at sniping, is good at stand-up comedy, can  spin a grenade on his finger (not sure if this should count as a talent, but to him it definitely does).

Character Strengths: optimistic, good sense of humour, athletic, social

And the coinciding weaknesses: 
Loudmouth, drinks too much, thinks he’s good at flirting but he really isn’t, does not always think things through, his constant need to show off makes him a bit of a braggart


  • Is 30% flirtier than Fives but also 300% less successful
  • Is a bit of a goofball
  • Playful
  • Is always the life of the party
  • Can consume a surprising amount of alcohol before feeling drunk

Most valued possession: Torch is a carefree guy who doesn’t care much about his possessions. He does like his sniper rifle, but he’s not particularly attached to it: He’d be just as happy using another one.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

Hyperactive, sometimes up to a point where it gets annoying (but still loveable in a weird way; kind of like Hardcase form the actual TCW series). Except when he’s sniping. Then it’s “Serious Time ™” for him.

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she
/they display? 

Torch  is a bouncy, optimistic fellow who likes to show off and draw attention to himself. He is also a bit of a jokester and will always try to lighten the mood whenever he can.

Does he/she/they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

  • Absolutely -craves- attention and recognition
  • Constantly needs to be around other people
  • Is a heavy drinker

What is his/her/their sexual preference/experience/values?

He’s straight, but at the same time not too picky. Then again, he has no reason to be because he’s not exactly successful when it comes to picking up girls. And even on the rare occasion that he does manage to pick one up, it hardly ever really amounts to more than a one night stand anyway.


Setting:  A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away (but also during the Clone Wars and subsequent Empire Era)

Educational background/other learning experiences: Same education as all other clone troopers.

Intelligence Level: 
Average. Is more of a man of action than a thinker: He likes to do first, think later.

Family:  Dude’s  a Jango Fett clone. He literally has millions of brothers, so I’m not  gonna list them all, but he’s closest with Crowbar (ARC Trooper and  demolitions expert from the same batch), Ize (medic from the same batch)  and Firebrand (Captain who is also from the same batch), and Blaze (character by Licorish-Art who is also a batchmate of his). They’re his best friends/closest brothers and have been with him ever since they were created.

Friends:  Torch  is a very carefree, social boi who makes friends easily. Blaze and Firebrand are his best friends, though he loves his other brothers as  well.

He also grows close with Ember (Blaze’s daughter) and ends up becoming her favourite uncle.



As  a child, Torch was the kind of kid who could never sit still and loved to get up to all kinds of mischief. He often dared his brothers to do  stupid things (e.g. he dared Firebrand to ride an aiwha once) and never  really thought about the consequences of his actions. People began suspecting someone must have spiked his cloning vat before he was hatched from it, but there never really was any true evidence to suggest he was any different from the other clone kids. Nevertheless, Torch and  Firebrand got into a lot of trouble together when they were kids, much to their more introverted batchmates’ annoyance.

Eventually, Torch’s wildness was reined in a little bit once the brothers grew up  to be old enough to train with live ammunition. He ended up with a scar  from a blaster bolt that grazed his shoulder during a training  simulation, and he regularly got scolded by their training sergeant for  not thinking things through.

The sergeant gave him a sniper rifle to train with as a harsh lesson in patience: Either Torch would learn to pick his targets carefully and be patient as  a sniper, or his brothers would end up wounded or worse due to him neglecting his responsibilities towards them. And to make things even harder for Torch, the sergeant purposefully paired him up with his  introverted brother Blaze as his spotter.

Torch hated having to sit still and be stealthy for so long at first, but  thankfully he picked up the skill quickly. Blaze’s quiet encouragement and confidence in him helped Torch believe in himself and he actually  started enjoying himself whenever he made good kills on the training  droids.

During the Clone Wars

During the war, Torch had started taking pride in his skill as a sniper and used it as a (failing) tactic to impress girls. He often went bar crawling with Firebrand when they were on shore leave and continued making a fool out of himself in front of the ladies.

Blaze and Torch often found themselves working together and carried out many missions as  a sniper/spotter pair. Eventually, the brothers’ talent for stealth and sniping was noticed by the brass, which resulted in the pair being transferred to a different company: Blaze and Torch went on to serve  with Striker Company while their brothers remained with Iridium Company.  

Despite serving with two different companies, the members of Firestorm squad remained in touch and Blaze and Torch often found themselves on missions where they still got to work together with their brothers, especially after the death of Jedi Commander Kanda Chie; Firebrand filled in for him and became acting Commander of the 115th Legion’s 89th Battalion in everything but his actual rank, and often coordinated with Blaze who was slated to be  promoted to Captain right before Order 66 went down.


Order 66

During  Order 66, Blaze and Torch were on guard duty outside Ize’s and Crowbar’s door. Captain Firebrand had gone up to their Jedi General  Jenna’s room with a lame excuse earlier that day. All of his closest  brothers knew about the acting Commander’s secret but not-so-very-secret relationship with the General, and that he wouldn’t be picking up his communicator while he was in there. 

When the Order eventually came, Crowbar, who was Firebrand’s second in command, picked up the call from Palpatine and without saying a word, Blaze, Torch and Ize all knew what to do: They followed Crowbar up to General Jenna Borralis’ chambers. Crowbar breached the door and stepped inside together with Ize while Blaze and Torch covered and guarded the hallway for the possibility of any other Jedi showing up. While they were  guarding the exit, Ize shot their Captain’s lover, murdering their Jedi  General in cold blood.

After that, Ize aimed his blaster at the Captain, asking if he was willing to to comply with the “order” because “good soldiers follow orders” (but he  didn’t mention the number 66, wrongly assuming Firebrand knew which order he meant). Firebrand, still in shock, nodded and said of course he’d comply and that he would be with them shortly if they could at  least let him have some dignity. Ize kept aiming down his sights, but Crowbar put his hand on his shoulder and got him to stand down. Firebrand put on his bodysuit and armour under his best friends' watchful eyes, then for the first time ever without even knowing what he was doing or how he was doing it, Firebrand's blaster flew into his hand and he quickly thumbed it to stun before using it to gun down his brothers. He then grabbed Jenna’s necklace off the nightstand and jumped out through the window to the streets below.

After Captain Firebrand’s escape, Blaze and Torch helped their brothers Ize and Crowbar with trying to track him down, but they did not succeed in their efforts. They wrongly assumed the Captain had fallen to his death and they eventually stopped the search.

In the following weeks, the Firestorm brothers slowly became aware of what they had done. Rumours started floating around in the former 115th Legion about an inhibitor chip in the clones' brains that made them do terrible things they had no control over. A few weeks after Order 66, the whole squad decided they’d had enough: They were done following orders blindly  and started making plans to desert from the Imperial Army. The only one  who didn’t go through with it in the end was Crowbar: Being the “little  brother” of the group, he had always looked to Firebrand for leadership  and decided to stay with the Empire simply because he didn't know what  to do without him being there to fill the "big brother"- role of the  group. Nevertheless, he stayed loyal to the rest of his brothers in his own way and never told his superiors about them.

Blaze, Torch and Ize ran away and came into contact with a small holdout of other clones who confirmed the existence of the chips and told them how to get them removed. The group went to an old Venator  crash site where they had their chips removed together. After that, they had an argument about how they would live out the rest of their lives. Blaze and Torch remained together while Ize went his separate way and left for a small village on a backwater planet in the Outer Rim.


Empire/Rebellion Era

During  the Empire Era, Blaze and Torch stayed together and still made an excellent sniper tag team. They became bounty hunters, travelling from  planet to planet to hunt down miscreants and criminals for credits. They  managed to obtain a military grade U-wing through their contacts and  christened it the “Firestorm”, after their old squad.

Their travels brought them to a farm planet during the early days of the  Rebellion, where Blaze fell in love with the farm girl Sara Carelli, who offered the clones a place to lie low (much to her father’s chagrin). Eventually, Blaze and Sara married and had a daughter called Ember. The little girl started seeing Torch as her favourite uncle, and Torch would often spoil her by bringing back new toys for her whenever he and Blaze came back from their travels.

Also, despite Firebrand not being around to steal his thunder anymore, Torch still often found himself in the sad situation where he couldn’t get any  girls. To make matter worse, his rapid aging due to being a clone didn’t exactly help either.

Even though Torch and Blaze had settled down a bit, they found their stint as space adventurers wasn’t quite over yet when Firebrand unexpectedly showed up again in their lives, looking just as young as he did when Order 66 went down, and with an even younger looking Tholothian Jedi in tow…


And  this is where the character sheet leaves off and the rest of Firestorm  Squad's story begins. I may or may not turn this into a fanfic, or  perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but for now  this will have to do.