Basic Info

Clone Lieutenant CL-3538 "Blaze"



This character was co-created by licorish-art on DeviantArt and myself! As such, this OC is shared between us.


Name (Nickname): Blaze

Number: CL-3538

Rank: Lieutenant

Age (by the end of the Clone Wars): 13 (in actual years), but is biologically 26 due to accelerated aging that is present in all Jango Fett clones.

Gender: Male

Home planet: Kamino

-Physical Details-

 183 cm


Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Sometimes stares off into the distance when daydreaming, always sees the “bigger picture”, makes incredibly detailed battle reports

Gestures/Mannerisms: He’s  a dreamy fellow and sometimes zones out of conversations when other people are talking about things that don’t interest him. However, he’s all ears whenever he’s genuinely interested in whatever conversation he finds himself in at that time.

Voice:  Dee Bradley Baker (Same as all other clones)

Scars:  Doesn’t have any (yet)


  • His curly hair is slightly too long for regs, but his merit as a good soldier has thankfully earned him the privilege to keep it.
  • Has a cool sun visor on his helmet
  • Does not drink and hates alcohol with a burning passion
  • Is  a paradoxical boi: He’s an introvert, but can sometimes have very passionate opinions about the people and things he cares about.
  •  Was slated to become a Captain if it wasn’t for him deserting after Order 66


Loves/Favourites: Likes to keep things "real", Loves to read a good story, loves it when other people share his interests, appreciates art

Alcohol, being around big crowds of people, insincerity, being criticised

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, writing (he’s an artsy boi), singing (but only after making sure that nobody else is around to hear him do it)

Talents/Skills: Singing (he would never admit he’s any good at it though), good at keeping calm during battle, pays attention to detail, makes an excellent sniper/spotter duo with his brother Torch (Blaze does the spotting while Torch does the sniping).

Character Strengths: Brave, Loyal, Creative, Strategic Thinker

And the coinciding weaknesses: Quiet, gets offended easily, bad at dealing with criticism


  • Is an Introvert with an Opinion ™
  • His  personality type (INFJ) causes him to be very eloquent and idealistic which draws (sometimes unwanted) popularity, yet this drains him because  he is an introvert.
  • Is a loner compared to most of his brothers
  • Is a surprisingly good singer but would die before admitting it.

Most valued possession: Is not very attached to any objects, but likes his helmet because it reminds him of who he is/his humanity.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

 Quiet  and reserved. However, at the same time, he is a surprisingly good leader and passionate about the things he cares about and good at convincing others of his opinions, which sometimes (annoyingly) draws other people’s attention to him.

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she
/they display? 

Eloquent, creative and idealistic.

Does he/she/they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

  • Needs a lot of alone time to recharge (which is hard when you’re a clone trooper and constantly around your brothers)
  • Because  his personality type causes him to care deeply about others and make  him seem really social at first glance, people are often shocked to find out he is not and actually super introverted.
  • Values  honesty more than anything, yet at the same time he is super private and will only share deeply personal information if he feels the other  person is 100% trustworthy.

 What is his/her/their sexual preference/experience/values?

 Blaze  is very picky when it comes to relationships and never really got into  any because he’s the type of person who always searches for 100% compatibility. He has always been a single dreamer, until one fateful day in the Empire era when he met Sara Carelli, a fellow daydreamer and  the love of his life.



Setting:  A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away (but also during the Clone Wars and subsequent Empire Era)

Educational background/other learning experiences: Same education as all other clone troopers plus he went through the clones’ equivalent of officer’s school together with Firebrand.

Intelligence Level: 
Smart-ish and very good with words, but not genius-level smart like Crowbar is.

Family: Dude’s  a Jango Fett clone. He literally has millions of brothers, so I’m not gonna list them all, but he’s closest with Crowbar (ARC Trooper and  demolitions expert from the same batch), Ize (medic from the same batch) and Firebrand (Captain who is also from the same batch), and Torch (character by Licorish-Art who is also a batchmate of his). They’re his best friends/closest brothers and have been with him ever since they were created.

Later on in the Empire Era, he marries Sara Carelli and has a daughter called Ember with her.

Friends:   Does not bond easily with people, but the few friendships he does have are very warm and run very deep: His closest friends/brothers mean the world  to him.



As  a child, Blaze was relatively shy but had a lot of imagination. With no access to books on Kamino other than the texts and reg manuals that were drilled into him during his education, he liked to make up his own stories and would often spend his free time dreaming up intense stories about battles between good and evil and making up his own characters. Being a fellow introvert and dreamer, Blaze developed a deep bond with his brother Crowbar, who he could spend hours just sitting in silence with, dreaming up big ideas.

He also took pity on Firebrand, another brother and batchmate of his, because like  Blaze, Firebrand could not stand injustice to his brothers, but unlike Blaze, Firebrand was a little rash and not afraid to voice his concerns to the Kaminoans which often resulted in him getting reconditioned  (a.k.a. had his mind wiped) just because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut when it mattered. On the one hand, Blaze admired Firebrand’s idealism, but on the other hand, both he and Ize found themselves deeply concerned for their brother and the trouble he tended to get himself into. Together with Ize, Blaze was always there to support Firebrand after he had one of his mind-wiping episodes, and afterwards Blaze would usually go talk to whoever did their squad wrong to try and convince them to stop without making a big public fuss about it.

Blaze  also had a good bond with Torch, another batchmate of his, but while he  loved his more extraverted brother, he also often found himself drained  after hanging out with him because Torch liked being the centre of attention and could be very loud at times. Together with Ize, Blaze was  always the voice of reason and always tried to talk him down whenever Torch tried to get up to things that would definitely get them into  trouble.

During the Clone Wars

During the actual war, Blaze and Torch often found themselves working together  and despite Torch being a loudmouth, Blaze found that his brother did  actually know how to be silent and stealthy when he needed to be. They  carried out many missions together and found their bond strengthened  while working together as a sniper/spotter pair. Eventually, the brothers’ talent for stealth and sniping was noticed by the brass, which resulted in the pair being transferred to a different company: Blaze  and Torch went on to serve with Striker Company while their brothers remained with Iridium Company.

Despite serving with two different companies, the members of Firestorm squad remained in touch and Blaze and Torch often found themselves on missions where they still got to work together with their brothers, especially  after the death of Jedi Commander Kanda Chie; Firebrand filled in for  him and became acting Commander of the 115th Legion’s 89th Battalion in everything but his actual rank, and often coordinated with Blaze who was slated to be promoted to Captain right before Order 66  went down.

Order 66

During Order 66, Blaze and Torch were on guard duty outside Ize’s and  Crowbar’s door. Captain Firebrand had gone up to their Jedi General  Jenna’s room with a lame excuse earlier that day. All of his closest brothers knew about the acting Commander’s secret but not-so-very-secret  relationship with the General, and that he wouldn’t be picking up his  communicator while he was in there.

When the Order eventually came, Crowbar, who was Firebrand’s second in command, picked up the call from Palpatine and without saying a word,  Blaze, Torch and Ize all knew what to do: They followed Crowbar up to General Jenna Borralis’ chambers. Crowbar breached the door and stepped inside together with Ize while Blaze and Torch covered and guarded the  hallway for the possibility of any other Jedi showing up. While they were guarding the exit, Ize shot their Captain’s lover, murdering their Jedi General in cold blood.

After that, Ize aimed his blaster at the Captain, asking if he was willing to to comply  with the “order” because “good soldiers follow orders” (but he didn’t  mention the number 66, wrongly assuming Firebrand knew which order he  meant). Firebrand, still in shock, nodded and said of course he’d comply and that he would be with them shortly if they could at least let him have some dignity. Ize kept aiming down his sights, but Crowbar put his  hand on his shoulder and got him to stand down. Firebrand put on his  bodysuit and armour under his best friends' watchful eyes, then for the  first time ever without even knowing what he was doing or how he was  doing it, Firebrand's blaster flew into his hand and he quickly thumbed it to stun before using it to gun down his brothers. He then grabbed  Jenna’s necklace off the nightstand and jumped out through the window to the streets below.

After Captain Firebrand’s escape, Blaze and Torch helped their brothers Ize and  Crowbar in trying to track him down, but they did not succeed in their efforts. They wrongly assumed the Captain had fallen to his death and  they eventually stopped the search.

In the following weeks, the Firestorm brothers slowly became aware of what they had done. Rumours started floating around in the former 115th Legion about an inhibitor chip in the clones' brains that made them do terrible things they had no  control over. A few weeks after Order 66, the whole squad decided they’d had enough: They were done following orders blindly and started  making plans to desert from the Imperial Army. The only one who didn’t  go through with it in the end was Crowbar: Being the “little brother” of the group, he had always looked to Firebrand for leadership and decided to stay with the Empire simply because he didn't know what to do without him being there to fill the "big brother"- role of the group.  Nevertheless, he also stayed loyal to the rest of his brothers in his  own way and never told his superiors about them.

Blaze, Torch and Ize ran away and came into contact with a small holdout of other clones who confirmed the existence of the chips and told them how  to get them removed. The group went to an old Venator crash site where  they had their chips removed together. After that, they had an argument  about how they would live out the rest of their lives, Blaze and Torch remained together while Ize went his separate way and left for a small village on a backwater planet in the Outer Rim.

Empire/Rebellion Era

During the Empire Era, Blaze and Torch stayed together and still made an excellent sniper tag team. They became bounty hunters, travelling from planet to planet to hunt down miscreants and criminals for credits. They  managed to obtain a military grade U-wing through their contacts and christened it the “Firestorm”, after their old squad.

Their travels brought them to a farm planet during the early days of the  Rebellion, where Blaze fell in love with the farm girl Sara Carelli, who offered the clones a place to lie low (much to her father’s chagrin). Eventually, Blaze and Sara married and had a daughter called Ember.

Blaze and Torch settled down a bit after that, but found their stint as space adventurers wasn’t quite over yet when Firebrand unexpectedly showed up again in their lives, looking just as young as he did when Order 66 went down, and with an even younger looking Tholothian Jedi in tow…


And  this is where the character sheet leaves off and the rest of Firestorm  Squad's story begins. I may or may not turn this into a fanfic, or perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but for now this will have to do.