


6 years, 6 months ago



name featherstar
previous names featherkit, featherpaw, feathermoon
age 81 moons
gender male (he/him)
occupation leader
height large, built
race feline
clan riverclan

Featherstar’s personality definitely aligns with his build. He’s large, has a harsh gaze, and almost stands as still as a stone wall. To some, he’s a fearless leader. To others, he’s a kind soul – in his own way, of course.

His observant nature means that nothing goes unnoticed in his clan. In all his days in his position, not once has he had something slip by. His clanmates remain loyal to him and the clan, not just because of his staunch demeanor, but because they know that his clan comes above all else and that he will do anything possible to ensure their wellbeing. Featherstar has earned the hard respect and loyalty from those living around him, and he returns the gesture to them.

Featherstar might not say much thanks to how serious he is. He’s straightforward about what he expects and is also rational when need be. When opportunities are presented, he will always put the clan first and foremost. Not once does he let his own needs interfere with his choices.

Additionally, Featherstar is righteous. Despite putting his own clan above all else, if there is another cat that is being subject to unjust behavior, the tom will do what he can to fight for them. He knows that, whatever he does, his clan will back him for it.


  • his left side has heavy scarring, notably across his shoulder and down his side. this was due to an accident during his apprenticeship. he likes to think that it helped shape how righteous he is today.
  • short fur, but silky. his tail is the fluffiest.
  • an excellent swimmer, and an excellent fighter.
  • is pretty built, thanks to his years of work.
  • old man. means Very serious business
Design Notes

  • his left side has heavy scarring, notably across his shoulder and down his side.
  • short fur, but silky. his tail is the fluffiest.
  • hard, cold gaze -- sometimes looks like he's staring at your Soul
  • serious! not much of a smile-y guy
  • large... this old man is Strong

Featherkit didn’t have much going on as a kit. It was well. His clan was full of life, and everyone felt safe, as did most of the forest. He was a happy kit despite being the only one in his litter – his mother had birthed him and a sister, but she was stillborn.

As an apprentice, Featherpaw grew more serious in nature. No more was he a cheerful, playful cat. Now he was determined to polish his abilities and become a great warrior, one worthy enough to serve and protect his clanmates. It was a feat every apprentice sought to accomplish and naturally was the driving force for him to work on improving his skills.

Sometime in his late apprenticeship, however, a drought struck his clan. It left the rivers nearly dry; no fish were swimming within them, and that meant that most plants and herbs living nearby died. With them gone, so too did the other small creatures. That left a large, lively clan with little to no food to sate their hunger with.

Many clanmates perished during this time, and some were daring enough to leave. His father disappeared – presumably to find better land to live on – and his mother did her best to remain at Featherpaw’s side. However, she fell ill from the lack of food and soon succumbed to the drought along with several others. Even with his loss, Featherpaw did his best to provide for his clan. Being a younger cat, he was more able than the older ones, and was able to catch the few and far between prey that roamed through their territory.

Not only was the clan presented with a drought, but they were also subject to a small fox attack. It was a group of two foxes roaming the territory as he and three other warriors patrolled their territory. Although they managed to fend the creatures off, one warrior’s life was taken and Featherpaw was left with a massive scar down his side. The other two warriors were given minor injuries.

Though the aftermath of the foxes and the drought lasted for moons, soon StarClan bestowed rain upon them and their rivers were once more replenished. Slowly the clan began to rebuild, and for Featherpaw’s bravery during the trying times, he was given his warrior name. Feathermoon, for being the light that guided them.

He mentored two cats at separate times, one during his warriorhood, and a second when he was given the role of deputy. Both times he created strong, loyal warriors that still fend for RiverClan to the present day.

The former leader, Briarstar, passed long after the aftermath of the drought and fox attack. Now, Featherstar keeps only his clan’s best interest in mind and does his best to ensure a prosperous future for them.