Hey!! Can I offer art for 4??

Sure! Just send me examples <3

Ofc J4wbr34k3r on Instagram! Or you can see here on th

I accept! What kind of art are you offering :^D ?

Can I offer 2 full shaded halfs and a flat bust?

Yeah sure!! Can you PM me :^D ?

Does anyone in this folder or anyone not in the money folder on CowsgotCombos interest you for 3? ^__^

I'd love to get this character!!


If so, could I pm you for the info change on the ref :^D?

Yeah, sure! If you’d like, I can send the transfer once I reupload the ref with the new info

That sounds perfect to me! I'll PM yah now!

Could I please offer art for number 5?

May I see some examples please :^D

Yup, If it's possible could I send them through Discord? My user:「 Corvid 」#5172

If not here are some examples on Deviant https://www.deviantart.com/kuraxy/gallery/all

Sent a request!!