


1 year, 6 months ago



She/They FemNonbinary

May 11th




Marble Fox Beastial



Greymist Isles/Qrone



Brook is a young Marble Fox Beastial who was captured from the Fieldlands and sold into slavery in Qrone. She has never been a 'take it lying down' kind of fox and has spent making every moment of her new life a misery to anyone who dared buy her. Over the years Brook has learned to cool their aggression outwardly to avoid uneccessary beatings, though her rebeliousness never went away- merely concentrated on acts that will less likely come back to her. Brook is fearless and perhaps stupidly brave, willing to risk so much of themselves for even the chance of freedom, the thought alone is able to inspire so much fire in this little fox that seems to never go out.

Their blunt, coldness is usually reserved for humans or the occasional slimy beastial, but otherwise Brook is considered a loyal and passionate friend, caring to a fault as she often is willing to take the blame for others in an attempt to spare them from pain. Brook is sensitive to watch her loved ones be hurt again and would take a thousand beatings to spare what few loves she has left. Of course she takes it all with a smile and a reasurance that no human could ever break or hurt her, surprsingly quick to bounce back on their feet as fiesty as they'd always been. Its either incredibly naive or amazingly resiliant, regardless it is impressive how determined Brook is and how far she will go to keep her own happy and safe

The beastial has a bit of big sibling syndrome having been the eldest of a small family and taking great pride in caring and leading the charge, now she has much less to lead but falls naturally into takign control of things andoften works independently or leads the group on their menial tasks. They can't help but take charge sometimes and will force their voice to be heard if need be. Still, Brook is known ofr her nurturing aura, though her brand of it involes a lot of passionate (loud) speeches and 'pushing the baby bird off the branch to teach it to fly techniques. She always means well even if her words don't sound it and her enthusiams seems dismissive, shes ride or die and she intends to keep on living.

Despite her brave face Brook is plagued by guilt for the lose of her family, blaming herself for not being strong enough to protect their mother and being foolish enough to let her siblings be captured too. It is something she can never forgive herself for or ever let happen again. She pushes away her pain, feeling a deep longing and missing her family terribly but tears and wallowing will get her no where, action will.


Strength -2

Inteligence 1

Dexterity 2

Wisdom -1

Constitution 3

Charisma 1


  • Family
  • Open Fields
  • Homemade Foods
  • Quiet Dinners
  • Adventures


  • Qrone
  • Slavery
  • Humans
  • Authority


Keen sight

Advantage on Investigation Rolls.Only works when she is investigating escape routes

Brook has spent many years trying to escape slavery and is attuned to finding unique escape routes.



Brook is the eldest twin of the cat beastial, Bailey. Their family traveled through the Feildlands as their mother jumped from job to job and did her best to provide for her growing family, it wasn't a perfect life but Brook was happy living nomadically with their best friend and their mother. Some time later Bailey gave birth to a younger sister, a little cat beastial who Brook loved equally as much as her twin Monroe. The trio were tied to the hip and often Brook took on the leader/protector role. Brook is content and happy in their humble life in the Fieldlands, she couldn't ask for more. Except maybe a home so that Mama could always have a place to rest her paws


At 15 years old the family comes across a troupe of Clerics. Bailey has enough time to hide her children with Brook watching tensly the confrontation between their mother and the Clerics. For some reason the troupe attack their mother and in a moment of fear induced anger Brook leaps out fro their hiding spot and lunges at the Clerics, foolishly trying to save her mother is always broken on the floor. Non surprisingly she is unsuccessful and only achieves getting herself beaten as well as her sibs joining her in a cage. They're taken away with only the image of their unconcious mother being left behind.

Angry and scared Brook lashes out and tries every chance to bite and snarl at their captors, looking for any chance to free her family and go back for their mother, but every attempt is thwarted until she learns to stay quiet in order to keep her sibs safe. Quielty she plots their escape and acts strong for her sibs, offering them comfort and support. When they're taken to the slave block in Qrone Brook continues her attempts and is ultimately seperated from her siblings as the empowering 'ring leader', Brook is furious but her attempts to get back to them are fruitless. Brook waits for when she is sold and taken out of her cage to make another run for it, only to again be captured in the sea of slavers.

Brook enters her new life as a slave with nothing but contemp and plans to return back to her family, in their mind there was no way she could ever bow her head to humans. They took every opportunity to be snarky and disoeby, trying to make themselves look like a horrible slave so she could be resold, until one day she thought she found her escape and made a desperate dash. However she was not quick enough and when the farmer dragged her back she was given her first harsh punishment, beaten and bruished like her mother and as Brook lay unable to move she wonders if this is the Gods way of punishing her

Finally feeling helpless and in horirble pain Brook breaks down and finally lets her grief flow as she contemplates if this is going to be her life now, stuck at the mercy of humans and never able to see her family. No. This WOULDN'T be her life, she couldn't giev those long pigs the satisfaction of breaking her, they couldn't have that. Putting herslef back together Brook vowed she was never going to stop fighting, no matter how many bones they world broke she WOULD find her family again. She would be free.


6 Years later, at the ripe age of 21, Brook has thoroughly lived the life as a troublesome slave and earned herself the reputation of an ill mannered rat. She's able to complete tasks and knows better then to make petty fights, but more often they are likley to give snark to their captors and is always on the look out for escape. Brook has had many attempts and no successes, always been passed between slavers after the last one was sick of her shit. Brook relishes in giving humans grief despite the bruises and takes it all with a smile. One day it will be worth it, with every beating she gained a little more resiliance which would be neccessary for when she finally escapes.

Current time

Brook is currently on route to her next stop as a slave, either to be resold or already taken she's not sure, but she is diligent in her planning as ever.





  • Brook loved getting her paws wet and walking in streams with her family, her fondest memories are those spent by the waters edge playing with her family on a hot summers day.
  • Brook is slightly underfed due to her poor behaviour and denial of meals being a common punishment.
  • Her short hair cut is also a punishment from one time where slipped dye into her owners shampoo
  • Brook swore never to cry again and feel helpless. She reafirms to herself that she is not helpless.
  • Their voice claim is Loona from Helluva Boss

RP Tracker

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.
  • Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.
  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
  • In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo.
  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Name Here [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Bailey [ Mother ]

Brook loves and adores her mother who cared for them and never let them have a sad day if it was within her power. As a child Brook took for granted how hard Bailey worked to protect and give them a good life and feels deep guilt for being the cause of her families capture. As much as she is desperate to see her mother alive and well as she believes her to be, Brook fears their reunion and her mother potentially rejecting her for her failure.

Monroe [ Twin sib ]

The ying to Brook's yang this is Brooks BEST friend. From birth the pair were inseperable and had a way of just knowing what the other needed and meant, Brook having struggled to make her words line up with her thoughts and always being gratful for Ronnie's ability to filter her out. The pair are joint at the hip and Brook couldn't imagine having a better twin. Loosing them was like a slash to the heart and Brook desperatly misses Ronnie's humour and the ability to rely on someone.

Melody [ Younger sister ]

The baby girl of the family! The bright little buddy Brook loved to ruffle the hair of. She'd been so excited to be a double big sibling and fell in love with the kitten the moment she laid eyes on her. Brook always made sure to include Mel and slow things down if she struggled to keep up, doting and empowering the young girl to be as fierce and cool as her big sib. Her lose hurt the most.