Basic Info

Jedi General Jenna Borralis




Name: Jenna Borralis

Rank: Jedi Master, Jedi General

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Home planet: Coruscant

-Physical Details-

 174 cm

  Caucasian, freckled

Hair:  Red

Eyes:  Green


  •  Often meditates on things she doesn't understand (She wonders if attachment really is that bad)
  •  Will always try to understand the other's point of view and values different opinions
  •  Will  take a rock or pebble from every single planet she visits to add to her growing collection of rocks from places she has been to.

Gestures/Mannerisms: Conducts  herself professionally in situations that call for it, will laugh at other people's jokes (even if they aren't actually funny).

  Martha Harms (Maya from Borderlands)

Scars:  No notable physical scars, though she definitely has emotional ones.


  • Jenna's Venator-class Star Destroyer is called the Saga.
  • Jenna lost Kanda Chie, her Twi'Lek Padawan, relatively early in the clone wars. After Kanda died, Jenna kept the kyber crystal from his lightsaber out of sentiment and hung it from her lightsaber's hilt as a small charm. She knows she will eventually need to let go of him as the Jedi Code forbids attachment and while she still sees the Code as her guide  to live by, she is also a human being and has great difficulty dealing with her loss. She eventually ends up giving the same crystal to Firebrand and finds peace right before she is killed when Order 66 goes  down.


Loves/Favourites: Firebrand because personality-wise, he reminds her of her late Padawan. She also loves humour and will always laugh at other people's jokes. Furthermore, she cares greatly about the clone troopers under her command and she makes sure to always treat them like fellow human beings instead of disposable pawns.
Tries very hard not to hate because she has been taught that hate eventually leads to suffering, but she has a lot of trouble dealing with the Jedi Order's no attachments-rule and doesn't like that she has to hide her relationship with Firebrand from both his brothers and the Jedi Order. She also greatly dislikes the amount of suffering both her clone  troopers and the Galaxy at large are being put through due to the war.

Collects rocks from all over the Galaxy.

Jenna has mastered the elegant Makashi form of lightsaber combat and is very good at seeing through her opponents' moves. She is also tactful in her dealings with other people and will gracefully deflect any questions regarding her attachment issues and her relationship with Firebrand. To this end, she has also mastered the skill of quickly switching between her role as a normal human being when she's alone with him, and her role of Jedi General when other people are around.

Character Strengths: Compassionate (particularly towards her clone troopers), Tactful, Brave, Perceptive

And the coinciding weaknesses:  Overthinks things, Hypocritical (She is a Jedi Master, yet she secretly questions the no attachments rule and indulges in a romantic relationship with Firebrand plus she has great difficulty letting go of her dead Padawan), Suppresses her grief because she is ashamed of her attachment to Kanda.


  • She is fascinated with her clone troopers and their plight.
  • She  started collecting rocks from every planet she visits because you can hardly find any on her home planet of Coruscant (since the whole planet  is one big city).
  • Easily amused and loves it when people tell her jokes (even bad ones).

Most valued possessions: 

Technically, possession is forbidden to her and while she will let go of her collection of rocks in a heartbeat, Kanda's kyber crystal holds a certain sentimental value to her even though she knows she's not supposed to hold on to it. She eventually finds peace after she finally gives it away to Firebrand.

What kind of energy level do they usually have?

Calm and collected.
What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she
/they display? 

Publicly denies her relationship with Firebrand (but everybody already seems to know what's up). Jenna treats everyone with the same elegance and grace (though she lets that slide a little bit when she's alone with Firebrand). She is also very respectful towards her troops and they respect her in return. 

Does he/she/they have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior?

  • Laughs at every joke, even bad ones
  • Sings in the shower
  • Has a thing for scars

What is his/her/their sexual preference/experience/values?

She doesn't have a particular preference for any species or gender mostly because she was never taught to care about that sort of thing, but she has been in a relationship with Firebrand ever since she fell for him.



A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away… But also during the Clone Wars.
Educational background/other learning experiences: 

She spent all her life at the Jedi Order being taught to live by the Code just like other Jedi and eventually took an interest in mastering the Makashi form when she became a Knight. After she became a Master of Form II, she started dabbling in other forms as well and used whatever knowledge she picked up from them to add her own signature and flair to the already elegant combat style, making it her own.

Intelligence Level: Smarter than average (not dumb but not a tactical genius either but she is very good at reading people's motives)

Family: As with most Jedi, she regards the Jedi Order as her family.

Friends: Mostly Firebrand and his squad, other than that she is quite lonely.



Jenna was born and raised on the city planet of Coruscant. Like many Jedi younglings, she never knew her biological family and grew up learning and living by the Jedi Code. Her youth was mostly uneventful and she spent a lot of time learning and mastering her combat skills.

During the Clone Wars: 

By the time the war broke out, Jenna was already a Master and had taken on a Padawan learner. She was very nurturing towards herPadawan, a Twi'Lek male by the name of Kanda Chie, and taught him a great deal about the Makashi combat form. Just when Kanda was about to become comfortable and had started making the form his own, the Clone Wars  broke out and both he and Jenna were sent to serve on the battlefield as Jedi Commander and General respectively. Jenna was given the115th Legion's 89th clone Battalion to lead and that's how she met Captain  Firebrand. While Jenna did notice there was something strange about the clone (Firebrand is Force sensitive), their relationship was still strictly professional at this point. Eventually disaster struck and  Kanda died on the battlefield due to his own overconfidence, leaving Jenna grief-stricken even though she knew that the Code forbade her to be. Jenna became depressed, but Firebrand managed to bring her back from the brink by cheering her up and making her laugh. She fell in love  with the charming clone and became more and more convinced that the Force had brought them together for a reason.

Order 66: 

Right before Order 66 was issued, Jenna called Firebrand up to her chamber on Coruscant to tell him that he was Force-sensitive. Sensing that the time to let go was now, she gave him Kanda's crystal that had been hanging from her lightsaber on a piece of string ever since he died, and told Firebrand to wear it as a necklace under his armour and always keep it close to his heart. They made love afterwards and they were  still lying in bed when Firebrand’s communicator went off. He wanted to get dressed to take the call, but Jenna pushed him away from the device, looking troubled and saying she felt a terrible disturbance in the Force. He first smiled at her confusedly, thinking she didn’t want him to pick up the communicator because she wanted to have another go at it, then his face contorted into a painful expression and they both knew something was wrong.

Before she even knew what was really going on, Firebrand's closest brothers Ize and Crowbar stormed into the room. Jenna closed her eyes and knew her time had come when she was killed by Ize's blaster bolt. Glad that she had finally found peace, her spirit left this plane of existence and became one with the Force, leaving a very confused and distressed Firebrand behind.


And  this is where Jenna's tragic story of a character sheet leaves off and the rest of this Star Wars AU begins. I may or may not turn this into a fanfic, or perhaps tell the story in some other way, shape or form, but  for now this will have to do.