Heikki Jansson



1 year, 6 months ago


Heikki is a 23-year old environmental sciences graduate working as a research assistant in a team of 5 others, investigating the site of a possible impact crater in Greenland known as the Avannaata Basin, out of the remote "ABIS-1" (Avannaata Basin Ice Sampling) polar research station. He is a generally anxious individual and suffers from a considerable lack of self-confidence, particularly manifesting in his feelings of inferiority to his colleagues. As a result, he is somewhat touchy and habitually overworks himself in order to feel more useful to the team. Heikki has a tendency to seclude himself, but has a deep desire to make more meaningful connections with those around him, as  much as he tells himself he shouldn't.

In his work, Heikki is primarily concerned with analysing atmospheric data recorded in the thick ice overlying the rock of the Basin, to investigate fluctuations in the local climate following its formation. In addition to this, he works in the research station's canteen, doubling as its barista, as he is one of only two occupants with the necessary experience.

With the rest of the research team, Heikki is to remain at ABIS-1 for 540 days.