Fae Itsy



1 year, 6 months ago


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Fae Itsy

"For someone I yearned to be in my life for so long, you're nothing but a disappointment"

A Tattoo Artist who went from rags to riches, despite gaining things they lost a lot.



  • CREATOR Mossymarsh
  • DESIGNER Mossymarsh
  • ROLE Protagonist
  • WORTH Not for Sale

"Without art I have nothing."

Fae Itsy, a simple tattoo artist would live a hard and intense life that'd lead them down many bad paths and leave them with a broken mind all because of their Father's own selfishness and greed. They'd wind up homeless and with a distrust for law enforcers.

Fae would grow up feeling alone, only having one parent was already looked down upon, but growing up queer and autistic in a judgemental society put pressure on them from a very young age to fit in. In a fit of rage as a teenager they'd rebel and lash out, only holding a soft spot for their mother who loved them very dearly, they'd have the best Mother-Child relationship, and to Fae, Saorise was the best Mother they could've ever asked for. As a late teen they'd reform and stick in at school, in turn garnering the unwanted attention of an American Student-teacher who'd bring them to fame as a tattoo artist, all eyes were on them, including the eyes of their very own father.


Fae growing up with virtually nothing learned at a young age to be kind, despite there younger teenage phase, they never were outspoken nor brash when it came to peoples feelings, always taking them into consideration. They will go out of their way to do anything for the ones they love, even things that make them uncomfortable. They defend those they love, and will protect them, not wanting their loved one to go through hardships alone. They are also a hopeless romantic but one that respects boundaries, finding random, unneeded physical contact disgusting themselves.

They always carry around a bunch of supplies, forever ready for anything that may happen out of the blue. They like to also spoil their friends and loved ones with gifts and trinkets, always offering to tattoos those close to them for free and also being more than happy to listen and/or talk about anything, mainly their special interest, birds.


Fae has the hardest time ever trusting anyone, opening up their heart too many times and each time it being crumpled and given back to them, they'd rather be lonely than reach out their heart to the wrong person. They heavily react upon emotions, letting that guide them, this leads to their downfall on many occassions, making them fall from grace and near windup in jail. They are also clumsy, and people view this alongside their bubbly and kind personality to be a nuisance and can consider them loud.


  • Where Fae should've been cared for by their two parents, they were abandoned by their dad, who was ironically a police officer. This only started Fae's distrust of all law enforcers, which would worsen once they'd find out the whole truth of what happened on one eventful night...
  • Fae's Mother never changed her will nor had she told Fae about their father, she had never divorced him, nor had he been found, which would be their mother's downfall.
  • Fae would go on to excel in their studies after a tough patch of school, once reformed, they were picked apart from the rest by a teacher. Luckily they were given a shop to care for, one that needed much repairs albeit, but would stand to bring them to fame once they made a name for themselves as a tattoo artist. Fae's rise to fame was fast, attracting unwanted attention which would then result in the disappearance of their Mother. After months of searching, Fae couldn't afford to keep renting their Mother apartment, and would go to clean it out to be sold. There they would find their father squatting in the place, looking for things to sell at the pawn shop, not knowing he was their father, they argued, before the truth came out, then they'd fight to the death.
  • Fae managed to live on, despite the many injuries they received, they killed their father in the tumble and would then go on to a repeated cycle of being involved with the law one way or another. After they were ruled innocent for the death of their Father, they'd get romantically involved with an apprentice detective, Tetsuya Shirai. This would lead to heartbreak where one night he broke things off with them out of the blue and they'd be left with the ruins of their relationship and with nothing else.. the cycle of their Mothers relationship almost seeming to repeat itself as they were left alone once more... Fae finding themselves helpless and in disarray, until a lovely person, going by the name of Lila would step into their life and change it for the better.


  • During their childhood, Fae was the epitome of "ignorance is bliss," they might've grown up in a poor crime-torn neighbourhood, but through the eyes of a child and help from their Mother to help them live an almost lavish lifestyle on a budget, Fae had a happy life, crayons, food, and most importantly a place to live. Or.. places, they'd hop around town to town, not affording to pay rent for too long, or moving so Fae's Mother could find a better place to work, Fae didn't complain much as they knew this was better than what most may have.
  • Once Fae would start going to school, they noticed in more ways than one they were different from others, already exclaiming how they didn't quite feel a boy or a girl. Fae's Mother would have to force her previous prejudices aside, as little Fae was all she had. In the end, Fae's Mother would become more open minded and loving due to her young child's words, however Fae was merely a toddler and those words may have been an important message for some, but for others, Fae was forced to live as either a boy, or a girl, not knowing much they just decided not to choose.
  • Fae was not only different for recognising themselves as feeling different gender wise at such a young age, but also how they grew up with a single Mother, it wouldn't impact younger Fae much, but as they grew it'd be more apparent just how conservative Japan was, and how Fae's Mother was looked down upon for being a "tramp."


  • Fae has a rougher adolescence, diving right into the alt phase, they became an emo at the age of 13 and would try tell their Mother it wasn't a phase. Angsty, brash and unforgiving, they were cruel and outspoken to those who crossed them, being so unrelentless to even not give them second chances. Fae grew to be a bully, but this was cut short as Fae's Mother found out about it and talked to them. Not long after they warmed up and grew to be much kinder to some classmates but their reputation as a former bully still lingered.
  • Later on they'd come full circle and recognise what they'd always known.. they were non-binary, they came out by accident to their mother and then after hyterics and tears would fully come out as a non-binary pansexual.
  • Being objectively pretty and easy on the eyes, Fae attracted the attention of a foreign student teacher into their later years. Fae however wasn't too fond of the man, but as they were lonely and very much a social outcast, they used the teachers crush to their advantage. Here they'd lie about their age, get a fake ID, and wrap the teacher around their little finger, being only 16, they got into a college where they would get their tattoo license and study art for two years, all while maintaining a weird not-quite-relationship with the obsessive teacher. They'd cut the relation short, and change their identity again and completely change their look to be who they wanted.
  • now had secured a job, a new life and a shop, here they'd take it as an opportunity to pay back all that their Mother sacrificed to give them a happy life, and would get her a house, nice things, nice clothes and help her retire very early. It was all thanks to Fae's teacher, their own work ethic and quick rise to fame that allowed Fae to truly do all this, they'd become a workaholic, working day in, day out to get as much money as possible, just to spend it all on the shop or on their Mother, this would bring their downfall.
  • One day Fae hadn't heard from their Mother, they decided to swing by her house where they found.. no one? This panicked Fae as they tried every possible way to contact their Mother, and after 12 more hours their Mother was promptly reported missing.
  • It had been 4 months, and Fae would chase the police up, but would lag behind on bills, work and etc. They found they couldn't pay for their Mother apartment anymore, and in a tearfilled panic, would rush to their Mothers house. Unbeknownst to them, Fae's Mother never legally divorced their Father, nor changed the will, and with Fae's rise to fame in their City, it was only time before Fae's Father's lust for money would win over and cause their Mother's disappearance.
  • Of course, Fae meeting eyes to eyes with what they thought was a squatter would never end up good, they threatened to call the police, to kick him out, to fight, to anything. Fae's Father being a police officer jumped into action and restrained Fae, holding their hands behind their back, and a hand over their mouth, there'd be no way to scream for help in the apartment, nor run. It was then Fae's Father's want for attention sprang to life, he confessed his whole life and crime right then and there for only Fae to hear, they were beyond disgusted, it repulsed them to their very core.
  • Fae however had a lot more coming, as not only had he fully confessed to everything, and let them go from his restraint, he admitted he planned to not let them go alive for they knew too much. Brandishing a knife in his hand, he lunged towards them, unknowingly knocking over a candle he had lit on the table, causing not only a fire to spark up, but the knife met with Fae's stomach, catching and tearing through their skin, they let out an agonising cry....
  • ....But adrenaline took over as they ripped it out, they took the knife and leaped at their Father and with no remorse stabbed him over,
  • and over,
  • and over,
  • till there was naught but a bloody mess lit up in a fire filled room.
  • They burnt their bloody clothes, lay in their underclothes on the floor and awaited the fire to consume them. But that never happened, they were rushed to hospital, rescued by a fireman and helped by doctors, only their right side was eaten away by third degree burns, and not only that but there was little to no evidence on the death of their Father, and not only that, but he was said to have moved country to aide in a rise in investigations. This definitely took some weight off Fae's shoulders, but the flashes to that night never stopped, and this was when Tetsuya Shirai would walk into Fae's fucked up life..


  • Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Their style is based off Grunge/Punk scene mixed with vibrant colours, this is no way to stand out or be better than other Punks/Grunge people, they just find brighter colours more fun,
  • Their natural hair colour is black, they opt to dye it to rid themselves of their fathers impurities
  • Due to being a tattoo artist they naturally have multiple tattoos, most revolving round nature, paganism or important patterns,
  • Their features are soft and rounded, yet they have a slender almost starved body with a pale complection, this is due to their living conditions throught the story.


  • AGE 25
  • BIRTHDAY 25/6/2015
  • RACE Wasian (Japanese/Irish)
  • OCCUPATION Tattoo Artist
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Hino, Osaka, Japan
  • RESIDENCE Varies
  • ARCHETYPE The Lover
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • HEIGHT 6'1
  • WEIGHT 63.5kg
  • STATUS Alive
  • SOCIAL STANCE Lower Class


  • BODY BUILD: Slender

  • BODY SHAPE: Inverted triangle

  • EYE SHAPE: Almond

  • HAIR LENGTH: To shoulders

  • HAIR STYLE: Down

  • Colourful • Tall • Soft

  • Multiple tattoos,
  • Bright Green eyes,
  • Lilac Dyed hair,
  • Tall,
  • Pale.






  • List how your character carries themselves here. Are they graceful and elegant? Do they slouch? Are they intimidating? This section will scroll.
  • Maecenas viverra consequat
  • Pellentesque at enim venenatis
  • Proin eget neque non sem porta aliquet
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum
  • CASUAL: Their casual outfit appears quite the opposite of casual, they wear a navy vest with a tri toned (pink/orange/yellow) baggy sweater, with a pair of light denim shorts, and to top it all off they wear rainbow feathered leg warmers.

  • FORMAL: They prefer to either wear Jumpsuits or a Tuxedo to more formal events, opting for a vibrant red, respecting the formality of some events they do not go over the top with a multitude of colours, they tend to go with minimal patterns and less accessories.

  • SUMMER: In Summer they'll simply wear a vest with a vibrant hawaiian shirt on top, usually paired with light coloured shorts or skirts.

  • AUTUMN:In Autumn they love to wear big cosy patterned sweaters, with fall colours, usually a mustard yellow, alongside more black tones, their pallet really tones down in autumn, alongside the leaves, but they still aren't any less vibrant, wearing bright red cardigans and yellow shirts where possible.

  • WINTER: In Winter their clothes look more on the white side of things, with occasional pastel colour, they thoroughly enjoy adding a hat, scarf and gloves to any outfit, usually all mismatched, with a multitude of turtlenecks and fluffy jumpers.

  • SPRING: In Spring they love wearing yellows, browns and golds, lots of floral print for a change, paired with cardigans, my do they love cardigans and jumpers.

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  • CHARM ANKLET:An Anklet comprised of pagan symbols and bird feather charms.

  • BUTTERFLY CLIPS: An array of cheap plastic butterfly hair clips.

  • CELTIC RING: A Banded Ring with a celtic pattern across it.

  • LEG WARMERS:Leg warmers composed of colourful feathers and wool.

  • Sour Candy
  • Spicy Food
  • Butterflies
  • Birds
  • Colourful Spaces
  • Sunflowers
  • The Colour Red.
  • Interuptions
  • Law Enforcers
  • Fire
  • Physical Touch
  • Eye Contact.

HOBBY: Describe/ explain your character's hobby here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

HOBBY: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

HOBBY: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

HABIT: Describe/ explain your character's habit here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

HABIT: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

HABIT: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Unknown

  • COMMON STARTER: "Unknown."

  • SWEARS?: Unknown

  • QUIRKS: Unknown

If you want, you can describe your character's way of speaking here. This box will scroll. Maecenas eu bibendum tellus, dignissim accumsan risus. Phasellus non orci mollis, blandit dui at, elementum sem. Praesent posuere pretium enim a interdum. Nulla pulvinar lobortis tincidunt.

  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Put a quote here."
  • COLOUR Unknown
  • FOOD Unknown
  • SEASON Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY Unknown
  • HOLIDAY Unknown
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • GENRE Unknown

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STRENGTH: Describe/ explain your character's strength here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

STRENGTH: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

STRENGTH: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

WEAKNESS: Describe/ explain your character's weakness here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

WEAKNESS: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

WEAKNESS: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

SKILL: Describe/ explain your character's skill here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

SKILL: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

SKILL: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.


GOAL: Describe/ explain your character's goal here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

GOAL: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

GOAL: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

FEAR: Describe/ explain your character's fear here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

FEAR: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

FEAR: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

  • POSTURE: Unknown

  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Unknown



If you want, you can describe your character's health here. This box will scroll. Maecenas eu bibendum tellus, dignissim accumsan risus. Phasellus non orci mollis, blandit dui at, elementum sem. Praesent posuere pretium enim a interdum. Nulla pulvinar lobortis tincidunt.

Aenean placerat porta lectus, ut efficitur ipsum hendrerit sit amet. Donec euismod erat ac mi pharetra, sed facilisis lectus accumsan. Quisque gravida rhoncus facilisis. Ut erat lectus, imperdiet nec ligula at, hendrerit maximus velit. Duis posuere libero enim, vel ultrices nulla laoreet eget. Curabitur eu porta nulla, id rutrum elit.

  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll. Mauris eget venenatis arcu. Nulla imperdiet justo posuere, euismod est in, porttitor nisi.
  • Duis scelerisque risus vel mollis laoreet. Curabitur semper justo id cursus congue. Nunc a quam congue, gravida arcu ut, posuere velit.
  • Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam euismod, lectus non placerat gravida, orci tellus facilisis sapien, aliquam mattis ligula turpis tincidunt lorem.
  • Cras pellentesque enim sed est rhoncus commodo. Nullam dignissim turpis quis nulla dapibus, et pulvinar diam euismod. Nunc tortor nisi, mattis quis nisi nec, ultricies rhoncus eros. In vel ultrices leo.



  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."

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