


1 year, 6 months ago



"The sun only has so much light to give. That's why I'm here to help it!"

  • name > Fogcackle
        prefix meaning > Their light colored fur reminiscent of fog
        suffix meaning > Their loud voice and humor
        previous names > Fogkit, Fogpaw
    nicknames > Fog

    clan > CloudClan
        previous clans > N/A
    rank > Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Ashenbranch
    apprentices >
        current > N/A
        previous > N/A

    age > 12+ Moons
    gender > Libramasculine
    pronouns > They/Them & He/Him
    sex > Male
    sexuality > Cupiosexual Pomoromantic

IMAGE%20URL%20HEREbasic description > Light blue-gray tabby tom with blue eyes

build > Slim and lanky with long legs
fur description > Short and sleek, but thick
breeds > Moggy

height > 27 cm
weight > 7.8 lbs
voice > TBD
> Morning dew and wildflowers

scars > N/A
accessories > N/A
banned traits > N/A


Personality Traits
positive >
    >> Charismatic > It's one of the easiest things in the world to make friends with Fogcackle. They are the light of life and simply cannot live without socializing and involving everyone. They are the bond that brings others together, and they ensure that everyone is included when they want to be.
    >> Solicitous > If the wellbeing of others is anyone's concern, it's Fogcackle's. Fogcackle cares deeply about those around them, even if they aren't necessarily close with them. They're quick to try and brighten one's day if they are seeming down, or they will simply be there to be the shoulder to lean on.
    >> Enthusiastic > Fogcackle approaches everything with a bright outlook and high energy. They like to make the most out of their days, spending every waking moment doing something--and if they aren't giving his all, are they even trying? Putting their best foot forward always seems to make the tasks they do easier and more enjoyable.

neutral >
    >> Humorous > Even if it's not funny, Fogcackle will somehow make it funny. The one thing they love to see is others laughing and having fun, and so they take it upon themselves to make sure they do so, even if that means perhaps humiliating themselves once in a while. However, sometimes their humor is taken too far, and they overstep boundaries in terms of when the joke is appropriate or not.
    >> Casual > One thing that Fogcackle forgoes is formalities and stiffness. Something about having to keep up a façade of someone they do not just makes them feel uncomfortable, for they want others to see their genuine self. It makes them quite easy to get to know and get along with, but some may say they could use a bit more discipline every now and then.
    >> Protective > If there's one thing no one should mess with, it's their family and friends. Fogcackle not only wants everyone to be happy but also to be safe, even if that means putting themselves between themselves and danger. They'll be the first to defend their loved ones from anything, though their protection may not always be welcomed, especially when they're so terrible at doing so.

negative >
    >> Oblivious > Something about tone and atmosphere never seems to quite click in Fogcackle's mind. They never can read the room and understand what is happening, nor do they seem to pick up on things as quickly as others. It all seems to go through one ear and out the other, and sometimes, it's a wonder whether they purposefully ignore something or if they're just that dense.
    >> Mischievous > Fogcackle has a terrible tendency to get into things that they shouldn't. They have made a habit out of doing wrong, if not for a little bit of fun. They say that it is just to get a smile out of someone, though they would be lying if they said it wasn't for themselves as well.
    >> Impulsive > Fogcackle doesn't understand the definition of thinking and jumps in as a first reaction. They often run headfirst into their problems, deciding that whatever happens will simply happen. They simply don't think of the consequences that may follow their lack of critical thinking through moments that need them most.


 parents >
    >> Gloomthorn > Parent > Small black tabby cat with a white paw and green eyes > Played by RubyRose364 > Deceased
    >> Lily > Rogue Surrogate > Apricot tortoiseshell she-cat with copper eyes > NPC > ???

    >> Bloomsong > Aunt / Adoptive Mother > Red calico she-cat with blue eyes > Played by Zodiac-Dream > Alive

siblings >
    >> Snowbird > Sister > Albino she-cat with pink eyes > Played by Living-In-Anime > Alive
    >> Hollownight > Brother > Black tabby trans-tom with white paws and heterochromatic green and yellow eyes > Played by CGIspector > Alive

    >> Pumanose > Brother > Brown tabby tom with white markings and green eyes > Played by Winter5587 > Alive
    >> Servalsnap > Sibling > Black rosetted tabby cat with green eyes > Played by Sn0wbranch > Alive
    >> Cheetahcloud > Brother > Golden rosetted tabby tom with green eyes > Played by ShiiDreams > Alive
    >> Panthercrow > Sister > Black rosetted tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with green eyes and white spotting > Played by RubyRose364 > Alive
    >> Lynxpool > Brother > Brown tabby tom with green eyes and a white marking around one eye > Played by Chordata-Flyer > Deceased
    >> Caracalskip > Sibling > Dark brown tabby cat with green eyes > Played by entangled-life > Alive

mate >
    >> N/A

kits >
    >> N/A

extended >
    >> Leafdrift > Paternal Grandfather > Blue classic tabby tom with green eyes > Played by Melontine > Missing

    >> Sunwatcher > Pibling > Red tortoiseshell cat with green eyes > Played by Bloom44894 > Alive
    >> Gusthowl > Uncle > Light brown classic tabby tom with green eyes > Played by Thrushgh0st > Alive
    >> Rainpuddle > Uncle > Blue tabby tom with violet eyes > Played by SnorlaxJax > Missing
    >> Snailbelly > Uncle > Blue tabby tom with green eyes > Played by codesii > Alive

    >> Morninglight > First Cousin > Orange tabby trans-tom with green eyes > Played by NorthernSadness > Alive
    >> Lightpaw > First Cousin > Pale orange spotted tabby she-cat with teal eyes > Played by hunter7104289 > Deceased
    >> Dawnpaw > First Cousin > Orange spotted tabby tom with green eyes and a folded ear > Played by lotusfang89 > Missing

    >> Ocelotpaw > First Cousin > Dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes > Played by ShiiDreams > Alive
    >> Lionpaw > First Cousin > Dark gray-brown she-cat with green eyes > Played by OlivcatDraws > Alive
    >> Cougarpaw > First Cousin > Dark brown tabby trans tom with green eyes > Played by RubyRose364 > Alive

mate > N/A
    previous mates > N/A
    romantic interests > N/A
    looking for > Crushes

likes in a potential mate >
    > Kind personalities
    Enjoys physical affection

dislikes in a potential mate >
    Arrogant personalities
    Assertive personalities
    Short fur

interested in kits > Unsure, they're happy just being a pibling
preferred family size > Medium



Den Building
Sign Fluency 

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    With his mate gone and his kits grown, Gloomthorn was on the fence about the idea of having anymore kits. He never saw himself having another litter, but... he wanted it. He wanted to be a parent again, if not for him than for his older kits. So he sought out the help of a rogue to have a new litter of kits, and soon enough, he was waiting with baited anticipation for his new bundles of joy to be born.
    But Gloomthorn never got to meet them. While waiting for his kits to arrive, the small warrior continued his duties and remained productive. He went on a patrol to protect Cirrusflight on her first trip to Crystal Falls since its restoration, and he unfortunately didn't come back alive. The Falls had been attacked by ghosts, and Gloomthorn was killed in the action. For a brief moment, the clan wondered who would care for his kits when they would arrive, but not a day passed before his beloved sister, Bloomsong, stepped up, ready to adopt her brother's kits and raise them.
    Fogkit was born alongside his two littermates, Snowkit and Hollowkit. The kits were not left in the dark about their heritage, their aunt telling them all about their parent and how he died an honorable warrior of CloudClan. Fogkit always enjoyed listening to stories about Gloomthorn, though he had far more fun playing with the other kits and simply enjoying life. Alongside his littermates, there were two other litters in the nursery to start; Elmchirp and Quailbelly's kits, and Cheetahcloud's. Cheetahcloud was Fogkit's older brother, so that made his kits Fogkit's nieces. It was a bit weird to think about, but it didn't bother Fogkit. It just meant he had more friends to play with! He always tried to get some of his denmates in on his schemes and pranks, even if they didn't always work out right. He always gave Bloomsong a run for her prey, but he was thankful to have her there to raise him nonetheless.
    Fogkit quickly made a name for himself in the nursery, becoming that of like a big brother to many. He always tried to involve everyone in games and stories, even if they didn't really want to, and he always tried to get others to laugh. When new queens would join the nursery, like Jaychirp and Algaebreeze, he was the first to welcome them. He wondered what it would be like having kits younger than him around. Would they be small? Smaller than Snowkit? That was almost hard to believe! He figured he would just have to wait to see, but he still eagerly found himself asking questions about when the kits would come and when he could be their friend.
    Algaebreeze joining the nursery also meant he saw Thistleflame more. The large tom had come by once in a while already, primarily for Fogkit and his littermates. Fogkit didn't make sense of it for a bit until Bloomsong told him that Thistleflame was his father's mentor long time ago. His eyes practically twinkled at the revelation, and he ended up becoming more of a nuisance to the old tom in wanting to hear stories about his allusive father. Thistleflame didn't seem all too bothered by it, answering his questions and telling him stories whenever he wanted. It felt like Fogkit was getting closer to Gloomthorn in those moments, even though he had never meant him. He cherished those moments.
    He excitedly welcomed Jaychirp's two kits and Algaebreeze's four. They really were tiny! He vowed to watch over them with a puffed-out chest, though his sister would tell him to grow up a little more before devoting himself to such a task. Still, how could someone not want to protect them? They were so cute! Though, admittedly, they made the nursery suddenly feel a lot more cramped than it really should have been. Thank StarClan some of the older kits were ranking out soon, like Fogkit's cousins. It hadn't even been a moon before the arrival of the new kits that Forestkit had become an apprentice and moved out, and now the nursery had a new caretaker in the form of Rabbitlily and another new expectant mother in the form of yet another of Fogkit's older siblings, Servalsnap. Whew!
    As the kits got older, Fogkit became more rambunctious and caused more mischief. He found that he never quite grew terribly close to anyone in particular; while Hollowkit made friends with a kit named Dandelionkit, Snowkit was often in her own little world. Sure, he had Bloomsong, but it wasn't as fun being friends with your mother. Fogkit took to being everyone's friend, placing himself where he best saw fit at the moment. It didn't mean he had any solid connections, but he seemed pretty alright with that in the long run.
    Cheetahcloud's kits become apprentices and moved out, just in time for Servalsnap to give birth to her three kits. They were so small, and Fogkit was sad that he wouldn't have much time to spend with them, as within the next moon, he would be an apprentice himself! He would miss the nursery, but he was also looking forward to going out and seeing the bigger world and learning new things. But he still promised that he would be there for his little cousins if they ever needed him--after all, they were family! He would give his life for them if it would come to that.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    The moon flew by, and the next thing he knew, it was time for his apprenticeship ceremony. He was eager to find out who his mentor would be, so much so that he practically rushed his littermates and Quailbelly's kits--who ranked up at the same time as them--to the clan meeting. Quailbelly's kits received their names and mentors first, and while Fogkit tried desperately to wait patiently, his tail was found thumping the ground in great anticipation. He watched as Hollowpaw was given his name and Burbotscale for a mentor, and then finally, it was his turn.
    Customary to the ceremony, his new name became Fogpaw, marking the beginning of his apprenticeship. He was assigned to a young warrior by the name of Ashenbranch, who seemed kind, if a bit quiet. Fogpaw didn't have much of an opinion of her, though time would probably tell that he would quickly become a thorn in her paw with his mischievous nature. Still, he was nevertheless happy with the arrangement. Finally, he would get to learn what it meant to be a warrior! He could see the territory and hunt and fight. He could serve his clan. He was excited, so much so that he almost forgot to cheer for his own sister as Snowpaw's ceremony ended the clan meeting.
    Though, the beginning of his apprenticeship was extremely difficult. Snowstorms decided to hit, as if to dampen his mood with the cold, and forced him to train in the camp for much of his start. One of the older apprentices ended up losing their life to the snowstorm, and as if it couldn't get any worse, Cougarkit ended up getting lost while trying to find his way back to the nursery. How he got out of the camp in such a blizzard, no one really knew, but as he heard the search parties being formed to find his little cousin, Fogpaw adamantly tried to join. But he was just a newly named apprentice with no skills; how was he expected to find a kit in this weather? He was told to promptly stay put in camp and that the older cats would find Cougarkit. Still, Fogpaw paced impatiently as he waited for news, his fur ruffled up until the search parties returned with Cougarkit.
    It wasn't just Cougarkit that they brought back, though. Alongside the freezing--but living--kit, they brought back the body of Thistleflame. Come to find out, the old tom had discovered the kit first and sheltered him from the cold. But the cold still beat him, and he ended up passing away from the chill in his bones. Many cats cried at his vigil, and Fogpaw could only watch on silently. He was... conflicted. He saw Thistleflame as like an uncle when he would come and visit and tell him about Gloomthorn. But he could only admire the passed tom in his decision to protect Cougarkit. It was the path of a warrior to defend the ones you loved. And Thistleflame did that.
    It was Fogpaw's duty to continue Thistleflame's duty. After the incident, the glares and remarks that Algaebreeze's kits made towards Cougarkit didn't go unnoticed. Fogpaw found himself stepping up defensively in front of Cougarkit multiple times. He wouldn't say anything to the young kits, but he would find himself staring down at them with a look of contempt. Sure, their father died, but he died honorably. He made his decision. They should be proud of him and continue to uphold his legacy. It wasn't Cougarkit's fault what had happened. He couldn't believe that these were Thistleflame's kits. He assured Cougarkit that he would always be there for the young tom, smiling as if nothing had happened afterward. After all, he spoke nothing but the truth.
    As the weather began to improve, so too did the mood around camp. The clan celebrated the returns of both Daisyspring and Tideflower, all while congratulating the multitude of cats that have announced their mateships, including Fogpaw's mentor Ashenbranch. Fogpaw began to put a good amount of effort into their training, but they always saved time for fun, too. They never forced others to join them, though Fogpaw would make doe eyes to their sister often to keep them company. As for Hollowpaw, they let their brother spend his time with Dandelionpaw, who had just become an apprentice and joined them in the apprentices' den. It was a bit weird, their littermates finding separate paths to them. Fogpaw didn't mind it all too much, though they also hoped they could continue to keep a close relationship with them, even if they weren't like in mind.
    If anything, Fogpaw found their training a bit boring. It was the same thing every day, with either the border patrols or hunting parties followed up by battle training. There was a bit of a change when Magpiepond received Bugpaw as an apprentice. Being Ashenbranch's mate, meant that the two would probably be trained together. That was all fine, but it would get boring again. Fogpaw began to make new friends at the very least, including Crowpaw, who they had gotten to know briefly in the nursery as well. Crowpaw was cool, and they appreciated Fogpaw's humor. They helped keep them entertained when training got boring.
    The clan continued to progress, too. Cirrusflight picked a new herbalist apprentice by the name of Dragonflypaw, and Daisyspring and Poppysnap moved into the nursery to prepare for their expecting kits. And it was nice that the nursery had just opened up, too, because along with Crowpaw and her littermate, Thistleflame and Algaebreeze's kits had become apprentices, too. Though, Fogpaw wasn't sure how to feel about them. They were still not all too pleased about how those kiddos acted towards Cougarkit a moon ago, but they figured they would attempt to let bygones be bygones. They'd all be too busy to worry about each other, anyway.
    And then the weird stuff began happening. It started with the death of Blueberrybeetle, who died fighting a rogue. Fogpaw never thought the rogues were that aggressive, but... well, every cat was different. Perhaps Blueberrybeetle just met the wrong rogue. And then Dawnpaw and Grousepaw both went missing. Well, now where did they go? It wasn't normal for new apprentices to just casually go missing, and Dawnpaw was just a moon away from her warrior assessment. Did they go on an adventure? Something was telling them that wasn't right, and cats searched for them for what felt like forever. But eventually, the search would have to stop.
    The day that Poppysnap and Daisyspring gave birth to their kits would be a day that would go down in history. Not because of their kits, or the rogue kit that Daisyspring found and promptly adopted shortly after. No, it was the other rogues that would come and destroy everything. It was shortly after the cats picked for the gathering had left. Fogpaw hadn't gone to the gathering, choosing to stay home to work on their techniques. Everything was peaceful as they would crack the occasional joke to Lightpaw or the warriors when a screech was heard at the entrance of camp. The next thing they knew, unfamiliar pelts were surrounding every wall of the camp. Some of the cats went straight for the attack, jumping on the next available warrior or apprentice, while others seemed to be aiming for something else. Fogpaw didn't know what was going on, for they were quickly thrown into the fray, too. They seemed to fare well, despite their young age, but others didn't. By the time the strangers had done their damage and fled, the camp was a wreck. With further investigation, the clan was stunned to see that their herb stores were completely destroyed. And... there were so many dead. It was like looking in a different corner would expose another loss. Even Fogpaw found their tongue caught in the back of their throat at the severe damage. As cats began to murmur about the familiar scents of HailClan and MarshClan, Fogpaw could only wonder what the neighboring clans had to gain from doing this to them.
    Apparently, the gathering didn't fare any better. When the cats returned from Hope Bridge, Fogpaw was stunned to see that Eveningpaw had been injured. He overheard that a deer had run straight through the gathering and wreaked havoc, injuring several apprentices and some warriors. He was thankful that none of his littermates were injured, especially as the clan began to prepare for the multiple vigils they would have to hold. Fogpaw, at the time of the attack, didn't comprehend how his uncle, Lynxpool, had died. Lightpaw, who he was just joking with that evening, was also killed when he ran to get help. An unfamiliar wave of emotions filled Fogpaw as he sat quietly for his passed family members and clanmates. Was it grief? Resentment? Guilt? He couldn't put his tongue on it, but he did know something: he wasn't going to let his family suffer this any longer.
    From then, Fogpaw's desire to protect and serve grew. They began to take training all the more seriously, focusing on their training when they went out and earnestly working with the other apprentices. That didn't stop them from joking about and causing the occasional mischief, but it was clear that a flip had been switched in them. They worked hard to recover the clan's losses, even offering to accompany the herbalists on herb expeditions if just to carry the herbs back. Most of the cats that were put in the herbalists' den to heal from their injuries recovered, including his uncle Cheetahcloud and aunt Panthercrow. Others, however, did not: Algaebreeze succumbed to her injuries, passing away about a quarter of a moon later. That couldn't have done anything good for her kits, and while Fogpaw tried to take their minds off of it, he would often just be met with glares. Well, that was expected. He just shrugged it off and went about his life, continuing his duties.
    But he was one of the loudest voices at the ceremonies for Morninglight, Ocelotpaw, Lionpaw, and Cougarpaw. Poor Morninglight had just lost both of her littermates in less than a moon, and as her pibling, Fogpaw would support her through every hardship she would have from then on. Likewise, they were excited to be joined by their younger nieces and nephew in the apprentices' den, even if it was only for a moon. They grinned down at the young, new apprentices and told them that they would teach them everything they had learned since becoming an apprentice themselves. After all, they would need all the help they could get if they were to survive in this world.
    Fogpaw wouldn't have much time to do so, though. They had to prepare for their own warrior assessment and focus on themselves for once. Though, if they were being honest, the assessment didn't feel like an issue as they went through the usual training and pre-assessments with Ashenbranch. If anything, Fogpaw was more than confident in their skills, and they had begun to revert back to their old, playful self. It was actually quite nice to be lighthearted again, with a touch of overprotectiveness. They felt they could help ease any tension among the younger apprentices, even if they didn't want to consider Fogpaw a friend. All that mattered was that they could get a smile from others. After all, they would soon be doing the same for the warriors' den, too.

warriorhood [ 12 moons - present ] >
    As he had expected, the young cat passed his warrior assessment with flying colors. He was even happier to hear that his littermates had done just as well, and before he knew it, they were sitting there at their warrior ceremonies and earning their names. While his sister was named Snowbird and his brother Hollownight, he was given the name Fogcackle for his humor and bright personality. Fogcackle felt a sense of pride in his new accomplishments, but he was even happier to know that his name was for the way he could make others smile.
    The pride of becoming a warrior was short-lived when the deputy suddenly disappeared. Lupinestorm had gone on a patrol near the rogue shroud, and she never returned after staying back. Fogcackle wondered what could have happened to her, and he found himself looking into the shroud himself whenever he was nearby. StarClan forbid he goes in there, himself, though. Besides, Fogcackle would instead have the chance to congratulate his uncle for being named the new deputy when Lupinestorm stayed away for too long. After all, the clan couldn't go without a deputy, and though Cheetahcloud was young, Fogcackle had all the confidence that his uncle would do well in the new role.
    The clan, meanwhile, progressively improved from the attack. Although Algaebreeze had lost her battle, the other cats would leave the herbalists' den and return to their duties. Among them were Fogcackle's aunt and cousin, as well as Fireflypaw, who completed her training and became Fireflylight. Dandelionlight, too, became a warrior, and Fogcackle could see the sparkle in Hollownight's eyes when the two were reunited in the warriors' den. They could only chuckle at the bond the two had. They were simply content that their brother was so happy.
    Though Lupinestorm never came back, the clan finally found traces of her in the rogue shroud and confirmed her death. But that was not all; the patrol that had found these traces was brutally attacked by a group of rogues, and Pineconelight was killed in the attack while others had to heal. Fogcackle wondered if it was the same cats that attacked the camp a couple of moons ago, and their fur ruffled at the thought. This couldn't go on, surely! What did CloudClan do to these rogues to make them so hostile? They always thought rogues were loners that didn't want to associate with the clans, but now this? Fogcackle huffed in defiance, and they found themselves becoming more nosy about their own littermates' whereabouts as well as their cousins. They couldn't let anything happen to them, much less the clan in general.


Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Their family
  •  Playing games and pranks
  •  Physical affection
  • Being bored
  • 🟆 
  • 🟆 
  • 🟆 
  • 🟆 

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