Alys Eldach



1 year, 7 months ago


This is Alys, my sister's character.

She is a pheonix with the ability to turn into a human at will.

Bird Form: Wingspan of ten feet, pearl white feathers on body, orange  wings with an ombre effect fading to blue, looking like flames. Orange  antennae/horns on her head, giving the appearance of candle flames.  Bright yellow eyes. 

Human Form: Pale skin, fiery red hair, bright yellow eyes.  Tall & thin & willowy. When she walks, she is very flowy,  appearing to almost float, as if she can fly at a second’s notice.

She can summon fire at her fingertips, though she is afraid of her fire. She fights with two golden daggers. 

Alys grew up with her flock of Phoenixes in a forest glade. She loved it  there. One night,  she and her two friends Knox and Trep went out after  the flock had settled for the night and accidentally started a forest  fire while practicing with their powers. The fire spread rapidly toward  the nests and though they sounded the alarm, Alys wasn't able to save  everyone. Her mother and three little nestling brothers were killed in  the fire. In shame, Alys fled.

She isn't immortal in that she can live forever. The Phoenix lifespan is about two hundred years before they start perishing of old age. Their reborn ability only applies to near fatal wounds, not natural causes. As such, they are susceptible to diseases and such as well.

Alys is around fifty years old, making her the equivalent of a mid-twenties human. She left home at the age of thirty, when she was a mere adolescent.

Also, her mom and nestling brothers didn't die of fire damage, obviously. They died because the tree their nest was in toppled due to the fire, crushing them and killing the nestlings instantly. The mother didn't want to be reborn as a helpless chick, as she wouldn't be able to tend to her nestlings, so she succumbed to death as an adult rather than be reborn.

A Phoenix is considered a nestling until the age of five years old.

Phoenixes only lay eggs rarely, in batches of less than five. As the incubation period is so long - nearly a year, all the eggs rarely ever survive. Usually only one or often none will survive to hatch. So to have triplet nestlings was a massive miracle for the phoenix community. Thus adding to the shame when Alys' recklessness killed them. 

To stay alive, Phoenix mothers need to stay perched on their eggs consistently for the entire year, as the eggs need to stay at a very warm temperature to survive. Usually, this requires a second phoenix to help care for the mother while she's waiting for the eggs to hatch.  Some phoenixes change into their human forms, so they can warm the eggs with the flames from their fingertips. This helps more of the eggs survive, but is harder on the mothers.

Phoenixes  aren't monogamous, they're polyamorous, thus most phoenixes never know  who exactly their father is, only their mother. And after age five they  are raised by the entire community rather than just the mother, as the  mother's sacrifice of hatching them and nursing them for the first five  years is considered sacrifice enough and she can then move on with her  life. Thus community bonds are strong, but not biological family bonds.