
6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Nick Names:

Martie Tart, God, That Annoying Voice from the Sky


Lapnin "They who carry Worlds"


Old enough to have shaped planets into being. // A couple billion give or take


Fun pranks, scaring the life out of his inhabitants, and cute creatures to add to his tail.


Becoming a Boring Lapnin

Legendary Traits:

Hornless, Halo, Budding

Super Rare Traits:

Dreaming World Tail

Common Traits:

Cat Ears, Fluffless Tail.


"Hey little Mortal, are you there? It's me, God."

Lapnins with Halos can take mortal forms, that is to say they shrink down from world carrying Behemoths into Human sized beings. In Martel's case not too much changes other then the world tail shrinks and becomes a stubby little thing and his bud becomes a tattoo on his back in order that he not be discovered.

Martel is a prankster and a lover of all things fun who manages to avoid blame with his serious appearance. He loves to troll Ban with the help of Azoth. He has a human like form as well but never uses it as he finds it too different to handle. Lapnin are not usually one gender or another but Martel identifies as Male.

When he isn't in mortal form he can still be found trolling those who live upon him as a disembodied voice from the sky... Typically scaring the life out of people and making them question their sanity with his wacky one liners.

Martel's Tail World is the one Azoth and Ban call home. He currently is linked to no other Lapnin at this time. He's always Looking for new beings to add to his Collection. 


Things are not all that they seem with him however, and he hides a great and terrifing secret deep in the heart of his world. Only a few beings know of what sort of life Martel has lived and even fewer know what would happen if what his world contains ever got loose into the universe.