Argus of Nigeonia



1 year, 7 months ago




Sashimi, Fish, Beast



381 cm 𓆟 / 198 cm 𖨆

Merfolk – Nige



Theme song


Zodiac sign

ENTJ – Commander




  • Argus is a king of a merfolk community called Nige (read as "NEE-SH), they are the last survivors of their kind. Argus is originally from a world called Nigeonia but unfortunately, their realm was destroyed and the merfolk had to flee and find a new home in a different world.
  • They have seals as their pets.
  • The Nige race is known for having a magical orb inside of them called Yiollia, which serves as a source of strength, magical potential, and enhances abilities. This magical ball has a deep meaning in how Nigeans form bonds, because it is given to the one who is to be their life partner, whether it is a merfolk or a human. Argus is still looking for his fated mate.
  • Nigeans are ancestors of Arone people, they have two genitals and they can be both male/male or female/female, but also male/female and depending on the dominated genitals, they tend to look more masculine or feminine. Usually, males with a second female genital are more lean, delicate, and feminine, though still visibly male. On the contrary, female with second male genitals are more robust and masculine, though still visibly female.


Argus was born in the southernmost tip of Nigeonia, where the underwater realm known as Urd Crosa, meaning Old Courage, lay. As the firstborn son, he stood to inherit the kingdom from his parents, contingent upon his tail reaching the requisite length. In Nigeonian culture, lineage mattered less than the strength of the leader, which was often determined by the length of one's tail. Argus really became a king. During this time, he was given a marrige proposal with Shinju, and while Argus found pleasure in their physical intimacy, their romantic connection failed to blossom and thus he declined the marriage. Nonetheless, they remained steadfast allies and cherished friends.

In the initial years of his reign, tragedy struck Argus's realm. A series of colossal underwater volcanic eruptions ravaged the world, heralding new prophecies and opening ominous portals that spelled doom for entire civilizations. The first to be devastated was the city of Urd Crosa, entombing Argus's entire family beneath the crumbling palace. Helplessly, he witnessed their bodies disintegrate before his eyes. With resolve, Argus rallied the survivors and led them through treacherous currents towards portals that could offer escape to distant realms. As a member of the Nige race, endowed with abilities relating to time and space, Argus understood the potential of these portals. Through swift action, he managed to rescue most of the city's inhabitants, though not without enduring the anguish of leaving some behind to perish in the encroaching darkness. Tragically, the rest of the kingdom, along with many other species, succumbed to the relentless nothingness that swept across the land, leaving devastation in its wake.

Argus brought his people to Kuru'ga, a world he had visited several times in the past. The world that hid his fateful love. A world where merfolk were both revered and hated. From then on they clung to Kuro because he was the prophet for them in their original world.

In his fish form, Argus is nearly 4 meters long, boasting a striking physique characterized by a very slender waist and broad shoulders. One shoulder bears a tattoo depicting a medusa, symbolizing the trauma inflicted upon him by humans in the past. His tail resembles that of a betta fish, with its sleek black hue adorned with iridescent blue reflections and several long fins. Webbed fingers and sharp, claw-like nails add to his formidable appearance. Argus's eyes shimmer with a neon blue hue, concealing elongated irises that betray his otherworldly nature. His hair transitions from gray-blue to nearly white, with a hint of turquoise, framing his sharp masculine features with an air of elegance and tenderness. When in human form, Argus still commands an imposing height of nearly two meters (198 cm), retaining his commanding presence while concealing his merfolk origins.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Sunset and sunrise
  • Seals
  • High tide
  • Exploring


  • Being food!
  • Discrimination
  • Forcefullness
  • Abuse


  • competitive
  • asertive
  • insensitive
  • hardworking


  • fishing
  • pearl hunting
  • net knitting
  • swimming