
1 year, 6 months ago


About their home planet

Name of planet: levia.
(Name is after the animal that gave up the mortal. Worships it)
With the humans fucking up all the plants, that’s why the Leviathain gave up the mortal form to keep the  planet together for the fish people.
Guardian/animal: Leviathain,used to have a mortal from. Leviathain gave up its mortal form and become the plant core. Baby Leviathain protect the fish people. It's a mix of angerfish and something else.
Every 1000 years releases 100 eggs. Been there since the start of the uniserve
The baby levia are worth a lot if you catch one

Plant: mix of Seedweed and coral, Knows for drowning human tourists
Common native feed on cause they know how to harvest it by ripping it root below
About the people:They don't really mix with other species and don’t leave their home planet

Due to the scattered islands, humans can visit somewhat but baby Leviathain will try to eat them and they have to watch out for the plant known for drowning humans. Humans can  access the planet with scuba gear but depths would be impossible to access cause it’s like the ocean.