Galaxy Stripe



6 years, 3 months ago


First design

Age: Unknown (around 1,000)

Gender: Female

Personality: She is sweet and carries wisdom. She loves to tell stories but hates being alone. Although she can be independent, she doesn't like it. She prefers to be in a room with all the other people/animals. She loves flying and only gets angry when provoked. She is easily provoked, however. When separated for long periods of time (from others), she can get really talkative the next time she sees a friend.

Short bio: Galaxy stripe is a god-like cat that makes wishes come true. She needs to be summoned, which does take time, but it's worth it. Similar to a gene, she can grant 2 wishes. This can only be done at night, as you just wish upon a star to summon her, but there are extra parts to summoning this god-like cat. As a kitten, her parents never expected a kit with wings similar to that of a bat. Her parents were Celestial beings with wings like an angel, so seeing a kit from one of many attempted litters, they shut her out, afraid that because she was different from the rest of them, she could be a threat or the "bad one" in the litter. She wandered a long time, eventually being found by a very lucky and kind individual. He took her in and raised her as a house cat, eventually being granted with eternal ownership over her. He grew to love her, so being granted this wish, he was happy to be able to spend every moment with his sweet cat. She would sneak out at night, with or without him knowing so she could grant others wishes, always returning to her normal spot at the foot of the bed.