Basic Info

Full Name

Peony Bellmere


Pia (By her friends), Flower Child, Sorbet (Magical Girl nickname, used always and only with magical girl-ness)




Young adult/Old teen (16-19??)


May 25th/Gemini


Cat/Bunny Hybrid


Florist/gardener; secretly a magical girl


Panromantic pansexual (Slightly more attracted to femininity, though)





Peony is a sweet, innocent girl with a strangely strong sense of justice. She's bubbly, talkative, and generally very pleasant to be around. She loves striking up conversations with others and making friends. She has a tendency to be very optimistic and cheerful, liking to think of herself as a ray of sunshine to those she knows. She makes it her mission in life to make sure all of her friends are kept in bright spirits, from being goofy and making them laugh to taking the role of a comforting mother figure, and often takes it very personally if she's unable to cheer them up. She thinks of it as a failure, to which she's very sensitive about. She can't take making a mistake, and even the slightest little blunder can make her break down entirely. She herself is very sensitive and emotionally-driven, even if she doesn't like to show it. Behind closed doors, she can be a bit of a crybaby, as she puts it, though she tries her hardest not to let her sensitivity, stress, and worry get the better of her. Sometimes, however, she can get into places mentally where she almost feels the need to seek comfort and support for herself. More often than not, she'll turn to many people in search of said comfort until she gets it, and she has been called somewhat manipulative because of it, though she never realizes she apparently manipulates others, and will actually cry if confronted too harshly. She is surprisingly secretive and mysterious, usually not letting anyone in on parts of her like her personal conflicts and emotions outside of cheer, love, and support. No one really knows what she's like under the surface, even she claims not to know. However, she does know one thing, that being she has incredible faith and strength in her beliefs. She has a fierce sense of right and wrong, and despite her normally happy demeanor, she will show a rather angry side of herself should her beliefs be threatened or she witnesses something that goes against them.

By day, Peony spends her time in a floral shop, which she really loves. By night (Or really whenever she's needed), however, she takes on another life. She has the duty of being a magical girl and protecting the city she lives in from whatever comes her way. It's a very stressful life, but she gets adorable outfits/accessories, sweet magic, and a double life she can use to help keep people safe and happy, so she's content.


+Flowers/Plants (Especially sorbet peonies)

+Cute things

+Pastel colors (Particularly pink/yellow)




+Her magical girl life

+Making others happy

+Sunny weather

+The rain



+Making friends


+Laughing/Making others laugh

+Tea (She's somewhat addicted to it, haha)

+Baking (More as a hobby than anything; she adores baking cupcakes the most)

+Drawing/Painting (Again, as a hobby; she loves painting with watercolors)

+Fruit (Especially peaches)


-Making mistakes

-Not being able to cheer people up

-Having her flaws talked about

-Being harshly confronted

-Being yelled at


-Witnessing things that go against her beliefs


-Being stressed out

-Her anxiety

-Overly sour/spicy/salty food by her standards

-Black coffee

-Deep water (She isn't a strong swimmer and panics when she can't touch anything below her)

-People trying to pry into her secrets