
6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Mindy Smirnov


Min, more tba


20 years old




Bunny Kemonomimi





Living Location:

A small rental home near the edge of town. Lives on her own with just her doggo Apollo.


Errand Girl/ Messenger for the Arctic Reapers


D.O.B/Zodiac: 2/29 - Pisces



Min has quite the soft spot for Akuma. He may seem like a hardass and moron at times, but he does have a heart under his rough exterior. She admires him for how strong he is despite how shitty a hand life had dealt him. Somewhat of an older brother/ “idol” figure in a way for her.


As much of a pain Dawn can be, Min cares a lot about her. Along with Akuma and Fin, she was willing to take a chance on her and take her in when Min was desperate.


A cool bro until you anger him. She learned the hard way- =w=


Min and Raiden became pretty decent friends shortly after she had joined the squad. Probably is the only person around here she’s comfortable telling secrets to.


Min is quite fond of Oli, and loves it when he comes around. He makes the place feel so much lighter and everyone is generally in a better mood when he’s around. He’s also pretty nice to talk to when you have some downtime. Good friends all around.


They don’t really have much of a relationship, Min is just aware he exists. Before she actually saw him, Raiden would often talk everyone’s ear off about him. Kinda annoying, but good to know he loves his brother that much. Min just finds Simon a bit odd.


She didn’t plan on getting so attached to him but here she is, crushing on the big soft boi. She met Gnash on a whim, during on of her runs. She noticed him from a distance and approached him. Despite her being much smaller, Gnash was spooked. He looked like the type of dude to beat the shit out of you, but it turns out he’s just an oversized teddy bear. They slowly became friends after that and she started crushing on him. Well shit.


Being her best friend and her only family she has left, Min loves her doggo lots. She’s been through thick and thin with him, and cannot imagine her life without him. She’s had him since he was a smol pupper.


Type: ESFJ

- Loyal

- Sensitive

- Warm

- Good at connecting with others

- Has a strong moral compass (At least when it comes to others, not necessarily laws)

- Practical

- Selfless

- Affectionate

- Kinda needy (With people she’s comfortable she’s with)

- Protective

- “Weak”

- Emotional

- A bit childish

- Somewhat nerdy



- Winter

- Comics/Books

- Doggos

- Nature/Plants

- Bois ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Anything cute

- Chill music

- Exercise

- Sparring

- Etc


- Spooky movies

- Loud noises

- Being alone for too long

- Hot weather

- Blood

- The fact that she’s bad at taking care of plants no matter how hard she tries to be good ;v;


- Fast runner, could probably run a marathon if she tried

- Pretty good at cooking

- She trained Apollo to do many things, including combat stuff (Just in case)



✦ Other Info✦

- More of a flight over fight kind of person, but will fight if necessary.

- Has a bit of a Russian accent. It’s not really noticeable after a while.

- Her weapon of choice is a metal bat she keeps with her most of the time.

- More TBA