Claudia (Lion's Mane Jelly)



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Claudia Leoncino


August 18

Magical Girl Title

Lion's Mane Jelly


Team Jelly


Active MG


Leader (Support)


Prehensile Hair


None (Hair)


Ochre; Lavender gradient


Magical Girl Leader of Team Jelly, with the power to manipulate and extend her own hair. Claudia mainly uses this power to grab and slam smaller enemies, and trap larger ones. The hair is stronger than steel cables in terms of durability. In terms of strength, the hair can lift up to a car's weight using multiple large strands, or multiple smaller objects/people at a time with smaller ones.

Somewhat stoic and not so put-together as other ballerinas in her company, this Magical Girl nevertheless takes her role fighting monsters very seriously. Claudia has a bit of a devil-may-care attitude toward most things in life, but is not as aloof as she might appear.
Though not the talkative type, she cares deeply for her fellow team members and lets her actions speak for themselves. You can count on her to pull you out of danger in a pinch.

Like most of the members of Team Jelly, she is a ballerina. She was forced into it by her parents, though, and is much happier to throw herself into her role as a magical girl. This causes her to butt heads with the ballet troupe leader, Marlena, but it's settled into more of a friendly rivalry than anything, since they both get their respective times to shine. Being leader of Team Jelly is helping Claudia gain some confidence, responsibility, and discipline that she takes into other aspects of her life, including ballet, which Marlena appreciates. Meanwhile, Marlena has learned to be more of a team player by supporting Claudia and the rest of Team Jelly rather than focusing on the spotlight like she tends to as prima ballerina.


Thanks to Goofypants from the SD discord server for help with the surname which is Italian for "little lion".

Claudia is a feminine form of "Claude", which is a reference to Claude Debussy, composer of "The Girl With The Flaxen Hair". It also sounds like "claw" like big cats have lol