Chris's Comments

Heya!!! Does someone from this link interests you? offlimits are already hidden! (the link)

Este bebe está disponible??


ahhhh!!! perfecto entonces!! como se procede? realmente es el primer trade que hago, srry ^^u

te transfiero a Merlí y tu me transfieres al nene mariposa!!!!

okok perfecto!

Hi^^, are you interested in someone from my toy house?

 I don't think any rlly catch my attention, srry

heya! anyone in here that would interest you for this bby?

None rlly catch my eye, srry

np thx for the answer <3

I would like to try trade!

oh! I'll check ur TH then. Any off-limits?

only the folder and tag gifts, sonas and shared

hmm srry I don't think any catch my eye