


1 year, 7 months ago



SEX: Male

AGE: Thirty Two (32)

CONDITION: Masculine, stocky broad shoulders. Suffers from mild PTSD. Slight sickness due to changing host(bodies) too often, which can lead to hallucinations of his tortured psyche.

APPEARANCE: Effectively he is completely human in appearance standing at 6’1. His mental capacity has been heightened through burning out every evolved violence-limitation instinct in the human psyche. Replacing it to the conscious will to do harm. Concealed his face behind the helmet/mask to remain a certain anonymity in the field.



Barbossa Piraten Fleet


Tell me a bit about yourself: “There’s nothing you need knowing from a ghost.”

Do you like being an Empowered? Do you believe yourself to be subhuman?: “Power is a matter of influence, you can do quite a bit with influence. I have advanced skills, capabilities, and talents that the average human doesn't possess. But that still makes me human.”

What do you stand for? What are your views on humanity?: “Through years of human evolution, mankind has made their lives easier without the presence of danger in their daily life. They have become weak, pathetic creatures. Humanity is a plague on Earth that needs to be culled for this planet to survive. Humanity is also the very single difference that sets mankind apart from those monsters outside our doors. What do I stand for? Human evolution. Humans will cease to be humans when conditions in which they live in change so dramatically, that it will force a genetic change. It is evolution or extinction.”

How did you get captured?: “You know those old western movies, where cowboys make a run for the border. This is my Mexico, where this is someone's damnation, this is my salvation.”

What did you use your capabilities for? Was what you used these capabilities for explicitly amoral or illegal in your eyes?: “Illegal and legal is a subjective term, to follow the rules set by a higher power, for peace. Peace is an illusion, no matter who tranquil the world sees peace doesn't last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle and sinew of our own innate savagery. People let fear lead them so they follow the rules. I live a simple life, I make choices and I don’t look back.”

What do you fear? What are your greatest fears?: “Fear, huh? It’s been awhile since I felt something like that. Fear is a psychological response of the human brain when it feels that it is in danger, but if you control that limitation. You become more human than human.”

What would you kill someone for?:

“I’ll take what is offered.”


Enhanced Memory Threshold- More potent military grade, combat muscle memory conditioned.

Advanced Technical Knowledge- Being subjective to space for years of his life, he picked up various amounts of knowledge on how to use technology of various civilisations.

Animal Expert- His company works with various animals, with this sort of exposure he can break down any natural animal’s behaviour by merely a single glance at their physical anatomy.

Dipper - Hackers that specialize in extracting personal information from the human mind.

Chemical Expertise- Main group, Geist. Works with contagion bombs, chemical warfare and assassination (-Cough- mass murder). - Voice claim

- You try ripping me from limb from limb, dismantle me from where I stand. But I will come back with tenfold the manpower, I will set your forest alight. I will rip your children from your arms and make you watch as I burn them alive. Not by my That would be too easy, I'll make Mr.Sleep do it. Just so it hurts a little more.

- You can try running together, but there is no where on this planet you can hide from us. Our men will search every house, every tree, every leaf to find you. You think of him as an angel from heaven? He's a machine made to kill, with an ounce of humanity to keep him appart from the machines.