Azul Harmony Hart



1 year, 6 months ago


Azul Harmony Hart

The Beginning

Enter stage right; Azul Harmony Hart, born on the 18th of December 1853, to Mr and Mrs Hart, in the New York City hospital. Mr and Mrs Hart, Melvyn and Diva Hart met at a large and busy club in NYC. Mr Hart had gone with a group of coworkers to dine at a club and ran into a stunning Mrs Hart who was performing. Melvyn and Diva immediately connected, and after just two years, they got married and became pregnant with Azul.

The Harts were honest people and careless people. They weren’t awful parents, they just weren’t the best. Rough around the edges. And Whether it was because of a mindless, ignorant comment, or a ‘boys don’t act like that’ Azul could never grow a very close relationship with them. Even from a young age, he didn’t feel like he could talk to them about much.

While raising Azul, Diva still worked at the club performing and Melvyn had a very busy government job, keeping him away most of the time. So, having nowhere to take Azul, Diva brought him along to work. He’d either sit in the backroom/walk around the club and, in his teenage days, he helped out with bartending/waitressing.

Once, when Azul was working at the club, he was serving a lady who’d come in a beautiful cream-coloured dress. While handing her the drink she’d asked for, she’d thanked him in a remarkably deep voice ‘for a lady’ that didn’t fit her at all. This completely confused Azul, and it definitely showed on his face. The lady must have noticed cause she gave a little laugh while he trotted away. Azul had his eyes on the lady most of the night, he’d been pretty conditioned by his parents of girl this, boy that. The lady later appeared on stage to perform a piece. Azul abandoned his work duties to watch the show. He stood pretty close to the stage, just to the side so other people could still see. He absolutely adored the show, he hung onto every word she sang and gazed at every twirl she made with her dress, Azul couldn’t help but wish he had such a dress. When the performance was over, Azul headed into the dressing room (after knocking cause he’s a polite little boy) after a small conversation with the lady and her getting out of drag, Azul learnt the word, ‘Drag.’ The concept of Drag was extremely weird to Azul at first, but after that meeting that performer, there was just something that really allured him to it. As Azul’s curiosity got the better of him, he started secretly stealing dresses and jewellery from his mother, he’d always loved the way dresses and jewellery sparkled, it was better than whatever ‘boy’ clothes his father got him. The clothes his father got him were dull and boring, no sparkle at all, but the dresses and silk his mother wore were more fascinating than anything. Cautiously, when nobody was home, Azul got dressed in dresses and jewellery, even stealing some of his mother's makeup. He felt pretty. The clothes didn’t quite fit him but, the feel was still there.

At 20 Azul started threading into the performance industry, just doing regular singing, cabaret, and all that jazz. Sometimes he’d pair with others, sometimes just by himself. He was good at it, but he didn’t find it particularly fun, more as a side hobby. He wanted to do the same extravagant things as the ladies did in cabaret. It was certainly more exciting and interesting than a tap dance and snapping his fingers. Azul continued doing drag in secret, only when she was perfectly sure nobody would find her, she couldn’t imagine what her parents' reaction would be, but she didn’t really feel like finding out.

The Middle

Almost ten years later, Azul had picked up performance jobs in a more secluded and late-evenings club. Here, one of the other performers did drag, and upon inquiring, Azul was given the chance as well. He was hesitant at first, but she eventually took it and finally picked up a career in drag. Azul did performances in clubs, casinos, anywhere that’d freely hire someone in drag. A lot of the places had secret areas inside, only for reclusive members. This was typical for drag performances, and Azul preferred it; it kept her safe. Azul made sure to do anything to keep herself safe, she refused to let himself become another headline in the papers. He’d already read plenty, and each time they scared her a bit more. Upon hearing the stories of William Swann, she almost considered dropping drag.

Azul had a couple of scary encounters, thanks to drag. Usually, it was reserved to judging looks or rude comments, maybe a bible verse. But occasionally there were the more gutsy people. One night Azul hadn’t had time to get changed out of drag before leaving the venue, thinking it was only one night before she assumed it’d be fine and safe. It wasn’t. Azul had passed a man on her way home, he’d immediately called out for her, asking if she’d spend the night. Azul only quickened her pace, refusing to answer and be caught. This angered the man. He jumped out from his spot. She could tell he was drunk now, the way he stumbled and from his slurred speech. He tried calling out to her again, asking where she was going, where she lived, and how he’d be so gracious to even walk her home. Again, after not answering, the man ran up to her and grabbed her by the shoulder. He questioned her harder this time. Forced to answer, Azul only pleaded to be let go so he can go home. Immediately clocked as a man, the drunk asshole went nuts, pushing and shoving her asking why he was dressed as a lady. Except his words were vulgar and rude. Azul, too frozen in his steps to do or say anything, just stood quivering. As soon as the man threw a punch straight into her face, Azul had gone into fight or flight, pushing, kicking. Doing whatever he could to get away. Azul escaped the fight, barely conscious, but she walked away with only cuts and bruises. The entire encounter made Azul enraged, all she wanted was to be able to be himself, and not go through everything the 19th century offered.


At 40 Azul decided it was time for a change in scenery, and she settled on a little town, thinking the quiet nature would be nice. She got a job at a casino, still doing performances in drag. Although he didn’t do much besides work and home, he keeps to himself, as it's the safer option.

Appearance + Info

Body Type

Inverted Triangle

Skin color

Dark Brown

Hair style

Afro/Finger Waves

Hair color

Dark Brown


High Arch

Eyebrow color


Eye shape


Eye color

Light Brown

Beard style


Beard color


Facial structure



none #smoothskinqueen




Rose Perfume














Plain Button up/Dress


Simple Black Belt/Pearl Belt


Tan Trousers


White Socks/Opaque stockings




Floral On Left Breast + Calve


Pearl necklace

Azul changes up her clothes alot, she'll dress depending on her events and how she overall feels on the day. He never wears any dresses outside of work; outside of work he'll try and stick to the most masc clothes he can find.


Positive Traits
Compliance - Adaptable - Compassionate
Neutral Traits
Fearful - careful - Honesty
Negative Traits
Compliance - Prejudice - Bystander
Pretty Things - Music - Fashion
Singing - Reading - Birds
19th Century - Hats - Pricks
Money - over Energetic PPL
Love Language
Physical touch - Gifts
Fashion - Singing - Performing
Being Clocked - Dying
Pet Peeves
Bad Fashion - Dirt
Ambiguous - Calm Tone
Good Habits
Wake & Sleep Times - Early 2 Events
Bad Habits

Azul is a sweet, cautious person. He makes sure he can do everything in his power to live a safe, comfortable life without much fuss. This makes him keep to himself quite a bit, which he’s not a fan of. Azul wants to be the same confident and energetic person that he is in drag. But finds it hard to do that while also keeping herself safe. Every day Azul makes paltry attempts at being himself out of drag, whether that's a bit of flair in his outfit or small talk with someone he passes in the streets. One thing Azul does no matter the circumstance is remain caring, she always drops her change to people in need and donates food/clothes/blankets whatever for people/animals who need them more than her.

In drag, Azul is a great deal more confident, but there are still limits to her confidence as her cautious nature tells her to just, keep it down sometimes. Because of her situation and minding her safety, Azul is very prejudiced. If you come off as a snobby rich man, Azul is going to be extremely careful and avoidant of you. Azul is very compliant in and out of drag. She refuses to create a scene or any issues, knowing that since she’s a drag queen, people wouldn’t hesitate to an outrage. She’s also a little flirty in drag teehee. Sometimes out of drag it depends.