[F2U] Mono Chrome's Comments

My friend and I love the code and HaiseDog plans on using it!

I am however, when helping her set it up, running into problems when uploading to her profile with the clickable icons not showing up and being unable to be clicked/Hard to click. I've also posted the code as is(without any edits) and it is the same result. It looks normal in circle journey

Curious if there is a solution!


Fixed it! so no more problem. It was a problem on my part. Thanks again for making this code ♥

sorry for the late replay - Glad you figured it all out! And you're welcome for the code :)

Oh hi stopping by to say thanks for the code, I'm using it now! it looks really pretty

Thank you!

And you're welcome ^^

used!! still messing around w it but i love it a lot! thank u!

Hi there! Using this code rn and absolutely love it a BUNCH!!! I'm having some wonkiness happening at the bottom I'm not sure the cause is. When editing it looks correct, but when I add the code to my actual profile the back color behind the song/artist disappears, and my character icons are getting washed out? (that one might be more the images I used!) Would really appreciate the help if possible! :3

I'm happy you like the code ^^

Using chrome dev tools it seems like your specified background says it's style attribute is background-image:linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,40%)

There seems to be a second rgba() value missing after the comma and before the 40%. That first rgba value is invisible (the fourth number being 0 does this), but there is supposed to be a second color that is faded into at the bottom of the background. Inserting your desired rgba value there should fix it (make sure the fourth digit is 1 since that controls the opacity)

The issue with the faded icon colors is probably due to the piece of code style="filter:grayscale(50%)" so if you delete that bit the images won't have that filter effect anymore (it was probably originally added to make the icons I used more cohesive with the monochrome theme, but I can't remember why I decided to leave that in there, or if I just forgot lol)

Ah, that was the problem! TY for the help! I'm still pretty new to code so those little things that cause issues always escape me LOL. But both problems are fixed now, so thank you again! <3

ouhhh I wanna use it but pastepin is banned from my country I think:( so I can't access the website. Is there any place else you can put the code? I am so sorry to ask!!!!!!

I sent you a character entry with the template in it :)

I'd delete it later just so it doesn't appear in my designs tab :p

thank u!!! sorry for the trouble!!! :)

AMAZING TEMPLATE! Totally using this!!


Using!! This code is so cool btw i loveee it :333

Hiii, just wanted to say that I'm using this and I love it :DD

oh this is so cute,, i love how dynamic it is :0 

also, could i ask how you did the speech bubble in the blurb in the sidebar? i love how it looks :>

thank you!

I decided I wanted to go ahead and upload the speech bubble code as a free snippet, so you can see it here: https://toyhou.se/19879433.speech-bubble-snippet

Hi! I'm not quite sure what went wrong but I am using the code on my profile and the characters section got all squished beneath the music player?

As well as attempting to play music with the player it just opens youtube in a new tab despite doing it correctly and i'm not smart enough with html to try and figure out how to fix this.

Not really sure if either issues are a code error or not u_u

partypoisons I think I found the problem with the alignment! Sometimes invisible keystrokes (like spaces) are rendered in the final output when they shouldn't / in ways they shouldn't. This often happens when copying and pasting text from other windows for some reason. The html code name for a space is &nbsp; and it looks like there's some " &nbsp; " in your code in between the columns and images (see before image) and those spaces are just big enough to push columns and rows over and down where they shouldn't be. When I deleted those bits of code everything fell back into place (see after image). It happens to me sometimes too. It's really hard to see where these invisible spaces are hiding prior to them being rendered by toyhouse, so I would take a look at the attached images (mostly the "before image") and erase as much excess spaces in those areas as possible in an attempt to delete the rouge "spaces" that are getting rendered weird.

The Youtube thing I'm not 100% sure on - it seems to work for me,, nice song! 🌟 It might be helpful to mention a long-standing bug that annoys me: often if I click the music play and then later click to pause it or restart it, that second or third click will often open a new tab with the video like you were saying.,

And would also like to say your profile is looking great ;w; really cool to see people enjoying my code and customizing it to their liking :) very nice colors

oh tysm!! i knew it might have had something to do with what i did x.x

music still seems to be an issue but i think that may just be a browser thing then on my end, will have to look into that later,,,