Elliot Dinkleheim



1 year, 7 months ago


Elliot Dinkleheim

Elliot Dinkleheim
"What remains when you take away something's shine and beauty? Or maybe it isn't even worth it to look..."
Technical Information 
Other NameEllie, Sunfish (Floyd), Monsieur Pomme Aigre (Rook), Arugula (Vil)
Voiced by???

Biographical Information
Height5'10 (177 cm)
Eye ColorGold
Hair ColorForest Green
FamilyUnnamed Mother
Unnamed Father

Professional Status
School YearThird
ClassClass B
Magical AbilitySlightly above average
ClubFilm Research Club
Best SubjectAlchemy

Fun Facts
Dominant HandRight
Favorite FoodFruit Salad
Least Favorite FoodMeat
DislikesHard work being unrewarded
HobbyReading fashion magazines
TalentsSewing clothes, understanding cats

Elliot Dinkleheim is a third-year student of Pomefiore. Usually having a cool and somewhat unapproachable look on his face, Elliot usually appears to be somewhat cold and as such spends a significant portion of his time alone. However, there is much more to him than originally meets the eye.

Also yes, the last name is ridiculous.


Elliot comes from a small, unnoteworthy mountain town in the Shaftlands where he was raised by his mother and father as an only child. Ever since he was young, Elliot didn't have many friends and as such, usually kept to himself, making him a bit socially awkward as well. The fact that his parents were fairly absent and busy, and not very emotionally attentive to Elliot, didn't help matters, either. However, Elliot was able to find friendship and comfort in the stray cats that lived in his town, and whenever he felt frustrated or upset, he became used to talking to them to vent his feelings, even if he had to use canned food to keep them around longer.

In his alone time, Elliot developed his own sense of self and personality, but this was challenged by his parents as he grew. For one, his transition to a man was the biggest thing his parents disagreed with him on, and although he was allowed to do it, they both made it very clear that they did not approve. Their disapproval continued into other aspects of Elliot's life, including his weight, his diet, his love for cats, and his fashion studies. They, at least, approved of Elliot's dedication towards studying magic, although their show of support was few and far between as their absences continued. His magic was the only thing that was seen as positive in his life, since they believed it was one of the few things that would allow Elliot to stand on his own.

Since arriving at Night Raven College due to his magical abilities, Elliot has become the head costume maker for the Film Research Club and performs his job diligently.


Elliot is a decently chubby, medium-height young man with gold eyes and dark, forest-green hair. While he wears the standard Pomefiore uniform as it regularly appears, he makes significant changes to his school uniform. In it, he wears a purple turtleneck sweater with pink, yellow, black, and darker purple stripes across it, as well as lighter pink triangles with yellow dots at the apexes of each triangle on top. The collar, hem, and wrists of the sweater are also a darker purple compared to the rest. 

Over the sweater, he dons the standard-issue black jacket and two belts laid across the sweater. He also wears the standard-issue pants with gold stripes running down both sides, along with black gloves with gray, square patches on the back of each hand. From his ears, he has two diamond-shaped silver earrings with gold fillings in the middle. 

He also wears black dress shoes with gold linings and soles, as well as golden bows across the front of his shoes. Lastly, he wears socks that are magenta-purplish in color and are barely visible between his pant legs and his shoes.


Elliot often comes off as a bit distant, as he usually doesn't like talking to others and tends to keep to himself. From the way most people know him, he gets annoyed when others get rips or tears in the costumes he spends hours carefully creating, and usually snaps at people for doing so. However, his dedication to making clothes and the Film Research Club as a whole is undeniable, and most people respect him for it.

Though he recognizes it as a great talent, Elliot sometimes also fears that clothes-making is his only significant ability. Having spent so much time only learning magic meant to artificially enhance his physical appearance, he harbors a great fear, usually suppressed, that other people will never appreciate him for who he truly is. He worries that there are no other good traits to him other than beauty and costume-making, although he never says this out loud to others.

Despite his slightly unapproachable demeanor, though, Elliot does have a much softer side to him. This comes through easily whenever he interacts with a cat, as he always takes great care to treat them as gently as possible. He isn't afraid to show them affection and coaxes them onto his lap so he can cuddle them. However, he tries his hardest to hide this softness since he feels it's something very personal to him, and doesn't want others to witness it.

On the other hand, Elliot can also be quick to anger when people test him over and over again. He can sometimes be a bit rash and get into fights, which he hardly cares about the consequences for since he sees himself fighting back as a way of retribution. He hates when his weak points are targeted and hates being teased or made fun of, and even if he seems to brush it off in the moment, other people's comments often trouble him late into the night and for days afterward. He's also particularly sensitive about his weight, which he's used to his parents criticizing him for. He feels comfortable in the body he has now, but hates having his weight brought up in a negative context.

Not to mention, he also hates people making fun of him for his last name. He desperately wants to change it.

Elliot also has a tendency of making quick judgements about people when he thinks they might be trying to mock him or make fun of him, easily causing rifts between him and other people who may have just meant well. However, he also has a lot of empathy towards people who open up to him more, and is trying to stop himself from being so judgemental.

Skills and Magic

Signature Spell

Elliot's signature spell, "False Idol", allows him to make anything beautiful beyond belief for a limited amount of time. This can include himself, others, or an object of his choice. This "ultimate beauty" is perceived differently by all who look upon it, but as long as the spell is affecting anyone, they will be completely enamored and charmed. If Elliot uses the spell on himself, for example, everyone around him will be much more compelled to do what he wants.

However, the downside is that those who are particularly strong of mind can resist its effects, making his spell unthreatening to certain people. Additionally, the spell drains Elliot's energy and accumulates blot when used over long durations, such as several hours. It requires a small part of Elliot's attention to be directed towards maintaining it for its duration.


1st Year Students


Epel Felmier
Originally, Elliot disliked Epel's rougher attitude, partly because he just saw it as annoying. However, he also hated how reckless he was while handling or wearing one of Elliot's costumes, leading him to quickly chastise him and keep away from him as much possible, which would lead to verbal (and sometimes physical) fights between the two. Not to mention that Elliot's distant nature also classified him as another vapid Pomefiore boy in Epel's mind, which quickly lead them to disliking each other even more.

However, over time, the two have begun to understand each other more. Upon bringing to light Elliot's frustrations with feeling like he has to put up a facade of beauty to be liked and accepted, they've gotten to each other's true natures more and have understood that both of them have to act a certain way for one reason or another. Even though Elliot's vegetarianism is still a point of contention and slight ridicule on Epel's part, their friendship has allowed Elliot to not take others' comments as seriously, as well as reassure him that there are good things underneath his presentation. 

It's also let Elliot try new things he otherwise wouldn't have, like video games or sledding. Although, other people should be warned that these two together can be troublesome, since they tend to quickly team up with each other against anyone who goes against them. Overall, the two have a good friendship and even sort of brotherly relationship--with Elliot considering Epel one of the only likeable freshmen.

Sebek Zigvolt
A prime example of one of the dislikeable freshmen to Elliot. While he does appreciate Sebek's incredible dedication to his job, he also wishes that he wasn't so annoying about it. He dislikes Sebek's loudness and usually tries to avoid him, although this often becomes impossible whenever he visits Diasomnia. As such, he usually tries to ignore Sebek whenever he is around, although when that doesn't work, he can quickly snap at him to go away. In turn, this causes more of a fight, and more of a headache, so... it's better that they don't see each other at all.

2nd Year Students

Jamil Viper
Though they don't talk much, Elliot and Jamil get along decently well. They both understand what it's like to have their work disregarded, and both bond over having to deal with unrealistic or overwhelming expectations at times. However, though he's never commented on it, Elliot dislikes Jamil's more sadistic tendencies and sees them as unnecessary and cruel. Still though, he has a pretty positive view of Jamil; they just aren't very close.
Azul Ashengrotto
Elliot tries to avoid Azul as much as possible, mostly because he doesn't want to get dragged into some kind of scheme. He's heard the rumors and does his best to stay well, well away from the danger zone with Azul and his tricks. He can commend Azul for his dedication to keeping up a business, but he can't support it if said business is just built on the exploitation of other people, and so he doesn't bother to try and get closer.

3rd Year Students

Enzi Desta
Elliot admires Enzi for a lot of things, but most of all, he admires him for his inner strength. He knows that Enzi struggles with many things, especially considering the rumors and his public image, but Elliot doesn't care about any of that. After all, just as he wishes many people would do with him, he wants to get closer with Enzi's true self. Unlike with many others, Elliot finds himself wanting to constantly get closer to Enzi, feeling like he's one of the few people that sees and appreciates him for who he truly is. Whenever Enzi is around, he can't help but feel like melting into his hands, or stare at him for longer than he should. Noticeably, Elliot is also more touchy with him than with others. Whenever they're paired up together, Elliot likes squeezing his arm and laying on him, sitting so close to him that their thighs are pressed together. But Enzi doesn't seem to mind--in fact, the opposite, if how he purrs whenever he's with Elliot is anything to go by.

Elliot is also very attentive to Enzi's likes and dislikes, and quickly took notice of his dislike of cooking. Though he isn't sure of the exact reason, Elliot didn't want to press further and went out of his way to cook things he thought Enzi would enjoy to give to him. Even though he's aware that there are plenty of other people in the dorm who can cook for him, save Lilia, Elliot still wants to show Enzi his dedication.

He's also very empathetic towards Enzi's strained relationship with his family, and always offers to listen to Enzi's troubles whenever he wants to share. Even if he doesn't want to say anything, Elliot still goes out of his way to do extra things for Enzi to show his support.

Leona Kingscholar
Like many others, Elliot initially dismissed Leona. As with Idia, Elliot considered him to be not a very effective housewarden, and didn't really have anything in common with him. However, over time, the two began to encounter each other more. This started with just passing glances or one-word conversations, but it eventually developed into something more. After a few chance encounters with each other, they both discovered that there was more to the other than met the eye, and most importantly, that Elliot wasn't just another watered-down Vil, as that was how he had existed in Leona's eyes up until that point.

Nowadays, the two go out of their way to spend time with each other, much to many people in Pomefiore's surprise. Elliot takes care to sew up Leona's clothes, such as putting his buttons back on, when they become damaged, and Leona praises him in return. Sometimes, Elliot also receives expensive gifts from him, something that never fails to shock him. And most importantly, Elliot sometimes watches him during his Spelldrive practices from the stands, seemingly admiring him. He tells Epel that he really goes to support his friend, although this is by far from the only reason.

Leona also seems to be particularly protective of Elliot, something he very much appreciates... and likes. As with Enzi, Elliot has a tendency of leaning in close to Leona whenever he's around, and enjoys the feeling of his arms wrapped around him a little too much.

Vil Schoenheit
As such a prominent member of the Film Research Club, naturally Elliot has to spend a lot of time with Vil. Though he's sometimes annoyed by Vil's criticisms, Elliot understands where he's coming from and still has a deep respect for Vil. They didn't always get along, but nowadays the two have a good friendship, with Elliot considered to be one of the most reliable members of Pomefiore with his diligence and attention to detail.

Elliot also sympathizes with Vil's past, although he has some complicated feelings on it. For one, he respects Vil for taking the path to better himself and become the person that he wants, but on the other hand, Elliot sometimes wonders how his life would be different if he was more like Vil. If he paid as much attention and worked as hard as he did, then he can't help but wonder if his family would be prouder of him. In the end, Elliot knows that Vil's life isn't the one he wants, but sometimes his mind wanders... Only further complicating matters is Elliot's struggle with his current image, wanting to be more than just beautiful, but finding it a bit difficult in his current environment. Still, he doesn't hold this against Vil and knows that he is working towards his own aims, while Elliot is free to work towards his own, no matter how difficult it may seem.

The only time Vil has scolded Elliot is in recent times, where he would fight with Epel, or now when him and Epel side closely together and act particularly stubborn. Still, though, Elliot coming out of his shell and opening up to others is commended by Vil, even when he indulges in Epel's troublesome behaviors alongside him.

Rook Hunt
Elliot respects Rook, but considers him weird and unnerving. He finds Rook's motives hard to read, other than his most prominent motive obviously being to serve Vil. However, he also finds Rook's mysteriousness to be a bit intriguing, especially when he provides a unique perspective on things. They definitely don't have as close of a relationship as one would expect, but neither of them are opposed to becoming closer with each other.
Chirayu Amiri
Elliot finds Chirayu to be intriguing, especially considering that she's from another world, but doesn't really go out of his way to interact with her. The first time they really interacted with each other was through the Film Research Club, where Chirayu would sometimes help out. Elliot was sympathetic towards Chirayu for being given plenty of Vil's criticism and would do his best to show her how to use the camera and be more efficient, in order to work more towards their standards.

Outside of that, Elliot also sympathizes with Chirayu for feeling out of her element at NRC. As such, whenever she's around, he becomes more gentle and understanding and wants to help her more feel at ease. However, this doesn't stop him from getting upset at her tendency to find herself in trouble, especially when she gets herself into problems. Even still, he acknowledges her resourcefulness and problem-solving abilities, no matter how unconventional they are.

Idia Shroud
Though Idia doesn't seem to really have an opinion on Elliot, Elliot himself does not like Idia very much. Not really for anything he's done, but just for the fact that he doesn't see him as an effective housewarden. In his opinion, the purpose of housewardens are to look out for and protect their students, the former of which Idia seems to only do for him and Ortho--which Elliot can at least commend him for. However, Elliot isn't outwardly hostile to him and will only make a comment towards him occasionally when he's brought up.


Dire Crowley
Considering Crowley basically doesn't do anything to help out students when they're in danger, Elliot naturally does not have a very high opinion of the headmage. But, he mostly ignores his presence.


Ortho Shroud
Similar to Epel, Elliot at first found Ortho to be annoying, although not for any kind of rash attitude. His main gripe with Ortho was his habit of saying people's first and last names when addressing them, making him think that Ortho was doing it just to make fun of him for whatever reason, and that he was just hiding it with feigned innocence. It also didn't help matters that Elliot took Ortho's attempts to be friends with him as another way to mock him.
However, since then, and having since learned more about Ortho, Elliot has learned that this was... actually just the way he is. He feels kind of ridiculous for being so quick to judge a kid, especially one that has been nothing but nice to him even when he's snapped at them. Now, Elliot has managed to become friends with Ortho as well and takes care to look after him, even though he knows that Ortho can defend himself perfectly well. 
Since Ortho's involvement in the Film Research Club, Elliot also very much appreciates Ortho's attitude of caution and care towards the costumes he makes. Whenever one of the other members messes up one of his costumes, Elliot uses Ortho as the gold standard of how his costumes should be handled and remarks that they need to be more like him.H
Elliot thinks Grim is too rambunctious, too loud, and too annoying. But, he does think that he's tolerable sometimes. Just not a lot of the time.

The two have a tendency to argue, especially considering that Elliot has a positive relationship with Chirayu, but not her cat. Still, Elliot tries to ignore him or at least not get angry with him, since he knows that doing that won't get him anywhere, not with someone like Grim.

Neige LeBlanche
Neige and Elliot have never interacted, and probably never will. But Elliot simply does not like him. Not due to jealousy as with Vil, but simply because he thinks that his image is too innocent and cute, and comes off as fake to him.

Voice Lines

Twisted Wonderland"Twisted Wonderland"
Tutorial"Not to be rude, but I'd like to get going now."
Lv Up 1"What are you giving me this for? ...More power? Alright..."
Lv Up 2"There's something you want from me getting stronger, isn't it?"
Lv Up 3"You have to be strong to get what you want. Otherwise, you'll be severely unhappy..."
Lv Up Max"I've heard that having too much power makes you lonely. Hmm... but with the power you gave me, it only makes me feel... happy."
Episode Lv Up"You've given me a lot over the time that we've known each other. Isn't there anything you want from me in return? Just name it."
Magic Lv Up"Most of my magic is meant to be flashy and beautiful... but I wonder if there's something more I'm capable of."
Limit Break"You say I've surpassed my limits? ...I guess I don't feel any different... Or maybe that's just how it is."
Groovy"With all this growth, maybe I can finally try something new..."
Lesson 1"What do you want to do? It seems like you have something in mind."
Lesson 2"I don't mean to be rude, but this is cutting into my sewing time. Choose quickly."
Lesson 3"You're a diligent worker, so I'll go with you. ...Why are you looking at me like that? It was just a compliment."
Lesson Start"Okay, let's get started."
Lesson End"Ugh, and I still have more work to do..."
Battle Start"Do you think this is funny?"
Battle End"And stay away from me."


  • Elliot is vegetarian and sometimes shows slight distaste towards those who eat a lot of it, but he mostly keeps this to himself.
  • Elliot keeps his beloved cat from home, Amber, inside of his room, although he keeps this as a strict secret and does his best to make sure that no one else finds out. Still, though, the fact that he keeps bringing tuna, cat toys, and new scratching boards to his room pretty much gives it away, as well as the meowing coming from inside.

  • (Elliot is based on what used to be a running joke between me and my girlfriend before he kind of just... morphed into his own Guy. He's actually based in canon, from the green-haired NPC who appears in Rook's Dorm SSR vignette and sabotages Vil's clothes. He's said to be the head costume-maker for the Film Research Club. Over time, I added more and more traits to him.)
  • (His first name was decided by me since I just chose one of the first male names I happened to see. His last name was created spontaneously by my girlfriend when we were joking and talking about him and it stuck ever since.)

Profile by Erandia
Edits by DarkwingDove