little guy saikarie





  • AGE: mentally 6/no age (sona lil guy differs from lore lil guy)
  • BIRTHDAY: 6/10
  • PRONOUNS: he/she/they
  • RACE: saikarie
  • BLOOD TYPE: rainbows
  • HEIGHT: 2'5
  • WEIGHT: however much a saikarie weighs i suppose
  • ALIGNMENT: lawful good
  • OCCUPATION: saikarie
  • ORIENTATION: silly
  • VOICE::3
  • THEME:Sunshine Lolipops and Rainbows


  • rainbows
  • koolaid
  • silly
  • robux


  • evilness
  • fortnite
  • bed time
  • school
  • loneliness


Briefly talk about your character here. Nam non orci consectetur, rutrum dui eu, porttitor lacus. Etiam est lacus, mollis vitae erat nec, dictum congue ex. Sed a facilisis ex. Vivamus eu odio elit. Suspendisse vel iaculis magna, a ornare ex. Integer varius quam ut varius viverra. Aenean vitae pretium justo. Ut egestas fringilla sem, vitae ultricies mauris ultricies in. Nulla nulla arcu, pellentesque ac nisi et, rutrum lobortis mauris. Vivamus finibus feugiat diam pellentesque rhoncus. Nulla semper, ipsum eu ultrices blandit, nibh tellus convallis dui, a euismod diam lorem consequat sem. Curabitur in condimentum massa, sit amet dictum urna. Cras tempus sapien felis. Suspendisse ut dignissim orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean volutpat orci et purus mattis consequat.

Fusce vitae tempus nisl. Mauris rhoncus odio eu quam iaculis pretium. Phasellus eleifend non tortor et semper. Nunc tristique, metus eu scelerisque ultricies, justo nunc congue lorem, a tempus orci odio sed justo. Nunc suscipit laoreet eleifend. Nunc mattis, nunc sed sagittis pulvinar, nibh odio fringilla dolor, vitae lacinia ex mauris vel lacus. Phasellus dictum auctor leo eget lobortis. Duis at fringilla massa, at maximus mauris. Pellentesque mollis ligula justo, ac lacinia magna pellentesque pretium. Curabitur vehicula libero a metus pretium pretium. Phasellus tempus dapibus egestas. Maecenas justo justo, tempus eget nibh at, sagittis tristique ex. Donec varius tristique pellentesque.


childish in the sense hes rather stupid, immature, and pure, hes very compassionate towards other people, very outwardly friendly, also pretty silly, probably a pacifist as shes weak at fighting, doesnt like engaging in fights and way better at fleeing than fighting, no thoughts going in her head at all, only thought is burger and naptime, theres literal cobwebs in there 100%,, she cant read people just by looking at them, assumes everybody is just as nice as him, LOVES making friends, as she doesnt really understand the world around her she can get easily fustrated with things that go over her head, though she mostly just stomps her feet and cries and goes to sleep and forgets about it in the morning, always like lolipops after visits at the dentist.., in sona vers he likes weed and is homo


(she currently doesnt have much of a "backstory" or lore, ive had thoughts about what i should make her story by but i want to kinda keep her as just a silly random creature that exists if i do ever make her lore public itd be non-canon or purely just for fun ;3, at the moment, all that i want to have public is that he lives in a blank void, the Plane, with her ""cousin"", CLArk, theyre able to create things in this blank space, but it takes up energy depending on what it is, although she can do whatever she wants in here shes often in her own head all the time as she views the Plane in a negative light after feeling stuck for a long time).sona little guy has no lore




(CLArk does not have a profile yet LOL sry), CLArk is Little Guy's cousin.. who she made out of boredom in the Plane, she views CLArk as a family member who he loves dearly, whilst CLArk views little guy as someone who trapped him in the Plane, CLArk can be cold to little guy for this reason


Close Friend

Placida Brookae found Little Guy in a trast can and was very fond of her, Little guy is kind of afraid of Placida due to its large size for a saikarie, but has gradually warmed up to Placida



(galo also has no profile yet URGH), weird guy little guy has seen before, he always runs away from little guy, galo is not fond of little guy but little guy wants to be friends one day.

Code by Aurorean
