Theodore Miles Silas



1 year, 6 months ago


Bought from Tevi via Twitter for $40 on 16.11.2022



This "young" man surely has one or two broken hearts behind him (and a few drained necks) but the past lies in the past. (1800 Viktorian style was the time for him) He never says from what time he is when one finds out he is not a normal "human"
A vampire of the old bloodline and one of the ancients, he surely makes sure to adjust to the current time.
Always a charming and flirty guy in order to get what he wants, he long gave up trying to find a mate for life. Most tried to use him to get to his immense fortune and Villa and house he owns, but non managed to survive (either old age or he made sure this bad seed won´t live to use other)
Depsite his "vampiric nature" he does have a soft side.
At start thinking humans were just a good bloodsource and it was important on their survival, learning soon there was more to this and back in the past "owning" your "Portable bloodsource" was a common thing. But he took time and talked, learned and made sure these "sources" were not only used for blood.
Theo, for short nowadays, got scolded for treating the food differently "Do not talk or play with your food" his parents always said. He was other opinion as this could make for a good co op.
One side helping the other like a coin.
He still has the one coin he got from his grandfather. While valuable as hell, he keeps it as a reminder, that two sides make the big.
Vampire and humans co exist and not downunder.

He moved soon away from the old home and made his new home in the city area.
The humans he took along, giving them a home, jobs, supporting on companies in the background. As exchange, get´s to drink from them an amount he needs. (lil by lil from everyone) supporting on.

While there was a time he got betrayed by someone he fell first in love with, almost losing his home, fortune and people he cared for, he came back stronger. Showing his vampiric self and how evil he could be if it meant it.
He moved from there to another new place. Starating small and not to be recognized at first. Seeing how the people were here.
Time passed and he made himself a "small" name with a company and still the same exchange.

He did NOT expect to meet someone that fateful day that would once again change his view on love.

Meeting Mateo/Matthew
It was in one of the known bars and small restaurants combined that had Theo look up and seeing there was a human guy celebrating his birthday but.. with weird friends around. The gal he wanted to ask out, dumped him on the spot and his so called "friends" used him to get free drinks and didn´t b other on presents. Seeing this poor human, so shy but with alot of passion in eyes he could see, making a decision. At first it was just to cheer him up, spending drinks for him, talking and getting into an interesting chat. Up into the late night, the guy had no idea what was going on,, waking up in bed of a strange room.
Nothing had happened even though Theo wanted to.. he wanted to give him a good time.. later biting for some blood and just leave but.. The half naked guy who walked in as he had a shower saw the confused look and the bashful expression, finding it rather cute.
A soft talk that nothing had happened and that he will make sure to make his day special since last night wasn´t how he thought it would go.
Unusual for Theo, but he found this human.. interesting.
Spending a day with him, buying him things came naturally..he enjoyed seeing this sad guy from last night smile wide and be relieved..
It was there Theo wanted to visit him more often. 

What he didn´t plan, came naturally and later growing closer to this human. To a point he was so distracted and thinking of him that he didn´t drink blood in over a week..Making the one day he stayed over in the apartment to a very interesting szenario, where this lil human saw his real self. Handling it pretty well, making a promise and a talk later on.

With Mateo knowing his secret, even more supporting him. As Theo supported him in return. A strong bond growing and also the topic later on with dating and messing around.
While Theo had his lil needs, seeing as Mateo was a lil jealous of him sleeping around (without knowing why at start) bringing a scenery and the two to kiss. Flustered, Mateo had no idea the same gender was ok. Making Theo see the side of this innocent guy. It took a while and he was patient, showing all what there was. For the 19 year old this was new level of interesting things.

Leading to Mateo and him sleep together for the first time after Mateo had his first experiences with a female half a year later.
It was as Mateo was 20, his birthday celebrating around a new circle of new people and the one he cared for.. Confessing his feelings to Theo who was surprised, getting an armband as a gift. The vampire at first was smiling but it changed as he knew this couldn´t happen. Denying himself the feelings as he left the room.
Later returning to a devastated Mateo wanting to jump, in process Theo caught him in flight and giving a speach and why he first went off. Afraid to lose him, afriad his loved one will age and die without him. Confessing in full his love and concern.
The two talked it out and remained in the room for the night to process it all.

As a promise came from Theo, that if he is willing to spend the rest of his life with him, that he would give it a try.
So they came together and things got better than ever.
Among the very protectice vampire defending his mate from other vampires or ones who wanted the cutie Mateo.

It was a time that passed by for both. The connection got tighter, their love more and having small up and downs resolved thanks to talking. Mateo learning the ways of his boyfriends as he had more confidence over time. While still bashfully shy at times, Theo loved his mate.

4 years passed and theo looked at his lovely mate. For 24, Mateo was something he loved even more. But.. knowing time would pass by. Giving Theo on his 25th birthday a gift and asking if he wanted to marry him. Not only that but if he was willing to become his vampire mate for life.. Meaning he would turn him.
Having the love and trust, Mateo wanted this more than ever if it meant to be with his beloved.
Getting a "Vampire wedding" as Mateo was turned and bitten, making him one of them.

It was a night to remember for sure. 

After the change and new Mateo (his hair now white as it had the soft spark) started to create a pill for vampires and products they could take in case they needed (and no humans around)
A type of "Smoothie" or can of "soda" making the underground label "charming night" ((among many) Theo supported with his money and company.
Making them to the amazing duo they are today. Supporting humans and vampires all the while hagving nothing but true love and a lil chaos.

About him/To him:

Inherited by his bloodline
-resistant to sun (weak when in it)

-has a coin of his grandfather, remembering him of his point of view. One side vampire, one side human, that both are important for a whole
-Birthmark on his cheek, under eye (like Mateo)
-Has his original lovely brown hair. When in feral form, his bloodvampire side gives him bloodred hair and a more feral side) one can see if he need´s blood if the hair starts to turn red
-ears are small but when normal a lil bigger (same in feral side)
-can dance, play violin and piano as well as speak various languages
-get´s envious if people want to get close to his partner (as he deeply loves him)