Leaf Woof's Comments

I have not seen any use in this character. Please use this character or I’ll have to ask to have it back and it will be a warning/ strike one on my list.

Also don’t delete his image of his full body. I dont like my designs being deleted. Thank you 

Hi, all of my characters I have get used so dw. Leaf is already included in a comic I've been making. The pages are in thumbnailing phase so I haven't uploaded it yet. ^^

When I got the character from someone it didn't include the fullbody or any art (I never got it in the first place). Anyways I never delete art or lore from characters so.

I created them. And I can send the image to you cause I made them lol

If you look to see who created the character it shows it’s me for proof

yeah I noticed :'D

It would be great if you could, TY!

Sorry about the comment it’s a false alarm and that I won’t take the character if its unused. The character is rightfully yours and I hope you enjoy them! ❤️

Beware of cherris they are well known for scamming and stealing/reselling characters they have no right to take your characters you lawfully own used or not
