Manny's Comments

I can offer anyone here

If not, how much would you take to part with them?

And this one too

Hey! There were a few characters that caught my eye but I think just because of the fact that Manny costs 150€ I dont think id trade for only characters

Heres the ones im interested in! and 

If you’d like I could do something like both of those + 50€ for Manny, or one of them + 100€ if thats alright with you :3

As for Sirocco, they would cost 200€!

I can do the 2 characters + 50€ for Manny now. Just let me know where to send the money to! :))

Do you think you can wait until next Thursday the 25th so I can get Sirocco too?

Sure! You can send the money here

And yeah, absolutely! Ill put them on hold for you :] What’s your Griffia username to transfer there too?

Thank you! Just sent the money. My griffa is EpicRainbow23

Money received, tysm! They should be pending on KoG too!