


1 year, 7 months ago


[Name] GlitterImpmon
[Attrabute type] Data
[Tamer] Mamoru Mikaela


Pipmon - In-training 

GlitterImpmon - Rookie 

Diva Devimon - Champion 

Demiduskmon - Spirit Champion (Mika) 

Bynxmon - Armor Digivolution 

Hyphmon - Armor Digivolution 

PopstarBaalmon - Ultimate 

Yuumon - Beast Spirit Ultimate (Mika) 

ShowmanBeelzemon - Mega  (technically unlocked but im RPing out earring him haha)


//Pipmon's Attacks//

Whatever that bubble attack is that in training and baby Digimon use. Not very effective to others but you know. He's got that. 

//Glitterimpmon's Attacks//

 - Glitter Bada boom!

Glitter Impmon with throw a pink fireball that bursts into glitter.

- Lovely Pillar of Fire

Glitter Impmon creates a small pillar of pink flame. 

- Super Star

Glitter Impmon will dance... That's literally it XD


//Diva Devimon's Attacks// 

- Epic Dance Battle

Diva Devimon can invoke a song that can compel lower level digimon to dance with him. 

- J-Pop Shriek

With the voice of an angel, ironically, Diva Devimon can sing very well, but he can turn that lovely voice into banchi like shrieking to disorient a target

- Deva Kick

Diva Devimon spins around quickly, delivering up to 6 kicks in rapid succession.


//Bynxmon's Attacks// 

- Rock Smash

Bynxmon pounds his claws against the ground to cause it to shake for a few seconds, creating uneasy footing

- Sand Storm

A small tornado of sand forms around Bynxmon that he can send outward for 5 feet in any direction.


//Hyphmon's Attacks//


- View point of truth

It allows Hyphmon to view a digimon and find weak points in their armor.

- Sky beam

Gathering energy into his armor from the air, Hyphmon can fire off a beam of energy


//Popstarbaalmon's Attacks//

 - Glimmering strike

a strike of energy that explodes upon impact, sending glitter everywhere

 - Harmonic blast

A powerful vocal blast and similar to Divadevimon's J-pop shriek, but this one packs the punch of an ultimate digimon

 - Battering Spade

Popstarbaalmon uses his sleeve to smash into other digimon or solid objects. It may be a sleeve, but it packs a powerful hit that shatters stone and wood.

//Showmanbeelzemon’s Attacks//

(coming soon)




  •  Kind
  • Goofy
  • Loyal
  • Cheerful
  • Loving 

As Pipmon, this Digimon is a very kind-hearted and loving little sprite. He's very loyal and is always cheerful, even during hard times.



  •  Spunky
  • Sassy
  • Upbeat
  • Optimistic
  • Loyal
  • Understanding
  • Patient
  • Loving 

Once digivolved, Glitter Impmon becomes much more spunky, sassy, and upbeat. He's very optimistic but gains more understanding and patients than he had before. He's still justs as loving and even more doggedly loyal.


  •  Spunky
  • Sassy
  • Flamboyant
  • Eager
  • Loving  

After finally reaching champion level, Diva Devimon takes on a more performance like persona, giving sass and spunky replies to others, and even singing popular pop songs.


  •  Calm
  • Collected
  • Friendly
  • Loyal
  • Indearing   

Bynxmon is a relaxed digimon, expressing his loyalty through soft, and kind expressions. He holds ever memory he's made with friends dear, and stays calm and collected in serious situations.



  •  Noble
  • Brave
  • Honest
  • Indearing 

Hyphmon is a brave and honest digimon, bound by a strong loyalty to his friends and is indearing to them. He holds himself like he is a knight of the round table.



  •  Snippy
  • Diva
  • Drama Llama
  • Dramatic  

A little bit more of a dramatic drama queen compared to his other evolutions. He still cares about his friends, but he goes about it in a diva, snippy sort of way.



  • Confident
  • Jazzy
  • Talkative
  • Friendly
  • Determined  

Showmanbeelzemon is the final evolution of Glitterimpmon, and he displays his maturity openly.  He's confident in his abilities and has a jazzy upbeat attitude. He's talkative and friendly as well as determined.