could I mayhaps get a chibi of arkaid... expression/pose something like this? bonus if there are the DDR machine/arrows in frame. can pay extra for this but ifff you are not comfortable drawing it I understand wholeheartedly   

I'm so sorry for the late reply! Iv Started to work and didnt have time to check th, I might be able to work on it on Monday since I don't work that day, if your ok with waiting I'll get started on that day 

Perfectly alright! I'll admit I may have forgotten a bit and loaned money to a friend, so it would be better Monday or later since that's generally when I can get to the bank.

Hi are these still open? I was wondering if it'd be possible to commission you for a chibi couple. 

These would be the characters: LynnJekyll

I think I should be able to but it might be $15-$20 since it‘s 2 characters 

let me know what kind of pose and expression you’d like 

That's completely fine with me! :)

I don't really have an idea for expression or posing, but I'd prefer for them to be facing/looking at each other 

ight I’ll get started and message you once I’m done and see if you’d like any changes 

Thank you! Take as much time as you need! :)


do u have any human cheeb examples? :3

I don’t but I’ll make one!

made one👍


i'd like to get one !! sorry for the delay asjhrkfhf i had to think of which character i wanted drawn  for him, an edgy pose would be cool! and a >:) face

can definitely do! I’ll get started👍