
1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Lazarus (dez?)

Other Names:

Laz, sometimes


Masc (he/him)


young adult or adult




tbd <3

Creation Date:

December 4th 2022


Dead. hunts "death" in order to subsist; spiritlike lifestealers that come to collect the living when they reach a critical point and could die. Lazarus and other undead like him either require lifeforce just like "deaths" do (like vampires) or whatever the hell these things provide instead which is riskier and debatably ethical but means no killing lol. he doesnt make a job of it but he has little choice to continue, since otherwise he will die again!

Initially, Lazarus attempted to stick around in a hospital. Great spot for cheating death, but after attending a young PICU patient for a while and losing a fight to a true reaper, the guilt and grief has kept him away from any kind of dramatic life-saving stunt like that again. He keeps in touch with one of the child's former attending nurses who caught him and had been tricked into assuming he was kind of supernatural being. He told her the truth after the boy's passing. Thanks to her he has modernized significantly so they can stay connected <3

Lazarus is no longer compelled to fulfill living needs like breathing, eating or sleeping; and even if he tried, cannot. Blinking is useless to him but he's still capable of it physically, and does so out of habit. Despite his inability to breathe, he can speak, but only in a harsh, wheezing whisper. It's mildly painful for him (in part thanks to the mouth stitches too) and he generally prefers sign language when its viable with present company.

He has a few weird abilities and most notably is extremely forgettable. Despite his looks, eyes unnaturally skip over him in a room and minds drop him from their memories unless the person is attuned to his presence or expecting something strange.

In general, Laz is a quiet, thoughtful person who enjoys the idea of being a cool mysterious spooky dude LOL. He's got strong opinions on others being assholes though and isn't above threatening or even hurting people especially as he's slowly lost some of his touch on humanity.

Social Connections

none yet!

World Context

Lore coming soon!

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> eyelashes are not optional
> mouth is stitched, though it can open minimally

> physical border between clothes and body is debatable. magic clothes u kno

Other Stuff
> medium tall, fairly athletic with square shoulders
> does not speak if he can help it cos it hurts and sounds scary. uses ASL
