Sasha Lee



1 year, 6 months ago


Sasha Lenny Arthur Nikki Lee
20 years (25 october 2002, Scorpio)
Male (he/him)
Aromantic / Charleromantic (only in love of Charle)

Sasha Lee

 Heading 1

He is a French and Korean (from far) man who stay in England because he's not in a very good mental health. He has addictions ; sex and cigarette. He was in hospital because of is depression and about more things. Sasha can speak French really well, he also know some Russians words and Spanish things. He has bad English (only accent) but he try to keep it better for is lover who's English.

 Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est. Etiam sem ex, semper nec volutpat at, luctus at urna. Fusce vitae eros vitae felis gravida lobortis. Pellentesque commodo turpis mauris, ac porta nulla consequat eget. Aliquam vehicula imperdiet erat sed hendrerit. Nam sit amet consectetur ligula. Nullam a iaculis enim. Maecenas fringilla ullamcorper dapibus


 Understanding  Caring   extroverted 

Positive traits go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est.

 Liar sometimes  Cringe, weird  Noisy 

Neutral traits go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est.

 Narcissistic  Hyper active messy & dirty 

Negative traits go here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est.

Y'a pas que mon talent en cuisine qui est grand Charle. Do you want to have a taste of... this ? I don't speak anglais sorry baby...
Charle .....

My lover. Okay, we were friends and sexfriends before. But I think i really love him, maybe because he take care of me or something like that ? Or maybe just because he's gorgeous, have a nice mental health and is sexy. Btw, do you have see my rope Charle ? It was my favorite deco why the Polish flag and my blood paintings...

Malika Lili-Anna Lee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est.

Ludwig Almert

Dad of house, friend with troubles too yey ! Actually I really love cooking random or disgustings things for him cause he have pica disease; Btw, he work so he have money. i'm proud of him and I thanks him sometimes for the house.

Juliett .....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan ligula vitae risus ullamcorper ultricies. Ut quis orci lobortis, congue diam id, posuere sem. Etiam et gravida est.