Albino's Comments

Ooooo, they look sooooo cool! :O

Ahh thank you! Yes they are one of my favorites now ;w;

You're welcome. That's great! I never see enough snake based characters around.

Yes :D Snakes are cool, I love them. This guys backstory is turning out to be pretty cool

:D I'm not surprised... so.... any spoilers or...?

Spoilers? *cracks knuckles* I thought you'd never ask...

haha well he isn't in any of my existing characters storylines yet, but this is what I got.

He was supposed to become king of his kind, but he ran off to study magic and 'gain wisdom' I guess you'd say.

He taught himself to speak fluently, although he talks in old English. He learned to harness and control various types of magic, and is currently just increasing his wisdom and knowledge.

Except he is still being hunted down by his brethren.

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