


1 year, 5 months ago


i see the birth and the death of the universe swimming around in your eyes.

*please be gentle with them, they represent childhood abuse and trauma for me, comfort character*

had this bab sitting on my ipad for a couple months, been a brain worm for even longer 

soft child, i love you


*Notes* will probably change or add to this a tonnn, , aa

• hush. is always spelled with lowercase letters and with a period regardless of placement in a sentence. if their name comes at the end of a sentence, you place two periods. ex - Their name was hush..

• their name is pronounced exactly like the word but it's intended that you take a small pause (the length of a heartbeat) after saying their name.

• lives within the forest/mountains in the outskirts of a small town. sometimes wanders into town but doesn't stay long. they are not visible to the living - it's unclear if this only applies to older humans. it's rumored that the dying, regardless of age, have been able to see a glimpse of them.

• guide for young, lost souls. they've mainly been a guide to other forest mammals, although the occasional human has crossed their path as well. 

•grows an outer skin with fur and ears and wears a hood to take on a similar appearance as a comfort to whoever they're guiding. their idle outer skin choice is feline, perhaps what they were in their living life. this is also what they choose should they ever guide a human. fur is always off-white no matter the animal. they will grow hooves on their outer skin for animals like deer but paws will remain for most others. to guide prey animals smaller than bunnies, their skin will opt to take on the appearance of a bunny.

•their idle skin sheds once a new lost soul needs found, much like how a deer's antlers shed. as they near the lost soul, their new outerskin has already regrown. once the soul has found their way and moves on, they will reshed their outer skin once more and regrow their idle skin until the next time. 

•their inner skin is soft, similar to that of a stingray.

•darkest parts of eyes have a subtle shimmer, like a galaxy or night sky. you have to be very close to notice. does not blink but can and will sometimes close their eyes

•moth familiar, abdomen glows similar to that of a firefly, acts like a lantern

•appendages between shoulders suggests they had wings at some point. fur does not ever cover them